Hunter of Immortals

Chapter 424: The Power of Insignificant Characters

Chapter 424: The Power of Insignificant Characters

Adam naturally wasn't going to pass up this opportunity, and he immediately instructed Camera, Spider, and several of his other anomalies that possessed immense offensive prowess to attack Shuten-douji.

At the same time, Adam used the power of his domain to draw giant rocks out of the ground, then molded those rocks into the same hard material as his own body before hurling them at Shuten-douji.

Shuten-douji's defenses were quite strong, but it didn't have the enormous stature of Yamata no Orochi, so it was much easier to destroy, and in the face of this new wave of attacks, it quickly sustained severe injuries.

Right as Adam was preparing to launch another round of attack, he was suddenly alerted to the fact that some of the anomalies on the outskirts of his army were under attack from Oni-faced Dragon's human body.

Oni-faced Dragon wasn't just standing around doing nothing while Adam was attacking Shuten-douji.

Instead, he was putting his vast wealth of battle experience on display, quickly identifying the correct targets.

He could already tell that with his rather lackluster offensive capabilities, it simply wasn't realistic to kill Adam's high-level anomalies in a short time. If he were to force the issue, then he would only be able to take down one or two of those high-level anomalies at most before Shuten-douji met its demise, in which case he would be in a dire situation.

However, killing those low-level anomalies was a different story.

Those low-level anomalies possessed very frail defenses, and even though Oni-faced Dragon's human body was lacking in offensive prowess, that was only compared with other beings of the same caliber. In reality, he was more than capable of slaying these low-level anomalies with ease.

Thanks to his extraordinary speed, he was able to charge rapidly through the anomalies' ranks, slaying them as he pleased.

The long-range attacks unleashed by these low-level anomalies was having a very pronounced detrimental effect on Shuten-douji, so if he could kill these low-level anomalies, then he would be able to turn the tide of the battle back in his favor.

This sounded like a simple judgment call to make, but the fact that Oni-faced Dragon was able to identify the correct strategy in such a short time while in the heat of battle was a clear indication that he was a vastly experienced combatant.

Upon realizing Oni-faced Dragon's intentions, Adam hurriedly ordered his low-level anomalies to disperse, and at the same time, he also began rushing to them.

Thankfully, he had arranged for all of the more frail anomalies to be accompanied by bodyguards that were proficient in close-quarters combat, so Oni-faced Dragon's first wave of attacks was only able to kill four of Adam's low-level anomalies, but that was still quite a heavy blow to him.

After all, every single one of these anomalies had been nurtured using anomalic power, and they were all able to contribute in their own way in battle.

It's a good thing that only low-level anomalies have been killed. They weren't going to be all that useful in battle anyway.

Adam was consoling himself as he charged into the anomalies' ranks, then grabbed them in large handfuls before thrusting them into his own body.

Sludge was able to soften or harden its own body at will, and Adam had previously been encapsulated in Sludge's body. At this moment, he was using his own body as a giant fortress to protect the low-level anomalies.

On average, these were only level two anomalies, so they weren't all that imposing in stature, with most of them only around the size of a grown man. Back when Mummy and Hellhound were level two anomalies, they had also been around the same size.

In the face of a 20-meter-tall giant, these low-level anomalies were tiny in comparison, so Adam could fit dozens of them into Sludge's body.

After the low-level anomalies were encased in Sludge's body, they no longer had to fear Oni-faced Dragon's attacks.

However, the downside was that Shuten-douji was no longer being hampered by long-range attacks, and it immediately turned the tables, forcing all of Adam's high-level anomalies onto the backfoot.

Thus, it seemed that the battle had reached an impasse.

Oni-faced Dragon was truly a formidable foe. His overall power wasn't inferior to May by much, and his wealth of battle experience made him an even more troublesome opponent to deal with.

With that in mind, Adam was rather hesitant about how to proceed. If the battle were to continue like this, the outcome was completely unknown. The two of them were too evenly matched, and even if he could secure victory, it was definitely going to come at a heavy price, most likely requiring the sacrifice of a large number of his anomalies.

As a result, his overall powers would take a severe hit, and that was unacceptable to him.

He had finally become a top-tier adapter, and he wasn't willing to be knocked back down a peg no matter what.

"How about we call a truce here?"

Oni-faced Dragon could see that Adam was feeling rather hesitant, and at this point in the battle, he didn't want to keep fighting, either.

As a hitman, his goal was to earn money, not to challenge himself at the risk of his own life.

Adam had earned his respect, and he knew that it was going to be very difficult for him to win this battle.

"You've killed four of my best subordinates, so that goes some way to avenging your friends. It won't benefit either of us to continue this battle, wouldn't you agree?"

Adam didn't say anything.

"You're a very powerful adapter, so you'll have plenty of opportunities to challenge me again in the fu... Hmm?"

Right as Oni-faced Dragon was speaking, his psychic body suddenly began to wobble. Even though he wasn't being attacked, both he and Shuten-douji were displaying signs of coming under attack. This only lasted a short time, and around 20 seconds later, both of Oni-faced Dragon's bodies abruptly vanished in unison.

What happened?

Adam's psychic boundaries were extremely resolute, so there was no way that Oni-faced Dragon could've escaped so easily. With that in mind, there seemed to have been only one possible explanation for this.

Could it be that something happened in the real world?

Adam immediately left the psychic world as this thought occurred to him, and as soon as he opened his eyes, he was greeted by the sight of a security guard standing before him in a victorious pose.

"I got him!"

"What happened here?"

Adam turned to look at the security guards at the scene, then turned his gaze to Oni-faced Dragon, who was laying on the ground, and he couldn't make heads or tails of the situation.

"No one can infiltrate our plant on my watch!"

The security guard who had spoken was the one that had voted for Clyde, and Adam took a glance at him with furrowed brows, then flew over to his side before asking once again, "What happened here?"

"After you left, we immediately felt like something wasn't quite right. We're not just passive bystanders, we have a duty to protect the plant! Here, take a look at this."

The security guard took off the miniature camera on his shoulder to show Adam what had just transpired.

Right after Adam left the surveillance room, the security guards had immediately sprung into action, gathering the security automatons that hadn't been destroyed to conduct a search of the plant.

Due to the fact that Adam had arrived at the plant very early, he was able to take out the group of Chaos Raisers before all of the security automatons were destroyed.

After gathering the remaining security automatons, they began to conduct a search along the route that Adam had taken after departing from the surveillance room, and they quickly managed to track him down.

Upon arriving on the scene, they wanted to help Adam defeat his opponents, but Oni-faced Dragon had prosthetic limbs that served a similar function to Adam's, and they were also quite advanced.

Oni-faced Dragon was a very wealthy man, and he had ties with the southern congress, so it only made sense that he had cutting-edge battle prosthetics.

The remaining security automatons were instructed to attack Oni-faced Dragon, but they were met with resistance from the AI automatic retaliation sequence of Oni-faced Dragon's prosthetic limbs.

His prosthetic limbs weren't as technologically advanced as Adam's, but they were fitted with many illegal firearms, thereby making them extremely dangerous to deal with. In the beginning, the security automatons and security guards were no match, but thankfully, one of Oni-faced Dragon's prosthetic limbs struck Adam during its retaliation, causing Adam's prosthetic limbs to automatically retaliate as well.

Hence, their physical bodies were also fighting in the real world while their psychic bodies were battling in the psychic world.

In the end, the retaliation from Adam's prosthetic limbs opened up an opportunity for one of the security guards to hit Oni-faced Dragon with a high-voltage stun gun, following which all of the security automatons swarmed onto him and subdued him.

Thus, in rather comical fashion, one of the top adapters and hitmen of the world had fallen to a stun gun from a measly security guard.

"I was the one that fired the stun gun at the end," the security guard declared in a proud voice. "Don't ever underestimate the power of insignificant characters! I don't care who they are, if they dare to infiltrate my territory, then I'll make sure they live to regret it!"

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