Hunter of Immortals

Chapter 303: Battle

Chapter 303: Battle

In the sky above, a battle between a deity and a world destroyer was taking place, while on the ground below, a stone giant was rushing toward a mountainous eight-headed serpent.

Adam was still situated inside Sludge's body, watching the battle through narrowed eyes.

Having almost had his eyeballs melted by All-encompassing Furnace last time, he had learned his lesson and was making sure to keep himself far back within Sludge's body, only looking out at the battlefield through a tiny eyehole. As a result, he was able to use Sludge to keep out the sweltering heat as much as possible.

Even so, he could only look through one eye at a time, and as soon as he felt a burning sensation, he would immediately switch to his other eye. Only then was he just barely able to keep an eye on the unfolding situation.

Sludge rushed all the way to the foot of Yamata no Orochi's enormous body at Adam's behest, and even though Sludge was standing at an impressive stature of eight meters in height, which was roughly equivalent to a three-story building, it appeared to be nothing more than a cockroach next to Yamata no Orochi.

However, that didn't discourage Adam, and he instructed Sludge to climb up Yamata no Orochi's body directly toward one of its heads. After climbing for several hundred meters, Sludge leaped up into the air before slamming heavily down onto one of Yamata no Orochi's serpentine heads.

In its current form, Sludge weighed dozens of tons, but it was only able to knock the head slightly to the side, unable to disrupt its accumulation of power at all.

Thus, Adam had no choice but to instruct Sludge to climb further up the head before punching it in the eye.

That attack seemed to have finally hurt the serpent, and the head whipped Adam away violently before blasting the energy that it had been accumulating in its mouth onto his body.

This head was Yamata no Orochi's ice-attribute head, and it unleashed a blast of glacial power at a temperature close to absolute zero, which crashed into Sludge's body with tremendous force.

This glacial breath was definitely capable of freezing metal into powder, and Sludge's body became extremely brittle after being struck by the attack.

Large chunks of its stone body were reduced to powder, and after plummeting out of the sky, it crashed onto the ground before shattering like an ice cube.

As a result, Adam was also thrown out into the open.

Even though he had contracted frostbite on a section of his chest, the majority of the damage was withstood by Sludge, so he was still alive.

Furthermore, the blast of glacial energy was able to somewhat negate the sweltering heat, resulting in a significant drop in the air temperature around him. As a result, he didn't immediately melt away even though he was exposed to the All-encompassing Furnace.

That's all I can do to help you...

Sludge's shattered body was slowly reforming, and at this point, Adam had lost the ability to take any further part in this battle.

In a battle of this caliber, his other anomalies wouldn't be able to play any role. Even Distortion wouldn't be able to last very long at all in such a hostile environment.

Thankfully for Artemis, Adam wasn't the only one who had set out to rescue her.

As soon as Adam began rushing at Yamata no Orochi, Diana also sprang up into the air, and she had arrived even earlier than Adam. Upon her arrival, she immediately began using her claws and her draconic technomancy to attack Yamata no Orochi's heads.

Diana's destructive capabilities were superior to Adam's, and she was able to foil the attempts of two of Yamata no Orochi's heads at accumulating power. However, in the process, she was also severely wounded, having been struck by a breath from Yamata no Orochi before one of its heads sank its fangs into her body, then hurled her away like a ragdoll, and it was unclear whether she had survived the assault.

Despite Adam and Diana's best efforts, five of the Yamata no Orochi's eight heads were still accumulating power, and finally, Wax Figure re-entered the fray.

Bursts of nether energy began to rise up from the ground, slightly neutralizing the sweltering heat, following which an enormous army of undead warriors emerged from underground.

The bodies of these undead warriors were entirely molded out of wax, but they were all completely enveloped in layers of green light, and as soon as they appeared, they immediately began climbing up Yamata no Orochi's body like a colony of ants.

The bodies of these undead warriors were displaying signs of melting under the intense heat, but they were able to maintain their form thanks to the protection of the cold nether energy swirling around them.

Bolts of lightning were constantly crashing down to destroy the warriors, but there was no end to them in sight, and it didn't take long before they had completely swarmed over Yamata no Orochi's entire body.

These undead warriors then plunged their nether weapons into the giant serpent's body to sap its energy.

As a result, Yamata no Orochi was unable to accumulate any further energy and was forced to prematurely unleash its remaining five breaths.

Due to the incomplete accumulation of energy, the power of these five breaths was significantly diminished.

Five pillars of light erupted into the heavens, hurtling directly toward Artemis. She attempted to evade the attacks with all her might, but was still ultimately struck by two of the five breaths.

Unable to keep herself aloft any longer, Artemis tumbled out of the sky.

Right as Yamata no Orochi drew upon the storm of lightning in preparation to deal the final blow, a black figure rose up into the sky from afar, and not only did it catch Artemis, it also shielded her from the barrage of technomantic attacks directed her way.

After taking a moment to catch her breath, Artemis pulled out a green arrow before sticking it into her own body, and her injuries began to slowly heal.

"Thank you. We've never officially met before, but I know your name. Thank you Diana." May offered her gratitude to Diana, then turned to glance at Adam in the distance as she sighed, "I really shouldn't have gotten involved in this mess. Hebi no Miko is even more powerful than I imagined."

After making a partial recovery, Artemis spread her wings and flew high up into the sky once again to resume attacking Yamata no Orochi from afar.

As for Diana, she was too severely injured to take any further part in the battle and could only slowly descend onto the ground.

Even though she now possessed immense technomantic resistance, there was simply too massive a power disparity between her and Yamata no Orochi, so it was already very commendable that she was able to do this much.

After landing on the ground, Diana cast her gaze toward the battlefield with a frustrated expression. Having unleashed so many powerful attacks in quick succession, Hebi no Miko had clearly expended a great deal of psychic power, and her attacks were no longer as fearsome as before.

Despite this, Wax Figure and May were still unwilling to face her in direct battle, and they were constantly employing guerilla warfare tactics, harassing her with attacks before immediately rushing away, then rinsing and repeating the process.

Thus, the battle had arrived at an impasse, and it didn't take long before Hebi no Miko ran out of patience.

If things were to continue like this, then she was definitely going to win, but it was going to take an extremely long time.

A very long time had already passed since she entered the psychic world, and Mechguard units had definitely already arrived on the scene, but simply hadn't found her hiding place yet.

Given that this was clearly a premeditated trap, there was definitely going to be a huge number of Mechguard units converging on the scene. Perhaps the entire area had already been surrounded at this point. If she were to be discovered again, then it was going to be very difficult for her to escape.

With that in mind, Hebi no Miko's mind began to turn to escape rather than defeating her opponents.

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