Hunter of Immortals

Chapter 293: Medical Industry Area

Chapter 293: Medical Industry Area

Meanwhile, Adam's investigation into the Compassion Company was still ongoing.

He had received news from Wax Figure that the southern congress had already sent out their most elite investigators after him, but the northern congress was also working to cover his tracks, so Adam was no longer concerned about the incident. In any case, it was all in the hands of the northern congress now, and there was nothing that he could contribute.

What he had to do now was to continue to improve his influence and reputation in order to achieve his objectives.

Adebayo had already been arrested, and he was a member of the top brass in the Compassion Company. Through inspecting his memories, Adam had managed to uncover some of the true secrets of the Compassion Company.

However, Adebayo didn't know anything about the Compassion Company's endeavors in harvesting child adapters from non-profit organizations, which was the information that Adam was most interested in. Perhaps this was because Adebayo simply wasn't sufficiently highly ranked in the company to be privy to this information, or it was because he was mainly responsible for overseeing the production of medical products.

Right now, there are two people that I need to investigate, one of which is the CEO of the Compassion Company, Chen Jiangbin, while the other one is the director of the company's Department of External Affairs, Chen Xiaobin.

Adam was laying on a sofa in the veterinarian hospital, surrounded by some animals that were undergoing treatment.

The perpetually rowdy psychic mutant trio would always become very quiet and peaceful here, and even the looks in their eyes would become more gentle and placid. The three of them diligently attended to the animals in silence, and it seemed that this was the only activity that could soothe the violent emotions in their hearts.

Adam couldn't bear to interrupt this precious moment for them, and he sent a message to Shae before leaving the hospital with her.

The two of them took the void rail to Area 28, which was colloquially known as the medical industry area.

Many hospitals and drug development companies liked to set up their headquarters here as the best medical universities in the entirety of Sandrise City, arguably even the entire continent of North America, were situated here.

By establishing their headquarters here, not only would these organizations be able to get their hands on the best medical university graduates before other organizations, they would also be able to establish collaborative partnerships with these universities for mutually beneficial projects like resource exchanges.

Even though the Compassion Company had many hospitals all over Sandrise City, its headquarters was also here.

After emerging from the railway station, Adam and Shae took a taxi to the Compassion Company headquarters.

"Is it really a good idea to just go straight to the headquarters? Are you sure Chen Jiangbin is going to be here? You've already arrested a high-ranking figure in the organization, surely Chen Jiangbin would know what you're up to and try to avoid you."

"I've confirmed with the pawn shop that he's definitely here. On top of that, as special psychic police officers, we have access to all of Mechguard's surveillance cameras, so unless he leaves Sandrise City altogether, there's no way he can get away from us."

As a special psychic police officer, Adam had access to a range of privileges.

At the moment, the restrictions on the special psychic police force still hadn't been established, so at this point in time, special psychic police officers enjoyed a bunch of privileges that significantly aided Adam in his investigations.

Adam made his way directly toward the Compassion Company headquarters as he spoke, but he was stopped by some security guards before he had even arrived at the entrance.

"No one can enter the headquarters unless they have an employee card or an invitation."

"How about this?" Adam asked as he pointed at his police badge.

The two security guards faltered slightly upon seeing this, and they quickly recognized Adam.

"I've seen this guy on the internet."

"Me, too. He seems to be targeting our company."

"What do we do?"

Mechguard had taken over law enforcement for so long that the average person didn't even know how to deal with human police officers anymore.

Ever since the end of World War III, human police officers had gradually been replaced by Mechguard units, and that was particularly the case in major cities.

These two security guards were only in their twenties, so ever since they could remember, they had never dealt with human police officers before.

However, the fear of Mechguard and of the law was still deeply ingrained in their minds.

Anyone who broke the law would be detained by Mechguard. Those cold and emotionless machines displayed no reaction to anything, only carrying out the law in the most rigid way imaginable, and anyone who dared to resist would be killed with no exceptions.

The first thing that Adam had seen after his awakening were Mechguard units, so he was all too familiar with this concept.

"Are you going to refuse us entry?" Adam asked as he raised an eyebrow. "In that case, you leave me with no choice but to call for backup from Mechguard. Obstructing the enforcement of the law is a severe crime."

"We're not obstructing law enforcement!" The two security guards immediately stepped back upon hearing this. "We're just verifying your identity."

With that, the two security guards hurriedly granted Adam entry, and Adam didn't pursue the matter any further, making his way straight into the building before arriving outside the CEO's office using the internal layout map provided by the pawn shop.

However, even before opening the office door, Adam could sense that something was amiss.

At this point, his telegnosis was so potent that he could sense far more than the average person.

"Do you smell that?"

"I do, a little," Shae replied as her brows furrowed slightly. "Are you sensing any danger?"

"No." The main function of telegnosis was to sense danger. "Unless we're dealing with an adapter of Hebi no Miko's caliber, and they've intentionally concealed their aura, I don't think we're in any danger."

Adam carefully pushed the door open as he spoke, and his nostrils were immediately assaulted by a strong bloody odor.

There was a dead man in a suit sprawled out on the desk. His skull had been shattered by something, and his brains had been completely destroyed.

Adam had seen more than his fair share of dead bodies, so he didn't even flinch at the sight of this one. He calmly made his way over to the body, attempting to identify the man based on his facial features and attire.

"If I'm not mistaken, this should be Chen Jiangbin. It seems like someone got to him before us."

Adam wasn't overly disheartened by this. Even without Chen Jiangbin, he still had other targets to go after. In fact, it didn't even matter to him if Chen Xiaobin was also dead.

There was no way that the two of them alone could've facilitated the trafficking of so many children throughout the year. There had to be many company employees participating in the process, and all he needed was to find one of them to tear this case wide open.

"Let's go..."

Right as Adam was about to leave, Chen Jiangbin's communicator suddenly began to ring, and after some hesitation, Adam pried the communicator out of Chen Jiangbin's cold and lifeless hand before accepting the call.

"Hello, Adam." The voice of a young man who sounded like he was only in his twenties rang out on the other end of the line, but the tone of his voice belonged to someone far beyond his years. "Why can't you just let us go? Is it money that you want? If so, I can give it to you."

"How much can you give me?"

"A lot, far more than you can imagine."

"Alright, then let's meet up for a chat."

"Do you think I'm an idiot?"

"If you're not an idiot, then I'm sure you've done a background check on me. Do you think I'm in dire need of money? I'm a blank slate, surely you know what I want."

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