I Am The Game's Villain

Chapter 206 [Final Event] [Closing Ceremony] [6] The Girl Named Layla

Chapter 206  [Final Event] [Closing Ceremony] [6] The Girl Named Layla

The Tarmias Duchy, a powerful House in the Celesta Kingdom and the world, traced its lineage back to the Goddess of Witchcraft and Magic, Hecate. However, a peculiarity plagued the Tarmias family—

women inherited more traits and blessings from the Tarmias Bloodline than men. Unfortunately, fate seemed to have cursed them, as they rarely gave birth to girls, and when they did, many would be in a sickened state.

Jarett Tarmias, the only son of the Tarmias Duchy, inherited the title at an appropriate age due to his intelligence and capabilities. At 22 years old, he married Alyssa, a noble from Sancta Vedelia. With her intelligence and connections, the marriage went smoothly.

They had two children: John and Layla.

John took after his father, possessing the same mentality and mindset, while Layla stood out with her differences. Her birth was a source of great worry for Jarett and the Tarmias family, but their fears were alleviated when they saw she was healthy and free from sickness. Jarett, especially, was overjoyed to have a daughter, let alone a healthy one.

Growing up, Layla was spoiled by her parents, especially her mother Alyssa, who imparted her knowledge of etiquette, behavior, and the peculiar use of mana from Sancta Vedelia. Layla proved to be incredibly intelligent, capable of absorbing vast amounts of information easily. However, tragedy struck when she fell seriously ill, leading to her mother's suicide.

This tragic event left a profound impact on Layla's behavior, causing her to put up an invisible wall when interacting with strangers. She spoke informally and with a flirtatious distance to filter those she met, judging them at a glance and from a few words. Only with people she felt close to would she be more expressive, sometimes even losing control of her emotions when it came to matters dear to her heart. For those she considered close, Layla would show genuine emotions and approach them openly, but for the rest, she kept her distance, smiling politely even if angered, as they meant nothing to her.

Layla's closest bonds were undoubtedly with her father and her brother. However, after her mother's death, she noticed a change in her father. The once-smiling man became more focused on his duties as a Duke, leaving Layla yearning for a deeper connection. As for her brother, he cared deeply for her, but his responsibilities as the heir prevented them from forming the strong bond she craved.

The one who filled the void left by her mother was Alfred. When Layla fell seriously ill, he defied all prohibitions and forced his way into her room to be by her side. He became her savior during the three months of agony, and her affection for him grew from a simple admiration of a Prince to a crush, then to love, and eventually, an overwhelming obsession. Alfred became the only person who truly understood her pain and struggles, as Layla confided everything in him.

With her heart set on Alfred, Layla vowed never to manipulate him with her sickness or use his kindness to win his love. She wanted his feelings to be genuine, rooted in a deep understanding of her. However, everything changed when Milleia, another 'Daughter' of Raphiel like Layla, entered the scene. Layla sensed something odd about Milleia as she should have been aware of her bloodline, but she seemed clueless.

Despite her suspicions, Layla was confident that she could win Alfred's heart. However, his behavior grew increasingly peculiar, and Layla barely recognized him anymore. Believing that Milleia was the cause, she begrudgingly accepted her presence in Alfred's life, thinking she meant no harm.

But then came the crushing blow – Alfred's decision to make Milleia the Queen. His words shattered Layla's world. How could he do this? After witnessing her suffering for three long months, how could he choose Milleia, someone he had known for less than a year? The image of her Prince charming crumbled, and Layla sank into darkness, losing all purpose in life.

She noticed something was amiss when Milleia invited Alfred to join her near the lake, and she observed the strange behavior of the couples around them. Despite her instincts telling her that something was wrong, Layla felt numb and detached, with nothing left to lose.


In a dimly lit, closed room, Layla found herself tied to a chair, guarded by a few menacing men.

"She's the daughter of Tarmias?"

"Yeah, and she's a real looker."

"She's too hot, yeah."

"No kidding. I wouldn't mind having some fun with her."

"..." Layla, who had been silent until then, raised her gaze and smiled subtly at the man making lewd remarks.

The man's eyes turned bloodshot, and he took a step forward. "Forget it. I'm going to have my way with her right now-"

"Do you want that guy to kill you?" Thankfully, his companion intervened, pointing at a hooded man leaning against the wall, his dark eyes fixed on them.

"Out," the hooded man said in a chilling tone, and the others quickly left the room, closing the door behind them. The hooded man threw a last glance at Layla before leaving as well.

In the silence that followed, a bright sphere materialized before Layla.

Unfazed, Layla waited as a voice, seemingly that of a man, addressed her. "Layla Adriana Tarmias."


"Daughter of Raphiel and favorite of Hecate."

Layla arched an eyebrow slightly at the mention of being Hecate's favorite.

"Let me introduce myself. I am the Guardian Nihil."

Layla was taken aback for a moment before she burst out laughing. "Golden sphere, you're a real riot. Thanks for the laugh~"

"Why did you let yourself be captured?" Nihil inquired.

Amused by the question, Layla smiled. "Why shouldn't I?"

"Because people still care about you," Nihil replied.

"I'm grateful for them, but unfortunately, I'm not their first priority," Layla responded, bitterness creeping into her thoughts as she remembered how Alfred and Edward prioritized Milleia over her during her capture.

"You're referring to when you were captured? Edward Falkrona did try to save you, but you didn't make a move to save yourself," Nihil pointed out.

Layla frowned at this revelation. How did he know that? Unless he was there...

"Well, I caused Edward enough damage already, and I'm just really tired of living," Layla sighed, revealing her weariness.

"Do you give up on life because you can't find true love?" Nihil asked.

"You seem to know a lot, golden sphere, but it's not just that. I'm not weak-minded enough to give up on life just because of rejection... even though it hurts. Actually, I guess I am weak-minded," Layla admitted.

She longed for someone who would prioritize her above all else, and the realization that she was merely a second choice to those close to her was heartbreaking.

"You are not weak-minded. You are one of the strongest people I have ever met," Nihil asserted.

Amused by his comment, Layla grinned. "Oh, are you trying to hit on me, Guardian Nihil? The idea of marrying and bearing the children of a Guardian sounds intriguing, but-"

"Would you like to hear a story, Layla?"

Layla's smile vanished upon hearing her mother's voice from the sphere. Her eyes narrowed coldly. "This isn't funny-"

"This is a recording, Layla Adriana Tarmias," Nihil interrupted. "A recording of a day of your hell."

As the surroundings shifted to a familiar room, Layla tried to stand when she saw her mother near her bed with a younger version of herself lying down. However, she couldn't move. Nihil clarified that it was just a recording.

"Do you want to hear a story, Layla?" Alyssa asked wearily.

Unable to respond, young Layla lost consciousness after enduring another wave of pain.

"This is the story of a mysterious Prince from a faraway country..."

Layla squinted her eyes as she saw her mother patting someone on her lap.

"...!" Layla froze upon seeing the familiar grey hair peeking out.

With her other hand, Alyssa turned the page of the book. "The faraway Prince helped the sick Princess in secret and never revealed his identity."

"..." Layla's gaze shifted toward young Edward's hand, grasping her small hand.

"This tells the story of the Princess trying hard to find her mysterious Prince to no avail until one day…"

"This is the story of Edward Falkrona and of Nyrel Loyster," Nihil stated before departing, leaving Layla alone with the lengthy recording.




Five minutes had passed since Nihil's departure, but for Layla, it felt like an entire week with the overwhelming amount of information her brain had absorbed.

Suddenly, a bright light illuminated the room.

"Lord Nihi-"

Assuming it was the golden sphere or Nihil himself, as she no longer had any doubts after witnessing the recording, Layla tried to speak. However, her eyes caught sight of familiar grey hair first.

"Where is she?" Edward looked around before locking his amber eyes on Layla.

Although there was a smile on his face, it wasn't a happy one.

He swiftly moved behind Layla and untied her from the chair, but she was still bound by Anti-Mana bracelets, preventing her from channeling any mana.

"Curse them." Edward cursed under his breath.



Layla tried to speak, but Edward's slap silenced her.

"Shut up and don't move," he commanded before lifting her onto his shoulders.

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