Hunter of Immortals

Chapter 306: Ravens Past

Chapter 306: Raven's Past

In order to answer the question of why Raven was here, one would have to go back in time.

On that day, he was taken away by that strange man while scavenging in the junkyard. He was brought to a certain secret location, where he endured a series of horrific surgeries, one of which was a blank slate consciousness installation procedure, which was normally reserved only for the extremely rich and powerful.

One of those procedures ensured that the strange man had control over his psychic body.

In a rather ironic twist, Raven, who excelled in controlling others, was now at someone else's mercy. Furthermore, the person in control of him was extremely powerful, having planted the most vicious cyberhex in his psychic body, one that was impossible for him to escape from.

At the same time, chips had been planted into his brain and his body with self-detonation functions, so the one in control of him could instantly kill him both physically and psychically on a whim.

However, all of this had been agreed to by Raven in advance.

He wasn't forced into this. Instead, it was an open and transparent transaction. All Raven had to was perform certain tasks for his controller, and as long as those tasks were performed, he was free to do whatever else he wanted.

The tasks were extremely simple to Raven, all he had to do was kill people.

Furthermore, there were no set targets stipulating who he had to kill. He could kill anyone, including normal people, powerful figures, or even children.

However, the greater the influence of his victim, the more freedom he would gain from killing them.

For example, Raven would only receive one day of freedom for killing five normal people, but he would receive half a month of freedom for killing a renowned actor. If he could kill an area mayor of the city, he would receive several months of freedom.

As aforementioned, the more influential his victim, the more freedom he would receive. If he could kill a congressman or even the president, then he would be a free man.

This was a deal that had been negotiated prior to Raven's surgery, and Raven harbored nothing but gratitude toward his controller.

If it weren't for him, Raven didn't know how long it would've taken for him to get out of Shadow City. Perhaps he would've been able to earn some money through his skill, but it was virtually impossible for him to climb from the very bottom to the top, where he would be able to access blank slates.

He knew this world far too well, and he was aware that one wasn't guaranteed to be able to climb to the top just because they were intelligent and talented.

Having lived in Sandrise City for so long, he knew the rules here.

Anyone who tried to climb up the ranks from scratch would be met with countless obstacles, and upon reaching a certain point, it was simply beyond the capabilities of the average person to climb any higher.

If he wanted to climb beyond that point, then far too much luck would be required.

Raven didn't believe in luck and fortune, he only believed in tangible things.


In Raven's eyes, this was a fantastic deal for him. He possessed immense psychic power, so in the instant that he became an adapter, he would immediately be vaulted up the ranks to the top of the pyramid.

Using his abilities, he was able to find some organizations on the dark web and gather a good portion of the Carlin Asylum psychic mutant escapees that hadn't been caught yet. Thus, he was able to establish his own forces, and he had used them to kill many people.

However, this wasn't the extent of his ambitions.

There were more things that he needed to do and more power that he had to acquire. A few days ago, a certain person had caught his attention. It was Adam.

He and Adam were old acquaintances who were somewhere in between friends and enemies.

In fact, he still had some parasites lingering in Adam's psychic body.

At the moment, Adam was an extremely renowned and influential public figure, and he needed Adam's influence, but he also required an opportunity.

Just as he was struggling to manufacture such an opportunity, Chen Yiran arrived on his doorstep.

He told Raven some things that he wasn't previously aware of, thereby allowing Raven to develop a deeper understanding of Adam's objectives. On the same day that he was approached by Chen Yiran, Raven had determined Adam's location through some connections that he had in the dark web and the black market.

After that, he had run into something unexpected, yet even more intriguing.

It seems like Hebi no Miko is an even more valuable individual than Adam!

Not only did Raven break through Wax Figure's domain, he was able to open up an exit that would allow Yamata no Orochi to leave the psychic world.

The fact that he was able to accomplish all of this wasn't an indication of how powerful he was.

In terms of absolute power, Raven didn't think that he was superior to Wax Figure. He was only able to break through Wax Figure's domain so easily as Wax Figure's attention was entirely focused on Yamata no Orochi.

The domain's primary function was to prevent Yamata no Orochi from getting away, so there wasn't as much emphasis placed on preventing others from getting in.

On top of that, the collapse of this psychic world had presented him with a window of opportunity.

There was no doubting the fact that Hebi no Miko was deranged, but she wasn't stupid, and she immediately pounced on the opening provided for her by Raven without any hesitation.

She didn't stop to wonder who it was that had come to save her. Instead, she struggled free from her bindings with all her might, then reverted back into her human form before diving headfirst into the psychic passageway.

Wax Figure and Artemis wanted to stop her, but the psychic world was already on the verge of collapse, and Raven had staged his rescue act with perfect timing.

In addition to that, he was too powerful for Wax Figure and Artemis to take down in a short time, so they could only watch as he and Hebi no Miko left the psychic world.

"There's going to be no end to our troubles now that she's escaped!" Wax Figure remarked in a grim voice before hurriedly leaving this collapsing psychic world.

Adam was also furious and extremely frustrated, but he also had no choice but to leave.

Upon reopening his eyes, he discovered that he was still in the makeshift motel. Chen Yanyan had already suffered psychic death, but his body was still completely unscathed, which meant that Raven had to have killed him through a psychic attack.

Does that mean he was already here since a long time ago?

If Raven had only arrived following Hebi no Miko's invasion of Chen Yanyan's psychic world, then there was no way that he would know where Chen Yanyan's psychic body had been hidden, and if he had invaded Chen Yanyan's psychic world midway through the battle, then there was no way that May and Wax Figure would've failed to detect him.

So why is it that I didn't detect his intrusion at all? Does it have something to do with those parasitic tentacles, or are his self-concealment abilities that advanced?

Adam wasn't going to be getting an answer to those questions anytime soon, and after returning to his senses, he suddenly realized that his attention should've been focused elsewhere.

What he should've been focusing on was where Hebi no Miko's physical body was and whether she had already been detained by Mechguard.

Just because her psychic body managed to escape doesn't mean that she was also able to escape in the real world. She had already been tracked down by Mechguard units, and there's no way they'd let her get away so easily.

With that in mind, Adam hurriedly rushed out of the room before pressing a button on his shoulder.

A drone-like Mechguard unit instantly flew in from outside, and he instructed, "Show me the footage of when Hebi no Miko was first discovered."

The Mechguard unit did as it was told, projecting the requested footage, but was only able to display an image of a shattered lens.

The Mechguard unit that had initially discovered Hebi no Miko had already been damaged.

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