How To Be A Demon lord: The Former Hero's Journey As A Demon Lord!

Chapter 124 This Is All Floid's Fault

Quinn was undeniably happy when she heard about what her brother did. Floid really stabbed someone in the eye! Quinn had never given her parents this sort of trauma before and her family never had to be called to the police station to speak about her before. This was a permanent stain on Floid's record and he can never get rid of it. No matter what he does, this will follow him for the rest of his life.

The police allowed Floid to be taken home because their parents paid a huge settlement sum to keep the case away from court. They gave Floid a private tutor and a bodyguard to protect others from him.

Quinn enjoyed every moment of it in silence. She continued doing well in school and she just watched as her brother became more and more of a disappointment. Floid didn't care for learning from his tutors and he also intimidated his bodyguards so much that they had to change them ten times in less than three years.

No one knew that Floid hated his tutors because he already learned everything they were teaching him and he intimidated his bodyguards because they were just pussies who couldn't handle his glare. Especially that one female bodyguard. She started crying after Floid refused the ice cream she bought him with a glare and she never came back. The fuck? Floid didn't even like ice cream.

But no one knew these things because Floid never spoke to anyone, and so things just became worse and worse. Quinn never went close to Floid after the grade school accident where he stabbed someone with a pencil. She was now certain there was something wrong with her brother and she didn't want to be stabbed as well, so she stayed away.

When Floid went to their father and demanded to leave the family, Quinn was standing behind the door of the room and she could only hide her smile with her hand as she listened! This bastard was finally leaving! There won't be anything standing in my path! Quinn listened attentively as their father agreed and she was immensely happy when Floid left once and for all. She thought this was the last time that her life would be affected by Floid. If only things were that easy, she would have been okay. But when it came down to Floid, things were never simple.

Floid left the family with a million dollars and a house but what he took was far more than just that. Floid took the happiness that the family had with him. Quinn always knew that their family wasn't the happiest in the world, but she didn't know how gloomy things would get after Floid left. Their mother fell into depression after she heard that their father let Floid go. She got sick and she became bedridden a month after Floid left. Their father only came to see their mother once a week, and the rest of the time he was working. He never looked at Quinn and he never acknowledged her. Even when Floid was gone, he still didn't care about her. Quinn's feelings towards her family slowly started to change to indifference. She no longer wanted to show her father that she was better than Floid and she slowly let go of her desire to impress her father.

She improved in society quickly and she graduated at the top of her class at Harvard business school. She came back home to join the company and she was made the Managing Director of a branch of the company. She worked every day to be better even though she knew that her father didn't give a fuck about her. But she still couldn't help thinking about Floid sometimes and she wondered if he would have been better than her if he was the one here. It was stupid that he was still in charge of her life even when he was no longer around.

But the last straw for Quinn was when she came into her father's office for a business meeting one day and saw him looking at an article on his phone while smiling. She furrowed her brow and she just managed to catch the words "Floid Demonheart" before her father closed the article and gave her a stare that warned her never to enter without knocking again. Immediately after that meeting, Quinn went and searched for any news on her brother. She hasn't looked for her brother in years and she had no idea what he was up to. What was her father smiling so widely at?

[Floid Demonheart, son of Ronald Demonheart and the heir of Demon Corp becomes the youngest multi-millionaire under the age of twenty with thirty million dollars generated in the stock market in the past three years. An enormous amount that leaves the minds of everyone boggled. It is no longer news that the young Demonheart scion has disconnected from his family, but yet his ability to break unbelievable records has only increased in the last -]



Quinn threw her phone to the wall with a shout! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! What the fuck is this!? Why is it always Floid!? Why are the tabloids writing about that disowned bastard!? Why won't they write about me!? I've improved our stocks by three percent in the last year alone and yet they're only writing about him!

Quinn fell back to the wall and slid to the ground before she put her head in her hands. She still remembers the way her father smiled while reading the tabloid. It was like he saw light for the first time after years of seeing only darkness. His face was so bright. Why don't you smile at me like that? Why don't you look at me like that? Is it because I'm a girl? Because I'm not your son!?

That breakdown was the worst one that Quinn ever had and after the breakdown, she started to work even harder. She didn't care how long it took. She swore that she would be better than Floid. She would make sure that no one remembered him and she was the one that would get the company in the end!

But then, on her way back from the office one day, she suddenly got transported to Rivalle. Quinn was shocked by the transfer, but once she saw Floid's picture she became angry again. So even in this world, Floid is still better than me. Somehow, he managed to get summoned here and he even became a hero.

Quinn swore that no matter what happens, she won't be second best to her brother here as well. She will beat him. That was the reason why Quinn easily accepted the mission so quickly. If Floid destroyed the former demon lord and the demon lord is back again, that means he failed. This time, I'm going to destroy the demon lord and there is no chance of that bastard ever coming back again!


"Second flank, prepare the bombardment! Fire from the side and keep them occupied! The first flank will move forward!"

Lilith watched as Rosavellt yelled out orders to her soldiers and the soldiers easily launched a successful attack against the undead army that was coming their way! The first garrison squad ran forward to fight the undead head-on while the second garrison squad fired magic attacks from the side that destroyed many of the undead and injured hundreds more! They were at the advantage! If they just continued like this, then they will be able to kill all the undead here!

But Lilith suddenly felt her eyes twitch when the undead started to run! Usually, when something like this happens on a battlefield, the group that was at an advantage would chase down the disadvantageous group and kill them! It was common sense that the demons were supposed to chase down the undead that are running and kill them! But once the undead started to run, Rosavellt told all of the demons to stand down and they stopped attacking! Lilith felt like pulling her hair out!

Lilith was once a general and she understood the importance of making sure you kill all the soldiers running away! It was the most important part of any war effort! If you don't kill the soldiers that are running away, they will think that you are weak and they will assume that you can't take advantage of your victory! They will only come back again next time and they will try to attack you all over again!

This wasn't the first time that something like this was happening! Lilith was one of the servants that followed the army into the battlefield and she was in charge of taking care of any injured soldiers. Once the fight was over, Lilith's job was to move into the battlefield and help anyone that was injured with her healing spells. Lilith has been watching the army ever since she joined and she couldn't believe that they were doing something like this! Why aren't they pressing their advantage!? Why isn't Rosavellt pressing her advantage!? Lilith knew that Rosavellt was a good commander. Rosavellt was one of the best commanders that Lilith has ever seen, but Lilith couldn't believe Rosavellt was so merciful!

She hasn't chased down a single army since they started! She would only fight to save the town and then she will allow them to leave once they start to run. That won't solve anything. It will only make them more eager to do this again. The undead won't stop trying to attack the towns because they know that they won't die even if they fail.

Lilith could already see how the demon army was losing moral and they were sending agitated glances towards Rosavellt. Demons love to kill and destroy. If you stop them from doing that for this long, they'll rebel!

Is the demon lord the one that gave an order like this? What is the Demon Lord trying to do!?

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