Hunter of Immortals

Chapter 290: Hades

Chapter 290: Hades

"In that case, how do I kill you?"

It seemed to Adam that all adapters of this caliber were extremely annoying to deal with.

In Hebi no Miko's case, Yamata no Orochi's enormous body was like an impregnable fortress that was virtually impossible to break through.

As for Wax Figure, his body was one with the entire surrounding environment, so in order to kill him for good, an attack of a massive scale would be required to destroy this entire wax domain.

"What kind of question is that? Do you think I'm just going to tell you how to kill me?"

Wax Figure rushed directly at Adam once again as he spoke.

"Protect me!"

Sludge immediately positioned itself in front of Adam at his behest, but it was too slow, and Adam was sent flying before it could reach him.

It was unclear whether Wax Figure's strength was inferior to Hebi no Miko's, or if he had intentionally held back, but Adam wasn't completely crippled by the attack.

"That was kinda weak..." Even though Adam was coughing up blood, he was still goading Wax Figure. "In my battle against Hebi no Miko, she almost shattered all of my bones and internal organs with just a single attack."

"She does indeed possess more destructive power than I do," Wax Figure conceded. "Hence, the next time you run into her, make sure that stone giant doesn't leave your side even for an instant."

"I'll keep that in mind."

While Wax Figure was speaking to Adam, the latter instructed Sludge to come to his side, following which he jumped into Sludge's body.

In the instant that Adam made contact with Sludge, its hard body instantly became as soft as wet mud, only to revert back to its normal hardness as soon as Adam was inside.

After making his way into Sludge's body, Adam climbed up to its chest, leaving only his eyes exposed.

Essentially, he was piloting a giant mecha, and Sludge's chest was his cabin.

"I won't die so easily now!" Adam said, but his voice was muffled by Sludge's body.

After Adam adopted this new form, Wax Figure went on the offensive once again, but this time, the majority of his attacks were kept out.

Wax Figure was extremely fast, even faster than Mole and the spider anomaly. In full flight, he was so fast that Adam struggled to track him with his eyes. In one instant, he was on Adam's left, but in the next instant, Sludge had already received a punch to the left side of its abdomen.

That punch would've easily shattered Adam's ribs, but its effectiveness was extremely limited against Sludge, only able to smash open some cracks onto its body that were quickly sealed again.

"Your invoked entity has some very impressive defenses."

After a few attacks, Wax Figure gave up on trying to smash through Sludge with his fists.

A slit opened up on Sludge's body at Adam's behest to reveal his mouth, and he goaded, "You're not gonna get me like this! Hurry up and show me some of your other abilities!"

"While it's true that this thing has incredible defenses, its weaknesses are also very apparent."

As soon as Wax Figure's voice trailed off, Adam instantly felt the ground beneath his feet soften before melting away.

The waxy ground had become extremely soft and viscous, making it even more dangerous than a swamp.

Adam hurriedly tried to escape, but the entire surrounding area was entirely encompassed within Wax Figure's wax domain. To further compound his woes, Sludge was extremely heavy, and it was sinking deeper and deeper with each step that it took. Before long, its entire was already close to being submerged.

At this point, Adam knew that he had already lost, while his opponent still hadn't revealed anywhere near the full extent of his power.

"You've trapped me now, but you have to show me some more of your power. If this is all you're capable of, how am I supposed to believe that you can be a match for Hebi no Miko? Up to this point, you've barely shown me any of your abilities. By the way, what's your visualization subject?"

"My visualization subject is the Greek God of the Underworld, Hades."

Wax Figure began to undergo a transformation as he spoke, and his body slowly expanded in size as he absorbed the wax beneath his feet. From less than two meters in height, he slowly grew all the way to around seven to eight meters tall.

At the same time, his appearance had also changed drastically from a man in a suit to a black-robed deity holding a bident.

As he underwent this transformation, his domain was also transforming, and countless deceased spirits rose up from the waxy ground to form an army around him. At the same time, there was a vast expanse of green light swirling behind him, and he really did have the appearance of a deity.

"Not bad, but you're still not as powerful as Hebi no Miko. Aren't you supposed to be a legendary figure from the previous generation? Why does it seem like you're not even as strong as her?"

Adam was continuing to goad Wax Figure in order to try and lure him into disclosing some useful information, and at this point, the majority of Sludge's body had already been submerged.

"Hebo no Miko is a prodigy. Of course, I am also considered to be a prodigy, but even among prodigies, there are massive disparities in power. Additionally, there weren't any particularly suitable visualization subjects for me, and I'm bogged down by too many duties, so I can't focus wholeheartedly on becoming a more powerful adapter."

This was a very candid admission, and Adam believed what he was saying.

No one could tap into their full potential in something if they couldn't focus wholeheartedly on it. Hebi no Miko was a deranged killer, while Wax Figure was a politician. One could do whatever they wanted, while the other was bound by a whole host of duties.

Hence, even if they possessed the same level of aptitude, it was most likely the case that Wax Figure wouldn't have been a match for Hebi no Miko.

"How are you going to help me if you can't beat her?"

"I said I was going to help you, but I never said when. I'll only help you once I'm certain that we can kill Hebi no Miko. Otherwise, all of the most powerful adapters of the northern congress will be killed by her one by one, and that's far too heavy a price for us to pay just to save you."

In his current form, there was an authoritative echo ringing out as Wax Figure spoke, much like the dramatic audio effects one would see in a movie.

"What are you planning to do?"

"I want you to continue doing what you're doing and get her to attack you a couple more times so I can gauge her habits. After that, I'll gather some acquaintances, and we'll kill her together. Hebi no Miko is a public menace that's sorely resented by everyone, so even the southern congress wouldn't save her."

"So I'm essentially acting as bait right now?"

"That's right."

A cloud of green mist surged out of Wax Figure's mouth, and the ground split open, following which a demonic giant emerged. The creature was several dozen meters tall, and it grabbed onto Sludge before hoisting it out of the ground.

Immediately thereafter, it also released a cloud of green mist from its mouth, and Sludge's body instantly began to fall away in lifeless stone chunks.

"This invoked entity of yours has decent technomantic resistance, but not as good as its physical resistance."

With that parting statement, Wax Figure departed from Adam's psychic world.

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