Hunter of Immortals

Chapter 365: The Mutated Squirrel

Chapter 365: The Mutated Squirrel

"Did you kill them?"

The pig farmer was greatly startled by Adam's sudden emergence.

"Wh, who're you?"

"You don't need to know who I am, just answer my question."

Adam was getting a little frustrated as it seemed like things were progressing in a very undesirable direction.

The pig farmer was so frightened that he was beginning to tremble, and he was temporarily at a loss for words.

Adam was quickly running out of patience, and he instructed Nun to grab the pig farmer's son and bring him into the pigsty.

Despite the young man's tall and imposing frame, he was being thrown around effortlessly by Nun as if he were nothing more than a helpless infant, and even though the pig farmer became even more fearful at the sight of the terrifying anomaly, his paternal instincts granted him the courage to overcome his fear.

"Don't hurt my son!"

"Then answer my question! Otherwise, I'll chop up your son and throw him to the pigs!"

People in the psychic world weren't aware that they were in the psychic world, just like how people in dreams were oblivious to that fact.

They would still act in accordance with what they would normally do in the real world, an example of which was the pig farmer's insistence on protecting his son.

"You're right, I didn't kill them. I'm only..."

Adam didn't bother hearing what the pig farmer had to say next. If he wasn't the one killing these teenagers, then it was most likely the case that his mentally handicapped son was the real culprit.

He was only dissecting the bodies and feeding them to the pigs in order to take the fall for his son, so in reality, he was completely innocent.

Every prison had some innocent people locked up inside, and Darvaza Prison was no different. However, none of that mattered to Adam. What mattered to him was that if the pig farmer were truly just an overprotective father who had taken the blame for his son's crimes, then he wasn't actually a demented serial killer, and there wouldn't be any powerful anomalies in his psychic world.

Fuck, I knew something didn't feel right! I didn't sense any oppressive atmosphere in this psychic world at all. I thought it was because of my psychic mutation, but it looks like that's not the case.

Upon making this discovery, Adam had no interest in lingering in the pig farmer's psychic world any longer, and he promptly departed.

After returning to the real world, he dragged the pig farmer out of the cubicle, and as soon as he did so, he was immediately handed the same sharp metal object by Mole.

"There's no need to kill him, his psychic body isn't dead," Adam said with a shake of his head.

"Why? Did he also have a really powerful anomaly?" Mole was quite surprised to hear this, and he mused, "Surely not! This may be Darvaza Prison, but even in here, anomalies of that level shouldn't be this commonplace. I've gone to all types of places and met all types of people, including some really screwed up people, but it should still be very rare to find people with anomalies too powerful for us to take care of."

On Adam's self-coined power scale, the three psychic mutants were all roughly halfway between level four and level five anomalies.

However, given that they had an intelligence advantage over anomalies, their combined powers should've been enough to take down any level five anomaly, and even against a level six anomaly, they should've at least been able to ensure self-preservation.

At the very least, it would've had to have taken a level seven anomaly to have them completely outmatched, and anomalies of that caliber were exceedingly rare.

It was plausible that one of these three inmates would be harboring such a powerful anomaly, but surely lightning wouldn't have struck twice in the same place two out of three times.

"No, he's just a normal person who was framed."

"That explains it. I knew there wouldn't be that many powerful anomalies around," Mole said as he turned his attention to the unconscious Noah, then remarked, "This one's a rare breed, it's a pity that you can't take him down now."

"Even if he's just a normal person, we should still kill him," Armadillo said as he picked up the sharp metal object, but he was stopped by Adam.

"Let him go. He doesn't know anything, so even if an adapter from the southern congress enters the psychic world, they won't be able to find out anything, and they certainly wouldn't be able to guess that I'm killing people in order to obtain more power."

"What's going on? Why did you suddenly become so soft? Hold on, something doesn't seem quite right here."

With his perceptive telegnosis, Mole was immediately able to sense that Adam was a little different from normal.

He made his way over to Adam, then took a sniff at his chest, then continued, "You smell a little different. Come here, Armadillo."

After hearing what Mole had to say, Armadillo also approached Adam before taking a whiff, then confirmed, "He does indeed smell a little off. Did something happen just now, Adam? Are you keeping something from us?"

"As expected of my genius brothers," Adam said with a wry smile, then revealed, "I mutated. I'm a psychic mutant now."


Mole was very intrigued to hear this, and he immediately invaded Adam's psychic world.

Adam didn't resist, allowing Mole to enter as he pleased.

Thus, a mole and a squirrel ended up staring at one another on a street.

After a brief moment of bewildered silence, Mole burst into raucous laughter, rolling on the ground as tears and snot began to pour down his face. "I can't... Oh lord... You look so goofy! You finally look like you fit into our brotherhood now!"

Mole got up from the ground, then rushed over to Adam as a bolt of lightning to carefully examine his squirrel fur.

"I can't get over this goofy tail of yours!"

Right as Mole burst into laughter once again, Armadillo arrived in the psychic world, and he also began to chortle with mirth, but his laughter was a little more restrained than Mole's.

"You're finally truly one of us now, Adam. It's been a long time coming!"

"Is it alright for both of you to be in here?"

"It'll be fine if we're only in here for a short while." Armadillo brushed off Adam's concerns as he eagerly inspected Adam's new form. "Generally speaking, after undergoing psychic mutation, an adapter will grow stronger. Do you feel like you've become more powerful?"

Adam swung his fists through the air a few times upon hearing this, and he didn't indeed feel about 30% to 40% more powerful than before.

While he was testing out his powers, Mole blasted a bolt of lightning straight into his body, charring the fur on his chest.

The lightning blast knocked him to the ground, but even as he was getting up, the charring on his chest was already slowly receding. Even without fusing with any of his anomalies, he now possessed remarkable regenerative abilities.

Adam then invoked Hellhound before fusing as one with it, and following the fusion, Adam could clearly sense that he was once again around 30% to 40% more powerful in this form than before, and that was a very impressive improvement.

Adam sank the fangs of his largest head into his own arm to tear off a chunk of flesh in order to examine whether he still retained his regenerative abilities in this form.

Without using its abilities, Hellhound's regenerative powers were normally quite mediocre. However, at this moment, the self-inflicted wound on his arm was slowly healing. Its regenerative abilities were still no match for Sludge's, but it was already quite the improvement.

At the very least, this was going to be very useful in long and drawn-out battles.

"I really have become a lot stronger!"

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