I Became a Crazy Swordsmanship Instructor in the Game

Chapter 13:

Chapter 13:

“Given the circumstances, there’s no other option.”

Philip returned from his meeting with the senior professor, resolute in his decision.

‘We have to win, no matter what.’

Even if others were to face defeat, he was determined to secure a victory. If he could defeat the knight from Silver Knight, the dean and the senior professor would let him do as he pleased.

‘Besides, this is also an opportunity to gain favor.’

He cast his gaze upon Felicia and Diana.

Under normal circumstances, neither of them would have a chance to make any attempts and would end up in dismal defeat. The only one who would engage in a close battle and eventually lose was Professor Campbell, hailing from Aurum Knight.

Philip intended to assist them in achieving victory as well.

Felicia was his superior, while Diana was not only his colleague but also his guardian. It was evident that by helping them, he would accrue debts that could prove beneficial in the long run.

“How about we gather at my place and discuss our plans moving forward?”

Diana Farenhall looked at Philip, her head tilted in curiosity.

“Do we really need to discuss anything? We can each prepare individually… We are already busy enough with our classes, aren’t we?”

‘No wonder she’s hesitant.’

“Even at this very moment, Silver Knight’s members are honing their skills by sparring with each other. Since they proposed the sparring, they must be overwhelmingly confident in their victory, don’t you think? We need to prepare ourselves accordingly.”

“Well, that’s true, but…”

As Diana spoke, she exchanged a glance with Felicia, leaving her agreement uncertain.


She didn’t particularly like it, but she was aware that this matter wasn’t something insignificant enough to leave personal emotions aside.

“Well then, get prepared and come over. I’ll be waiting.”

Philip said that and left the room first.

“Felicia, are you still unable to accept it?”

In response to Diana’s question, Felicia bit her lip.

“… What do you want to say?”

“No, it’s nothing.”

Seeing Felicia’s expression change like that of a startled puppy, Diana Farenhall averted her gaze.

Upon returning to the mansion, Philip immediately summoned Lisriel.

She arrived by carriage in just twenty minutes.

“Can you arrange a Spirit Master who can secure a high-grade Spirit Stone and facilitate a spirit contract? If possible, right away.”

It was an abrupt and demanding request, to say the least.

The cost of a high-grade Spirit Stone was a significant burden even for her.

Furthermore, a spirit master capable of facilitating a spirit contract would be on par with a master enchanter in terms of skill and qualifications.

‘… Unless he considers me nothing more than a magical resource, I shouldn’t be subjected to such requests.’

Lisriel hesitated, her lips tightly pressed together.

“Naturally, I can’t…”

Just as the words of refusal were about to escape her, Lisriel paused.

Upon reflection, it seemed like it might be feasible.

“… We need to make it work if we want it to work. Whose request is this? Please wait a moment.”

Lisriel promptly returned by carriage and came back after thirty minutes.

In her hands, she held a dazzling high-grade Spirit Stone, radiating a brilliant light. Standing beside her was a man dressed in a green robe.

‘How is this even possible?’

He gazed at the Spirit Stone and the superior Spirit Master Epochnel, his expression filled with confusion.

It was truly a fortunate coincidence.

The highest-grade Spirit Stone happened to be in the branch warehouse, while a well-acquainted superior Spirit Master was staying nearby.

“Wow, you’re truly impressive, Lis.”

Philip praised her wholeheartedly. Lisriel blushed slightly and shook her head.

“Oh… it’s nothing, really.”

“No, it’s truly remarkable. I couldn’t have imagined you would be so well-prepared for this.”

Philip felt the need to offer something in return. Fortunately, he possessed a wealth of information that would greatly benefit Lisriel.

“Let me introduce you. This is Epochnel, the superior Spirit Master you asked for.”

Epochnel, the superior Spirit Master, exuded an aura of gentleness and goodness. He wore a faint smile as he courteously inclined his head.

“I’ve heard there’s something I can assist with. Are you planning to form a contract with a Spirit?”

His voice, too, possessed a beautiful melodious quality. 

Philip nodded.

“Oh, no, it’s not for me. I’ve come to request a contract on behalf of my family. I’m Philip Oswald.”

Philip had no intention of entering into a contract with a Spirit.

In the first place, just wielding the Moonlight Sword alone was enough to make his head spin, and he couldn’t fathom enduring the incessant chattering of the loquacious Spirits. Merely imagining Neria’s ceaseless prattle blending with the clamor of the Spirits seemed enough to drain his mental strength.

“I see. Witnessing the commencement of a new connection is always a delightful occasion. Thank you for inviting me to this significant event.”

Philip admired Epochnel’s character and offered a deep bow.

“Thank you sincerely, Spirit Master.”

“Oh, there’s no need for thanks. Sylphid mentioned that you have a pleasant scent about you. Someday, you too shall encounter a wonderful companion.”

{TN:- Sylphid is the spirit contracted by Epochnel himself}

With those words, Epochnel promptly began the preparations for the contract, following Philip’s guidance.

Meanwhile, Felicia and Diana arrived at Philip’s mansion.

They were escorted to the reception room, where a maid explained that Philip would be a little delayed due to some preparations.

As they marveled at the resplendent and sophisticated ambiance of the reception room, Diana spoke up.

“This house… it’s truly magnificent, isn’t it? Fel, why don’t you reconcile with your younger brother as soon as possible? There seem to be plenty of rooms here, and you could live here too.”

“Why do you keep siding with him these days, sis? Do you owe him money or something?”

“Why are you speaking like that? I was just feeling a bit frustrated. How do you think Instructor Philip would feel if you acted this way? What are you planning to do if I feel like we can’t reconcile, no matter how much you change?”

Felicia was taken aback by his words.

She certainly didn’t want to witness Philip reverting back to his miserable past.

She was gradually getting used to the more composed version of Philip.

“Instructor Philip puts in effort, and you should too, Felicia. Starting from now, try to treat him well. Besides, you weren’t genuinely angry, were you?”


A weighty silence hung in the air momentarily, and Lua entered the reception room, breaking the awkward atmosphere.

“Hello, Professor. Instructor.”

Felicia greeted Lua with a beaming smile.

“Hello. How have you been?”


“… You’re not Lua, are you?”

Diana Farenhall remembered the girl vividly.

A student with exceptional stamina, almost surpassing that of the instructor herself.

She couldn’t forget the image of the child, running through the plaza, her expression resembling someone on the verge of utter desolation.

‘She’s completely transformed, hasn’t she?’

The girl’s complexion had become radiant and her demeanor had brightened. With her beautiful dress and hair tied in twin braids, she looked like a doll.

‘What happened? How did this change come about?’

Undoubtedly, it was the result of pouring in money and affection. Diana refrained from asking whether Philip treated her well or not.

By observing her expression and complexion, Diana felt she already knew the answer.

“The instructor wants both of you to come to the backyard. I’ll show you the way.”

They followed Lua to the backyard of the villa.

There, a young man dressed in a green robe, Philip, and Lisriel Joseph, the Branch Manager of the Joseph Association, were engaged in conversation.

“Oh, you’ve both arrived. Then let’s get started.”

“Started? Started with what?”

Felicia inquired, and upon reflection, something seemed odd.

In the midst of a well-manicured courtyard, there floated a stone emitting a radiant light. Felicia and Diana, lacking knowledge about spirits, were clueless as to its significance.

‘I feel like I’m losing my mind,’ lamented Lisriel, her stomach churning.

The value of that exquisite, top-tier spirit stone was equivalent to the cost of two hundred well-trained warhorses.

It exceeded more than twenty percent of her discretionary funds. While she could potentially receive returns several times over in the future, at that moment, it felt like an extravagant waste.

“Let’s give it a try. Professor, could you come over here for a moment? This is something remarkable.”

Philip playfully prodded her, resembling a grandmother coaxing her grandson to take medicine. Caught off guard, Felicia took a step back.

“W-Well, shouldn’t you explain what we’re going to do? Why are you suddenly acting this way?”

Frustrated, Diana grasped Felicia’s arm and pulled her towards Philip.

“Professor, have you already forgotten what I said?”

“Alright, I understand! Just hold on, I’ll go by myself.”

Observing this, Philip let out a faint sigh.

‘She’s causing a fuss even though I’m practically spoon-feeding her. Well, she has become much more compliant compared to before.’

Merely a few days ago, she wouldn’t have even considered visiting this villa. Reflecting on it, the progress she had made was truly remarkable.

“Let’s get started, Spirit Master.”

“Spirit Master?” Felicia raised an inquisitive eyebrow.

“Understood. I will open the gateway to the spirit realm. Silairon, Siquel, lend me your assistance.”

As Spirit Master Epochnel waved his hand through the air, the contracted spirits of wind and water swiftly materialized.

An eagle composed of wind and a translucent girl akin to water soared towards the spirit stone, triggering an explosive display of spirit power.

“What… is this?”

At that moment, something flickered in Philip’s mind. He sensually felt that the force of nature was not much different from magic power.

‘So, it was like this.’

Now he felt like he could study the Moonlight Sword in earnest.

Meanwhile, Epochnel opened a passage leading to the spirit realm.

Philip could see spirits drawn to the immense force of nature as they leaned their heads beyond the passage.

“There will be minor conflicts beyond the passage. And the victorious spirits will make contracts through hierarchical battles. Ah, there it is. The superior fire spirit, Ignis.”

With Epochnel’s explanation, a wolf engulfed in flames appeared through the passage.

“Miss, this is the connection your younger brother offers you. I will assist with the contract, so approach Ignis with peace of mind.”

Felicia was momentarily lost in the mysterious and beautiful spectacle she had never seen in her lifetime, but she regained her senses at Epochnel’s words.

“… Me? Are you referring to me?”

“Hurry and go. Professor. If the spirit leaves, Director Joseph will likely be very upset with you. It’s not just a small amount of money.”

Philip urged her on.

Without the luxury to think deeply, Felicia walked as if possessed by something, unaware of where she was going.

“Fortunately, you have an affinity, so if I mediate, the contract should be easily made. I’m saying this because you’ll want the natural power imbued in the Spirit Stone.”

Ignis, the superior fire spirit, sat down in front of the Spirit Stone, and when Felicia approached, it stood up from its place.

“… It’s burning, but it’s not hot at all.”

The flames engulfing the spirit were not hot at all. When Felicia instinctively reached out her hand, Ignis extended its tongue and licked it.

And she felt the connection between herself and the spirit.



Felicia heard Ignis’ voice in her head.

“Huh? Oh… Hello.”

‘Good bye.’

“Oh… me too.”

Philip smiled with satisfaction as he watched Felicia communicate with the spirit.

The newly born spirit had become her ally. It was inconceivable that it would devour him and treat him coldly.

He didn’t have enough time to research swordsmanship utilizing spirits and the Moonlight Sword simultaneously.

He handed the cold mithril sword to Felicia.

“I have one more gift for you.”


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