Hunter of Immortals

Chapter 323: A Screw Loose

Chapter 323: A Screw Loose

In the instant that he caught sight of Hebi no Miko, Phil finally realized that things had already completely spiraled out of his control.

According to the information that the Guild of Immortality had on Hebi no Miko, she was an extremely dangerous individual.

However, she did have one weakness, which was that it was extremely difficult for her to form a collaborative relationship with anyone else. Even her twin sister was unable to tolerate her personality, resulting in the two of them ultimately going their separate ways.

How could someone like her be working with someone else?

"Hebi no Miko, aren't you going after that special psychic police officer, Adam? Why are you here?"

"I go wherever I want."

"If you leave now, I can pretend as if none of this ever happened," Phil said.

"Like I said, I go wherever I want."

Phil could see that negotiation wasn't going to work, so he decided to begin issuing threats instead.

"I know you're extremely powerful, but if you make an enemy out of the Guild of Immortality, your ultimate fate is going to be no different from everyone else who has ever opposed the Guild of Immortality. If you're a smart woman, you'll know that I'm telling the truth."

The Guild of Immortality was extremely powerful, and indeed, it was true that even Hebi no Miko couldn't oppose such an almighty powerhouse.

If this same threat had been directed at an adapter with a normal functioning brain, such as May or Sadou, it would've been very effective.

They would've undoubtedly backed down, aware that they were pursuing a futile endeavor that would only lead to an early demise for them.

However, Hebi no Miko was completely deranged, and deep down, Raven was the same.

Hence, both of them immediately burst into laughter, chuckling directly in the face of the threat.

"Go and gather information, Raven. Leave everything here to me."

"That's exactly what I wanted to hear."

With that, Raven spread his wings and flew away. Phil wanted to stop him, but a blur suddenly flashed past his eyes, and before he even had a chance to react, a fist had already smashed into his head with unmatched destructive power.

A resounding boom rang out as the Rider of Decay plummeted out of the sky, and by the time he rose to his feet, his entire face had already been caved in.

"You're just as powerful as the rumors proclaim," the Rider of Decay mused as he adjusted the position of his own lopsided head.

If Adam were present, he would've definitely been smirking in schadenfreude.

The first time he had taken a punch directly from Hebi no Miko, he had almost been killed on the spot. Her speed, explosiveness, and destructive power presented such a ridiculous package that even a level four anomaly wouldn't have been able to survive a single punch from her.

The Rider of Decay was clearly more powerful than a level four anomaly, perhaps even more powerful than a level five anomaly, but that wasn't enough, and just a single punch alone was still enough to almost smash his head into pieces.

Phil was already aware that he was no match for Hebi no Miko, but there was no way that he would simply admit defeat. The Guild of Immortality's forces were spread throughout the entirety of the government's top brass, and they also had people planted in the Dataist Union.

It would only take one of them to notice that something wasn't quite right here, and reinforcements would quickly be sent his way. Thus, all he had to do was hold out and weather the storm.

However, that was going to be far easier said than done.

While Phil was still catching his breath, a fierce gust of wind swept through the sky, and Hebi no Miko swooped down from above to continue her assault.

Phil raised his sword to act as a shield, and this time, he was smashed straight into the ground along with the steed beneath him.

A massive crater with a diameter in excess of 10 meters had been smashed into the ground, and Rider of Decay was laying at the very center of the crater with his entire body riddled with wounds.

However, Hebi no Miko wasn't about to let him off the hook there. She sprang up into the air once again, and her arms rapidly transformed into a pair of giant serpents that were each over 100 meters in length. Right as she was about to send those arms crashing down upon Phil like a pair of oversized, serpentine battering rams, she was stopped by Chen Yiran.

"With all due respect, Hebi no Miko. Raven is still gathering information. If you kill him now, his psychic world will collapse, and Raven won't be able to gather much information at all."

Having lived for over 100 years, Chen Yiran was well aware of the importance of knowing his place.

Even though Hebi no Miko was over 70 years his junior, he was more than willing to concede inferiority to her and treat her with the utmost respect.

"I almost forgot about that."

Hebi no Miko's arms reverted back to their normal state as she stood still in mid-air, waiting for Raven's return.

While she was waiting, the Rider of Decay crushed something within his own body in secret.

Immediately thereafter, vines began to emerge from his rotten body, and all of his injuries began to slowly heal, while his steed was also able to clamber up from the ground to stand again.

It didn't take long before the Rider of Decay was standing once again, this time with vines all over his body.

Meanwhile, Hebi no Miko simply watched in silence, displaying no reaction whatsoever. She was so powerful that this transformation that the Rider of Decay was undergoing was completely inconsequential in her eyes.

The Rider of Decay was quite a formidable adapter, but overall, his powers were only roughly on par with those of the likes of Herman and Adam.

After activating the seed in his body, his aura had become significantly more powerful, but it was still far from being able to compare with Hebi no Miko. In fact, in Hebi no Miko's eyes, even in this new form, Phil was still inferior to May and Wax Figure.

"Is that your trump card?"

Hebi no Miko waited until the Rider of Decay had completed his transformation, then plummeted out of the sky, aiming a punch at his face.

After being struck by the punch, the Rider of Decay was sliding along the ground, creating a deep trench that was dozens of meters in length.

However, his face hadn't sustained much damage at all, and what little damage had been inflicted was quickly being repaired by the mass of writhing vines.


Hebi no Miko was rather surprised to see this, and she closed in once again to continue her assault, unleashing a barrage of multiple consecutive blows on this occasion. Due to the vast disparity in speed between the two combatants, the Rider of Decay was completely powerless to resist and could only serve as a human punching bag.

In a very brief span of time, he was struck by over 100 punches, but as soon as Hebi no Miko ceased her assault, all of the injuries that she had inflicted instantly began to rapidly heal.

"Your newfound regenerative powers remind me of someone really annoying."

Hebi no Miko was referring to Adam here.

The mere thought of Adam evoked a sense of fury in Hebi no Miko's heart, and she didn't hold back any longer. She extended an arm, which transformed into a giant serpent once again, and the serpent swooped at the Rider of Decay before swallowing him up in its cavernous mouth. Immediately thereafter, flames began to surge throughout the serpent's oral cavity, plunging the Rider of Decay into a scorching furnace.

Trapped within the scorching flames, large sections of the Rider of Decay's body began to blacken and char.

Curiously enough, fire should've been the natural bane of the vines that had sprouted out of his body, but Madam Tree's seed was somehow able to somewhat ward off the effects of the flames.

The main enhancement provided by these seeds was in the area of defensive prowess.

After being enhanced by the seed, even someone with a psychic body as frail as Herman's was able to withstand Distortion's power. In contrast, the Rider of the Decay had been withstand an attack from Hebi no Miko even in his base form, so it naturally stood to reason that he was even more defensively adept given the enhancements provided by the seed.

Unfortunately for him, his opponent was simply far too powerful.

After a while, the vines all over his body began to become withered and fragile from the scorching flames, and after he was spat out by the serpent, Hebi no Miko transformed her other arm into a giant serpent as well, with this one releasing a glacial breath out of its mouth.

The drastic change in temperature from extreme heat to extreme cold caused the Rider of Decay's skin to split apart, and even the vines were unable to withstand such a dramatic temperature change, becoming even more brittle and fragile as a result.

It's about time. Raven should've gathered all of the information that we need.

With that in mind, Hebi no Miko invoked a lightning storm, preparing to put an end to Phil's life with a lightning strike, but right at this moment, Raven returned.

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