Hunter of Immortals

Chapter 372: Transmitter

Chapter 372: Transmitter

The members of the Desert Gang were led on a killing spree under the light of the dying sun, killing all of the inmates in their path. Before long, the entire third area had erupted into complete pandemonium, and the riot had well and truly begun.

The majority of inmates in the third area had no idea what was happening. All they knew was that chaos had suddenly set in.

On Reflection Day, the events transpiring within Darvaza Prison once again emphasized a notion that everyone was already aware of, which was that humans never reflected on their past mistakes.

The Desert Gang's members were like a contaminated stream, wreaking havoc and chaos everywhere they went.

Adam could hear the chaos and commotion from a distance, and he knew that the riot had begun. He had no time to find Mole and Armadillo, so he could only rush to the predetermined meeting area. Upon his arrival, he could see that Mole and Armadillo weren't there yet, so he made his way into the nearest vacant cell to hide.

Due to the electricity outage, the locks on the doors were automatically opened, but there weren't many hiding places in the bare cell.

"Go and find Adam!" Charlie instructed once the riot was under way. "Take two teams of 30 men with you. That should be more than enough to ensure that he dies, but make sure to not make any physical contact with him. He's an adapter, so use your weapons to take him out from a safe distance."

"Alright, Boss. What're you gonna do in the meantime?"

"I'll go straight to the Survival of the Fittest faction. Adam has two friends in that faction, so there's a very good chance that he's hiding there."

Thus, a small group split off from the Desert Gang in search of Adam.

The third area housed several thousand inmates, which appeared to be quite a large number, but the layout of the prison made for very few hiding places. In addition to that, most of the inmates were concentrated in the cell area before the riot began, so it was quite easy to track down someone, especially with three teams searching at once.

The Desert Gang members scoured through one cell after another, and around 20 minutes, one of the teams tracked down Adam.

All of the gang members were wielding metal weapons, and all of the inmates in their path were scrambling to get away.

At this point, night had already completely fallen, and the leader of the team that had tracked down Adam flashed an old-school flashlight from several decades ago into the cell. As soon as he did so, he was immediately struck by a baton to the nose.

The blow was very heavy, instantly breaking his nose, and he stumbled back a few steps as blood came gushing out of his nostrils.

After steadying himself, he cast his gaze toward the baton-wielding Adam, and he paid no heed to his own injury as he shook his dizzy head while a smile appeared on his face.

"There you are!"

The man was holding a knife in one hand and a torch in the other. After flashing the torch around the cell to confirm that Adam was the only one in there, he became even more arrogant.

"Where are your two buddies? How come you're the only one here?"

Even if Mole and Armadillo were here, it would've been very difficult for them to oppose 30 men, all of whom were armed with knives.


A weapon like a knife made a world of difference in a fight. Even an untrained man wielding a knife could beat a strong professional boxer, and to compound his woes even further, Adam was trapped in a cell, having to face 30 knife-wielding assailants at once.

"I've never killed an adapter before. I hear you're very famous outside, is that right?" The man led the way into the cell with his lackeys trailing along behind him. "There's always a first time for everything! Seeing as you're a celebrity, I'll let you choose how you want to die. Do you want to be dismembered, or disemboweled, or do you want a knife through a major artery?"

"Is that all the people you have?"

Thanks to the light from the flashlight, Adam was able to see the people outside the cell, and from a rough visual estimate, there appeared to have only been about 20 to 30 men. Perhaps there was a bit more than that, but it was definitely fewer than 40 people.

Furthermore, these people were grouped together very tightly.

"Where are the rest of the gang members?"

"What, is this not enough to kill you?"

The leader of the team of Desert Gang members seemed to be very interested in Adam's identity as an adapter. To put it more accurately, it seemed that he was very envious of Adam.

Prior to his incarceration, he had also been a gang member.

At the time, the leader of his gang was an adapter, and he possessed many superhuman abilities. In fact, he was able to avoid prosecution thanks to his abilities, and his lackey, the man standing before Adam at this very moment, was locked up as his scapegoat.

After coming here, the head of the Desert Gang was also an adapter, and that had always been something that he felt to be extremely unfair.

"You adapters always think you're better than everyone else, isn't that right? What a shame it would be if you were killed by someone like me!"

The man slashed his knife at Adam as he spoke.

Adam dodged the attack, and at the same time, he cast his gaze out of the cell, trying to calculate the distance between himself and the Desert Gang member that was furthest away from him.

They should all be within range already, but just to be sure, I'll lure them in a little further.

With that in mind, Adam retreated further back into the cell, where the toilet was situated.

"You're not getting away!"

The man charged at Adam as he slashed at him a few more times, but all of his attacks were evaded.

Even though Adam had never undergone combat training, his telegnosis as an adapter granted him the ability to always be one step ahead of his opponents.

After failing to strike Adam with his attacks, the man gestured for his lackeys to join in as well.

Seven or eight knives instantly came slashing at Adam from all directions, leaving him with no choice but to retreat even further. Soon, he was backed into a corner, and he was just barely able to keep out the oncoming blades with the steel pipe that he had removed from the bedframe, but his resistance wasn't going to last much longer.

Sure enough, with one more slash of his knife, the leader of the Desert Gang members was able to inflict a wound onto Adam's shoulder.

"So what if you're an adapter? You're nothing special!"

Encouraged by his successful attack, the man slashed his knife through the air again, slashing a wound onto Adam's chest this time.

Neither of the cuts were very deep, and he seemed to be relishing the thought of being able to torture an adapter to death.

"How does it feel?"

He shone his flashlight onto Adam's face, hoping to see an expression of fear or despair.

However, all he could see was that Adam was still looking outside.

"What the hell are you looking at?'

"I'm looking to see if everyone's in here yet." Adam sneakily pulled out an object from under his clothes as he spoke. "Looks like even if you're not all in here yet, you should be within range."

"What is that?"

The man could see what Adam was doing, and he lowered his head to find an electronic transmitter in Adam's hand.

He had seen something like this before. This particular one was a miniature version of the ones he had seen in the past, but it most likely had the same function.

"How do you have something like that? How did you bring it in here? That's impossible!"

The man was absolutely horrified at the sight of the object in Adam's hand.

It was a neuron transmitter that could significantly enhance an adapter's ability, allowing an adapter to draw everyone within the range of the device into their psychic world.

If they were dragged into the psychic world, there was no way that they would be able to oppose Adam.

"Kill him! Hurry!"

In the same instant that Adam pressed down the button on the transmitter, the man hurriedly stabbed his knife at Adam's throat, but it was already too late.

In the next instant, the blade of his knife was snapped, and his arm had been caught in a vice-like grip.

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