I Became A Flashing Genius At The Magic Academy

Chapter 114: Item Presentation (6)

Chapter 114: Item Presentation (6)

Somehow, the branding of items had been resolved quite well.

Melian seemed fairly satisfied with this luxury product plan.

Well, it was to be expected since it partly followed the methods of renowned luxury companies even on Earth.

However, Baek Yu-Seol had one concern.

Many of the things he presented today resembled the items of Earths companies.

Alterishas presentation imitated the famous CEO of the Apple company, and some of the luxury items with a few lines drawn seemed to follow Earth's luxury brands like "Tomdidas."

Especially with one of Edna's settings being that she was an ardent fan of the "Apple" CEO, she might have doubts about his origin when she would see this.

*Well, there's nothing I can do about it.*

To be honest, the reason they agreed to keep about 50% of things secret from each other was mainly due to Narrative Power.

Baek Yu-Seols trust in the main character Edna had already increased considerably, so he thought it would be fine to trust her and reveal the secret.

**[You cant do this because you lack Narrative Power]**

*... What the heck is this Narrative Power? It keeps causing problems.*

"Please sign here."

The contract process was a bit more complicated than he thought.

The lawyer from Starcloud went on and on as he continuously banged a bundle of contracts.

Baek Yu-Seol became nervous, and dropped a stack of contracts onto the desk with a thud.

Fortunately, the Alterisha Institute already had a capable lawyer.

With his help, he was able to complete the contract smoothly...


**Clap! Clap! Clap! Clap!**

Just then, in the auditorium where Alterisha was giving her presentation, thunderous applause and cheers erupted.

She had successfully concluded her role as well.

Now, ordinary people had learned about items entirely.

They understood how revolutionary the technology of items was, and how significant an impact it would have on modern society.

Everything was finally perfect.

Baek Yu-Seol felt relieved.

He wouldnt need to stress about it here anymore.

It would be nice if it was that way, but even now, the young lady kept glaring at him, and it was quite unsettling.


There were yellowish currents shimmering around her body. They served as hints and gave him some information.


She harbored some suspicions about Baek Yu-Seol. He was able to find out thanks to the derivative trait of Mentalist from Yeonhong Chunsamweols blessings.

Even without a special trait, one could guess she doubted him just from her expression.

Perhaps... it was just a conjecture, but Jeliels trait **[The value of everything]** might not apply to him."

Why would he think that?

Well, when Jeliel met Edna in the game, her ability was completely ineffective.

Baek Yu-Seol didnt know the exact reason, but it might be because Edna and he were from different worlds.

Anyway, by now, Jeliel was probably eagerly waiting for an opportunity to assassinate him.

Of course, no matter how high her status was as the daughter of the Starclouds president, she couldnt simply assassinate Stella's student without hesitation.

Even in the original game, since she couldnt directly assassinate main characters, she tormented players in indirect ways.

Moreover, Baek Yu-Seol was not just an ordinary Stella's student; he was actually a co-developer of the legendary formula.

While she couldnt torment him in the same way as before, she might come up with more intelligent and annoying methods.

Before that happens, he should prepare himself.

To deal with the vicious villainess, the best strategy would have been the Mess with Dad! tactic.

It was used by the players, who became more ruthless and cunning than villainess.

However, he couldn't do that, so he had to think of another way.

He was well-versed in the knowledge of the original game, and he also knew very well what Jeliel was currently desperately searching for.

The ruins of the Ancient Carmen Set.

Infact, it was like a sub quest that practically didnt even properly appear in the main episode.

*'The one who defeats Carmen Set in Soul Chess shall be bestowed with eternal light.'*

Such ambiguous phrases left a legend behind, where 'eternal light' literally meant 'eternal life.'

However, just like in movies or novels, eternal life wasnt given away for free.

More often than not, those who gained eternity lost their physical bodies, or their souls were forcibly taken in the hidden world, or they were manipulated.

Anyway, that was a matter for later, and right now, the fact that Jeliel was very impatient about the ruins of Carmen Set was important.

Originally, she probably wouldn't even win in a Soul Chess match against Carmen Set... and even if she did win, there would be nothing but destruction at the end.

So, it might be better if she didn't win.

*I can use this to my advantage.*

If Baek Yu-Seol held onto vital information and keywords related to the ruins of Carmen Set, he might be able to prevent Jeliels antics to some extent.

However, he was slightly worried about what would happen before they discovered the ruins of Carmen Set...

At that moment, Jeliel suddenly smiled as if she had thought of something.

"Oh, right, Father. There is a gift we prepared for you."

"That's right. I almost forgot."

When Melian gestured to the back, the lawyer stepped back, and a few burly men entered with gift boxes.

"These are gifts we've prepared as a gesture of goodwill. If it's a burden, you need not..."

"Oh, it's not necessary."

Worried they might take them back, Baek Yu-Seol hurriedly accepted the gift boxes.

It didn't seem polite to open them right away, so he gauged them by touch.

They were thin and long.

There probably weren't gold bars inside, but at the very least, they likely contained a premium beef set or even ginseng roots.

There might even be something better.

*Could there be poison in here?*

Baek Yu-Seols suspicion of Jeliel grew as she pulled out a small box from her embrace.

She handed it to him, and as he opened the lid, a pendant with pearls embedded in it was revealed.

"It's a necklace made by processing mermaid tears. This is a token of my pure goodwill. Will you accept it?"

Jeliel said with a smile.

Baek Yu-Seol had his doubts, but for now, he accepted it to inspect.

**[Mermaid Pearl Pendant... Suspicious!]**

**[... Soul Compass]**

As expected, it was an item with its true form and abilities concealed by magic.

It seemed to have a significant level of concealment magic, but it couldn't deceive the Sentient Spec.

However, what was this?

*'Soul Compass?'*

As one of the divine items of the Heavenly Spirit Tree, it was a pearl with the ability to detect the soul of the wearer.

But aside from that, it likely had no other function...

Did it have the power to kill the wearer by any chance?

Just to be sure, Baek Yu-Seol checked again with Sentient Spec, but it indeed had the same abilities as he knew.

"If you wear it for a month, your vision will permanently improve, and you'll feel more energetic. It's very rare and expensive, but it's a special gift. Could you please accept it?"

One month.

As soon as he heard those words, it made sense.

For some reason...

For wanted to test whether Baek Yu-Seols soul had fallen or not through this compass.

Moreover, that darkened smile.


She probably was absolutely certain that Baek Yu-Seols soul had fallen.

If his soul had indeed fallen, then a month later, as the compass darkened in color, he would be executed immediately.

The corruption of the soul signified becoming a dark mage.

But there was no need to worry.

From the beginning, Baek Yu-Seols soul was deeply imbued with the purest and brightest power of Spirit Celestia.

*What's this? Is this all you prepared?*

Baek Yu-Seol was not sure how she acquired the Soul Compass, but...

"Thank you. May I wear it now?"

"Yes, of course."

If her elaborate plan led to this foolishness, he should be thankful.

After dismissing Melian and Jeliel, Baek Yu-Seol immediately sought out Alterisha, who had finished her presentation, hoping to hear some gossip about how it went.

"Dr. Alterisha! Just a word, please!"

"Here, I'm Dr. Leonok of the Breton Academy! Dr. Alterisha! We were supposed to meet!"

"Please grant us the opportunity to research together, Dr.!"

It was chaotic and hectic.

An enormous crowd surrounded Alterisha.

*This is a mess.*

Fortunately, the mages guarding Alterisha had established a strict boundary, but it seemed impossible to meet her separately anytime soon.


With Sentient Spec on, he glanced around the area.

Over some individuals' heads, numbers appeared.

**[Dark Magic Corruption: 49.99%]**

**[Dark Magic Corruption: 49.99%]**

**[Dark Magic Corruption: 49.99%]**

Those who had succumbed to the seeds of darkness like Haewonryang or Arshuang were indistinguishable, but those who had willingly become "Dark Magic Contractors" could be identified with the Sentient Spec.

There were quite a few gathered here, who had suppressed their corruption levels to 49.99% and concealed their powers.

However, they wouldn't reveal their true strength.

The moment they emitted dark magic, they'd be cut down by the waiting magic warriors before they could return to their original forms.

Undoubtedly, there would be significant casualties, but losing numerous dark mages who could control their emotions and dark magic would be even more detrimental to the Dark Mage Alliance.

They would never act recklessly or go on a rampage.

So the problem was: why had these dark mages come here incognito?

"Dr. Alterisha! Please grant us the opportunity to research together!"

Yes, it was utterly unbelievable, but the dark mages had infiltrated the Alterisha Institute to steal her technology.

Before revealing, "Hey, these guys are dark mages," and crushing them all, Baek Yu-Seol needed evidence.

With their current technology, they couldn't detect corruption levels of less than 50%.

Still, Baek Yu-Seol was fortunate to have the ability to distinguish.

Alterisha would most likely be receptive to his input, so they should be able to filter out the dark mages.

*Huh? Those people*

Then, two particularly conspicuous dark mages entered his field of vision.


**[Professor Camahon]**

**[Professor Tyburn]**

Two professors with seemingly incompatible personalities were waiting from a distance, probably seeking to infiltrate Alterishas research team.


While most other dark mages here were relatively low-ranking, those two held significant positions and power within the Moonshadow Faith and the Dark Mage Tower respectively.

They were considered the most dangerous among the gathered dark mages.

However, they might have thought they were concealing their identities, but he already knew who they were.

So, it was a situation where there were deceivers but no one was deceived.

If Baek Yu-Seol could use this to bring them inside and exploit their situation, perhaps he could uncover some unknown information regarding the dark mages' internal affairs.

*Not bad.*

With that thought in mind, as he was organizing what to say to Alterisha, someone very conspicuous in the distance caught his eye.

A man who had earned the nickname "Dark Mage Slayer" by gruesomely tearing apart every dark mage he came across, and even became a terror to all existing dark mages.

*The 13th Shadowblade Division, Director Kaen?*

For some reason, he was here at this location.

But then again...

*Isn't he too conspicuous?*

With his fists clenched at the center of the Alchemic Hall, he stared around with terrifying eyes, making it so that even the concealed dark mages, let alone regular people, dared not approach him.

Since Kaen wore a mask, it wouldn't be revealed, but as far as he knew, the mages of the Manwol Tower were thorough in concealing their existence and identities while operating...

With a puzzled expression, Baek Yu-Seol noticed something hanging from Kaens chest.

**[Alchemic Hall Level 9 Janitor: Kim Clean]**

Surely, they didn't think that would go unnoticed?

It couldnt be real.


After parting ways with Baek Yu-Seol, Jeliel boarded a private car with Melian, and prepared to leave.

Enjoying the comfortable feeling as if lying on a bed, the corner of Jeliels lips were raised quietly.

"Haha, Jeliel, did you enjoy meeting Student Baek Yu-Seol?"

"Yes, it was a really pleasant meeting. I definitely want to meet him again in the future."

"Your father is happy that you like him.

She recalled the recent situation.

As soon as Baek Yu-Seol received the pendant, he wore it immediately, seemingly satisfied.

He even caressed it as if he treasured it greatly.

Whether he was studying or giving speeches, Baek Yu-Seol had a habit of wearing specs, probably due to poor eyesight.

Knowing this, Jeliel had prepared something that would appear to be good for his eyesight.

The pendant was magically crafted to resemble the tears of a real mermaid, and various enchantment spells were applied to give his eyes vitality, allowing him to truly feel the effects.

Some money had been spent in the process, but that was no problem.

If she could determine Baek Yu-Seols fate with just that amount of money, she was more than willing.

Jeliel was convinced.

Why else would Orenha, the Elf Kings representative, have made sure Baek Yu-Seol possessed the Soul Compass personally?

Baek Yu-Seols soul was almost certainly corrupted, and there might be no other way to uncover his true identity.

Moreover, this was an opportunity for Jeliel.

Baek Yu-Seols weakness...

If she couldn't make Baek Yu-Seol her own chess piece, she would kill him.

On the other hand, if she could create a chess piece, she wouldn't mind keeping him alive, would she?

If she could just grasp that weakness, she would be able to control Baek Yu-Seol as she pleased.

If he refused?

She would simply kill him.

Executing a dark mage was perfectly natural in the magical society.

*I'm looking forward to one month from now*

For the first time in a while, Jeliel smiled with pure joy.",

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