I Became A Flashing Genius At The Magic Academy

Chapter 100: Ha Tae-Ryung’s Divine Art (3)

Chapter 100: Ha Tae-Ryung’s Divine Art (3)

Ha Tae-Ryung wasn't exactly known for his exceptional writing skills.

His research was vast and extensive, often presented in a convoluted manner.

He would jot down his findings at length, and upon realizing new revelations during the process, he would hurriedly erase and amend his words, leaving behind numerous obscure passages that were hard to comprehend.

It was almost unimaginable that he would have intended his work to be read, but despite its complexities, one couldn't help but think, "Yet, there's something quite intriguing about this."

Within Ha Tae-Ryungs research papers, one could find an abundance of historical accounts that had never been documented in any official records. They even surpassed the knowledge of renowned historians.

Ha Tae-Ryung himself was a character barely mentioned in the original game.

However, his presence was far more influential and commanding than one might expect; he was, after all, among the twelve disciples of the Great Mage, and occupied a position of great significance.

This was an era of impending peril, as demons and dark mages threatened the world.

During those times, mages were the champions of humanity.

They wielded powers akin to gods, capable of vanquishing invincible entities with thunderous force and earth-shaking abilities.

Born in an age when the chaos of war had come to an end, Ha Tae-Ryung entered a world now graced by peace.

Dragons had retreated into the shadows, demons had withdrawn to their secluded domains, and dark mages had fled to abandoned lands.

Humanity had emerged victorious, paving the way for a world brimming with dreams, hope, and laughter.

In reality, even the prologue of Aether World' depicted such an idyllic setting.

However, reality often diverged from appearances.

Following the war, the society of humans found stability, but something quite natural occurreda world dominated by mages.

After all, who could dare challenge those wielding godlike powers?

Bloodlines and social status paled in significance before the prowess of magic.

In this world, intelligence and mastery of magic determined one's standing, and the Grand Mage himself concealed his whereabouts, leaving behind twelve disciples who would ascend to the highest echelons of power.

This was a story Baek Yu-Seol was also familiar with.

The influence of these twelve mages persisted even to the present day, their names frequently echoing through the main episodes.

Adolveit, the Fire Mage,' 'Morph, the Ice Mage,' and many othersnow they stood as the most eminent twelve families in the world, exuding unparalleled authority.


As revealed in Ha Tae-Ryungs accounts, they systematically transformed the magical society into a class-based hierarchy, akin to the 21st-century Earth's modern civilization.

This document sought to explain why the world they constructed retained an aristocratic system, seemingly impervious to change.

"Is it all because of these youngsters that we are stuck with this beggar-like class system?"

Fearing the suffering his descendants might endure under this hierarchy, Ha Tae-Ryung courageously confronted the twelve disciples of the Grand Mage.

But, Baek Yu-Seol already knew the conclusion of this tale.

Hanwol disclosed it to him earlier.

"He perished at the hands of the Grand Mages twelve disciples.

As he pondered, he couldn't help but sense the timeless existence of a being called "Celestia."

She had been involved with almost all of history.

Spending much of her time hidden and slumbering, she was unable to fully recall the events she witnessed.


Nevertheless, the research paper encompassed various intriguing historical anecdotes, meticulously penned.

Unlike modern writings, it was a bit convoluted and disorderly, but he found a certain fascination in deciphering its contents.

[The longevity of life is directly linked to the duration of mana within one's body.

Mana is, after all, the essence of life itself. The reason why seasoned mages maintain their youth is due to their proficiency in retaining and preserving mana.

Our mana is negligible, to the point where it's practically non-existent within us. However, we constantly circulate and receive mana from nature.

The only reason we die is that the amount of mana we receive is too small.

This got me thinking: What if I could find a way to hold onto even the tiniest trickle of mana passing through my body for an extended period?

Could this lead to transcending mere longevity and possibly achieving immortality?

With that notion in mind, I developed a technique of breathing in mana throughout my entire being.

Finally, the method emerged.

Although mages also employ breathing methods, theirs mainly focus on accumulating mana in their heads, hearts, and lower abdomenineffective for those like me dealing with mana leakage.

However, I've long recognized the significance of proper breathing techniques and have diligently engaged in aerobic exercises to expand my lung capacity, facilitating the intake of as much mana as possible.

The technique is called "Heart Law," as you might have gathered from its name. It's not a mere mindless routine of breathing exercises; rather, it involves mastering one's mind and harmonizing with nature, embracing the countless facets of the universe.

This serves as the foundational principle of Heart Law.]

"Heart Law..."

Though it might sound akin to tales from martial arts novels or enigmatic religious scriptures, it didnt strike him as entirely unbelievable.

After all, even the concept of magic itself bordered on the surreal.

Amidst such considerations, the mention of Heart Law seemed no more extraordinary.

While the idea of achieving immortality might seem fantastical, it essentially implied that increasing the flow of mana in his bloodstream would bolster his capabilities.

*... Should I give it a try?*

Seating himself in the most comfortable position, just as described in the research paperor should he say, the "Secret Manuscript"Baek Yu-Seol gently closed his eyes.

Occasionally, on weekends, Hong Bi-Yeon ventured out.

Not for leisurely strolls or picnics, but to visit the Adolveit Royal Tomb.

This revered place served as the final resting ground exclusively for the Adolveit royalty.

Countless tombs lay scattered, but only a few were directly connected to Hong Bi-Yeon.

However, she didn't seem overly concerned about her distant relatives buried here.

She viewed it as a blessing in disguise, sparing her from any burdensome responsibilities.

"Hong Eulin Adolveit, like a flower adrift in the wind..."

Her elder sister, Hong Eulin, often expressed with a warm smile, "When I'm gone, please ensure these words grace my tombstone."

In the end, that remark became her final epitaph, leaving Hong Bi-Yeon unable to muster a smile.

Laughing at such a joke was beyond anyone's capacity.

Hong Eulin had always been a loving and understanding elder sister to Hong Bi-Yeon.

She exuded maturity, warmth, serenity, and compassion like no one else.

Memories of her were filled with all the goodness she embodied.

Even now, when Hong Bi-Yeon thought of Hong Eulin, the image of a flower-filled meadow with her radiant silver hair dancing in the wind immediately came to mind.

It seemed almost surreal and distant, like a dream.

During that time, Hong Bi-Yeon felt disconnected from everyone in the kingdom.

Her body bore the marks of intense training to heighten her affinity for fire, leaving her covered in burns.

Her once luscious hair had been singed, forcing her to wear a hat always, and her skin resembled something grotesque, almost as if it had decayed.

Struggling with self-loathing, she believed no one could truly understand her pain.

She thought she was the only one living a life burdened with such suffering.

Then one fateful day, she discovered that Hong Eulin was afflicted with an incurable disease.

Although the cause and nature of the illness remained a mystery, it was a dreadful condition causing her body to gradually erupt in flames.

In that moment, Hong Bi-Yeons love for her elder sister grew exponentially.

She realized that her sister bore the same pain, or perhaps even greater suffering, as herself.

Hong Eulin knew how horrifying and agonizing it was to have her body and soul consumed by fire.

Living like a ticking time bomb, having to keep everyone at a distance, she understood the loneliness and desolation of that fate.

Hong Eulin was the only person in the world who could truly comprehend her.

Sadly, it was already too late.

"Bi-Yeon, have you come?"

Her sister lay there, pale and weak, unable to venture outside due to the sporadic flames erupting from her body.

So, for the first time, Hong Bi-Yeon made an effort for someone else.

Although her own appearance was terrible and repulsive, she mustered the courage to go outside, as she didn't experience spontaneous combustion.

She wholeheartedly sought out experiences to share with Hong Eulin, eagerly recounting them whenever they were together.

Her elder sister always listened with a bright expression.

"Is that so?"

"That must have been tough, my little sister."

Their time together was painfully brief.

As a result, Hong Bi-Yeon fiercely endeavored to spend more moments with her, making the most of every second.

Those cherished memories with her elder sister brought her a sense of being truly alive.

However, that blissful time didn't endure for long.

Hong Bi-Yeon placed delicate pink flowers on the gravestone. The events of that time were still vivid in her memory.

In her final moments, even amidst the blazing inferno, she could remember her smile directed towards herself.

"I wish for your happiness."

Having experienced the pain of loving and parting with someone, she understood the immense suffering it brought, far more agonizing and scorching than being consumed by flames.

Incurable disease.

Those words struck a deep, unsettling chord.

Despite the incredible advancements in magic, why hadn't humanity completely conquered illnesses yet?

Recently, she had come to know about "Mana Accumulation Retardation," a condition where one couldn't naturally accumulate mana from birth and faced a tragically short life.

Not even a year ago, this term had no relevance to Hong Bi-Yeon.

But now, everything had changed drastically.

So much had... changed.

She had hoped that such events wouldn't repeat in the future, but once again, someone had entered her life and taken up a significant place.

And this person, just like her first love, was suffering from the incurable disease.

Perhaps, on Stella's graduation day, when he turns twenty, he would succumb to it.

"... I don't want to endure such pain again."

Throughout history, no one had managed to cure Mana Accumulation Retardation.

However, the Adolveit Royal Family descended from one of the twelve disciples of the founding mage, and possessed a special heirloom known as the "Hwarang Flower."

Legend spoke of this treasure's fragrance bringing forth the "Incarnation of Fire" within the body.

Although it granted immense mana, failure to control the Incarnation of Fire could lead to a catastrophic conflagration, prompting its prohibition.

"... Regardless, survival should be possible."

The manifestation of the Incarnation implied that one's body was imbued with divine presence, naturally possessing an enormous mana reserve.

Thus, the Hwarang Flower held the promise of curing Mana Accumulation Retardation.

Though secluded deep within the palace, accessible only to the king...

"I will become the king."

She had been relentlessly striving to claim the throne, a dream shared with her elder sister.

However, from this point on, she would pursue this goal with even greater determination.

Her aim was to ascend to the throne before his life ended, on Stella's graduation day.

Hong Bi-Yeon clenched her fist so tightly that her nails dug into her palm.

She was resolute in her decision.

"I... must become a king.",

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