Hunter of Immortals

Chapter 344: Incarceration

Chapter 344: Incarceration

Thilan had presented a very good storyline for Adam to follow, and as soon as they emerged from the psychic world, Thilan immediately set about making preparations for his vision.

Initially, Adam still had his reservations about Thilan, but as Thilan began manufacturing fake evidence while still at the scene of the crime, Adam was beginning to come around. From the very beginning, Thilan had held all the cards. Adam was completely at his mercy, and he could've killed Adam or taken him to court, so there was no need to go to all of this trouble.

"Alright, stand over there... That's good..." Thilan was like a director, instructing his actors to create the scenes that he wanted before taking photos. "Carry that guy over here. We'll blame the woman's death on him."

Adam had captured a man and a woman, and the latter had already suffered psychic death. After confirming the man's identity, Thilan had confirmed that he was someone that they could pin the blame on.

"Good. After I take these photos, I need to collect some fingerprints as well."

"What do we do with him?"

"Come over here, Rider!" Thilan yelled at one of his companions in the distance, and another man of Indian descent immediately approached him.

"What's going on, Boss? Aren't we here to kill them? You've already been chatting with them for quite a while now."

"The plan's changed. Help me perform some psychic tampering on this man," Thilan instructed, then turned to Adam as he asked, "He didn't see any of you as you were abducting him, did he?"

"No, we knocked him out with a blow to the back of the head," Armadillo replied.

"Good. In that case, we'll make him take the fall for us, and we'll get him to say that he had no idea what had happened at the time. I'll be counting on you, Rider," Thilan said as he patted his companion on the arm.

It was clear that all of his companions also possessed certain special abilities.

"Are your people trustworthy?" Adam asked as he glanced at the well-built Indian man.

"I could ask you the same."

"I have full trust in my people." The three psychic mutants weren't exactly of the soundest frame of mind, but there was no way that they would betray him, and the same could be said of Shae as well. "We've gone through a lot together, and no amount of wealth or power would be able to sway them."

"My friends and I have been through even more together. We go way back to when I first opened my private detective agency. Let's not waste any more time with words, time is of the essence."

Thilan entered the man's psychic world as he spoke, followed immediately by Adam.

"What the hell is this?"

As soon as Adam entered the psychic world, he caught sight of a massive motorcycle, which was carrying dozens of completely identical riders.

"That's my brother, Rider. Each motorcycle produced in India can carry dozens of people. I can already see the anomaly, so let's cut the chit-chat. Get on the motorcycle!"


It took them an entire night to manufacture the required false evidence.

Sure enough, after returning to Sandrise City, Mechguard units arrived at the veterinarian hospital at around noon the next day to arrest Adam and his team.

After entering the detention center, Cowboy paid Adam a visit.

"What happened? How did you allow such clear evidence of wrongdoing to fall into their hands?" Cowboy asked with tightly furrowed brows. "Then again, you're not entirely to blame. I heard that it was a man by the name of Thilan who provided the evidence. I've heard of him, he's done a lot of things for the southern congress these past few years.

“He's an extremely perceptive person, and his success rate is very high when it comes to investigating cases. In fact, I've heard that he even has the nickname of Little Holmes. Having said that, there's nothing you need to worry about. Even though there's concrete evidence, it won't be so easy to prosecute you. We just need to..."

"There's no need to do anything on your end," Adam said in a quiet voice.

"Oh?" Adam could immediately tell that there was a hidden story from the look in Adam's eyes, and after a brief hesitation, he confirmed, "Are you sure?"

"I'm sure."

"Alright. I know you're trying to do some big things, and I have faith in your judgment."

With that, Cowboy immediately stood up and left without any hesitation.

During the next few days, everything was progressing according to plan.

Under the pressure applied by the southern congress, Adam's case quickly reached the prosecution phase. Due to the concrete nature of the evidence and the complete lack of resistance from the northern congress, Adam was quickly sentenced to 120 years in Darvaza Prison for cannibalism.

Ever since the trial began, the internet went into a complete uproar.

Adam's last wave of internet relevance still hadn't completely passed by yet, and a new wave had already arisen, thereby making him a true internet celebrity. Just as Thilan predicted, the public was very eager to jump on a story with a twist, particularly one as stunning as this one.

"From Hero to Cannibal."

"The Cannibal Hiding Behind the Mask of an Enforcer of Justice."

"You Either Die a Hero, or Live Long Enough to See Yourself Become a Cannibal."

All types of headlines of this nature were appearing on the internet, with some speculating about Adam's personality, some discussing his motives, some promoting conspiracies related to this crime, and there were even some people who had published gorey images and footage from the cannibal club, much to the disgust and horror of the unsuspecting web surfers who had stumbled upon the disturbing material.

Of course, there were also people on Adam's side, arguing that this wasn't the first time that the southern congress had tried to drag him through the mud.

Heated debates naturally arose, further elevating the notoriety of the case.

For now, none of that had anything to do with Adam himself.

Following the conclusion of the prosecution process, he was sent to the most notorious prison in the entirety of Sandrise City, the place known as the Gates of Hell, Darvaza Prison.

"Turn around! I need to see if you're hiding anything in your asshole!"

Standing in the shower room, there was a burly warden standing in front of Adam.

Adam's telegnosis told him that the warden had sinister intentions.

"What are you looking at? Did you not hear me?"

Before Adam had a chance to say anything, he immediately copped a baton blow to the head, instantly causing him to bleed profusely.

Right as the warden was about to continue beating Adam, a familiar voice rang out nearby.

"His prosthetics have already all been removed, and he's been put through all the electronic detectors as well. According to regulations, there's no need to examine his private regions."

The voice belonged to Ryan.

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