Hunter of Immortals

Chapter 331: Guardian Angel

Chapter 331: Guardian Angel

Generally speaking, no one would barge into a club like this.

However, there were always exceptions. Perhaps the intruder could come from outside the club rather than from within it.


"I finally managed to get my hands on a verified dark web account! Those bureaucrats from the southern congress are so inefficient, they really should've been wiped out by the resistance army 30 years ago," Thilan grumbled as he looked at the message that had just been sent to his communicator. "Let's see what this club is all about... Holy shit!"

"What's wrong?"

"This is a cannibal club!" Thilan replied as he showed the message on his communicator to his companions.

"The guy seems to be abnormally driven and obsessive, but he doesn't seem like a cannibal!"

The other members of Thilan's team were rather perplexed by this revelation.

"I don't think he's a cannibal at all." Thilan was getting very intrigued. "What is he doing here? Could it be that he found some leads pertaining to the Guild of Immortality?"

Through his investigation into Adam's activities, Thilan had become aware of some of the secrets of this world.

For example, the previous incident concerning Herman had shown him many interesting things.

"What should we do, Boss? Should we report this to the southern congress? If we can expose him as a member of a cannibal club, his reputation will surely be swept to the ground! The main reason why he's untouchable right now is his influence and public image. If we can completely tarnish his public image, he'll be screwed!"

"How long have you been working under me?"

"I began working under you from back when you were a private detective."

"Then why are you still so stupid? Why should the general public believe you if you don't have any evidence? He could easily proclaim that he infiltrated the club to investigate a case. Many of the previous cases that he's investigated have been related to psychotic killers, so this is perfectly in character for him.

“Also, I don't want to bring him down so quickly. He's a very interesting target to investigate! Alright, that's enough chit-chat. Who's coming in with me?"

"I'll go."

"Me, too."

"Let's all go together."

All of Thilan's companions were eager to follow him, but what Thilan revealed to them next had them feeling far less enthusiastic.

"I've received information from the southern congress that we might have to pass a test by eating human meat before we can be granted entry. Do any of you still want to come now?"

"I'll stand on lookout duty!"

"I'll remain on the outside in case anything goes wrong!"

"I... Uh... I..."

The final member of Thilan's team was unable to come up with an excuse.

"You're a bunch of spineless cowards! I'll go in myself," Thilan grumbled before making his way to the metal gate, and after being granted entry, he rowed toward the island at the center of the lake on a small boat.

At this point, Adam and the others had already entered the cannibalistic woman's psychic world.

As soon as Adam's group entered the woman's psychic world, they immediately detected a familiar atmosphere.

"There's no mistaking it, the primary crimson color scheme of her psychic world indicates that there's definitely a powerful anomaly in here. As for exactly how powerful it is, we'll have to find out."

However, in contrast with the primarily dark and oppressive atmosphere of the average disturbed individual, the primary crimson color scheme of this psychic world made one feel as if they had entered the stomach of Satan and were about to be digested at any moment.

"The anomaly in here has to at least be a level five anomaly." Shae wasn't as experienced as Adam, but she had still arrived at her own conclusion. "How do we search for it?"

"In most cases, the birth of an anomaly has something to do with the host's childhood trauma, so let's search for the psychic modules in here that contain memories of her childhood."

As he was speaking, Adam invoked Hellhound and Sludge for himself and Shae to fuse with.

After that, Adam's group rushed out onto the street. Adam didn't care about how he was perceived by the people in the woman's psychic world, and he was galloping along the street, covering a distance of seven to eight meters with every single stride that he took.

At this speed, he quickly charge through several connected psychic modules before drawing to a halt.

"Stop! The buildings here and the electronic products used by the people around us don't seem to belong to our day and age."

"You're right, it looks like a scene from 30 years ago."

"Sandrise City wasn't so big back then."

Mole was the eldest of the three psychic mutants, and he was looking around at the surrounding scene with a nostalgic expression.

"This should be where the host spent her childhood."

"What should we do from here?"

"Let's split up."

Under normal circumstances, Adam would've been averse to the idea of splitting up out of safety considerations. However, he wanted to be able to hunt down as many targets as possible before the party came to an end.

He wouldn't be able to come here again after this, so he had to fully capitalize on this one-off opportunity.

Most importantly, both he and Shae had become significantly more powerful of late, so even if they were to run into high-level anomalies while on their own, they would've been able to ensure self-preservation, at least for some time.

As for Mole and Armadillo, there was no need to worry about them. One of them was extremely fast, while the other could burrow into the earth at will, so it was extremely unlikely for them to get caught.

"If any of you run into any danger, cause as much of a commotion as you can right away. This psychic module isn't very big, so we should be able to look out for one another."

"Don't worry so much. Given how massive you are in this form, even if we don't cause a commotion, you'll be able to see all of us from afar."

Having established a course of action, the four of them split up and went their separate ways.

While Adam was traversing through the psychic module, he was simultaneously inspecting his surroundings, making full use of his height to see further into the distance. However, after passing through several streets, he still hadn't discovered anything. Right as he was considering invoking Nun to aid him in his search, an explosion suddenly rang out in the distance.

That's the direction that Shae was going in, and that explosion looks like it came from her Explosive Fireball...

With that in mind, Adam immediately rushed in that direction without any hesitation.

With his massive stride length, he was able to arrive at his destination in less than two minutes. Mole had already gotten there ahead of him, and he was locked in a fierce battle against an angel.

Why is there an angel here?

While Adam was looking on in befuddlement, another loud explosion rang out from beneath the rubble off to the side, and Shae was sent flying out by a punch from an anomaly, landing right beside Adam.

Adam took a quick glance at her, and upon determining that her injuries weren't very severe, he immediately asked, "Why is there a guardian angel here?"

"That's here mother. I saw her mother feeding her father to her."

"So cannibalism runs in the family?" Adam asked. "But what does that have to do with a guardian angel?"

In all of the psychic worlds that Adam had explored, he had only encountered two psychic guardians, the first of which was Kim Garcia's father in her psychic world.

Kim loved Deranged Pig very much, and she was certain that her father would protect her. Hence, in her psychic world, Deranged Pig was a superhuman being.

The second instance of a psychic guardian that Adam had encountered was in the form of that girl in Li Qi's psychic world.

Both of those psychic guardians had provided Adam with a great deal of assistance in his battle against the anomalies in those two psychic worlds.

However, never had he imagined that there would be a psychic guardian here, and certainly not one that was as powerful as the angel.

"What the hell are you just standing there for, Adam? I'm about to get killed here!"

While Adam was observing the unfolding situation, Mole was almost sliced into two by a slash from the angel's holy sword.

Thankfully, he was fast enough to dodge the attack, and after doing so, he immediately rushed over to Adam before swatting him on the head.

"What the fuck are you thinking about?"

"I'm wondering why there's a guardian in her psychic world."

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