How To Be A Demon lord: The Former Hero's Journey As A Demon Lord!

Chapter 122 Promises

Elias watched Dray walk out of the room with an indifferent expression. The woman's body was lying on the floor with a pool of blood under it and Elias was cleaning blood from his hand with a cloth. Maybe this boy has more promise than I thought. It's good that he was able to overcome that humanitarian character. He will be shaken up for a few days, but he'll be fine. I need him to get even stronger if he is going to withstand the power he'll be getting soon.

Once Dray was gone, Elias heard someone else enter the room. This time it was a woman that wore a priest's robe. She had a fair face that was blank and emotionless. Her hair was white and she tied it into a bun behind her. She looked at Elias with a look of curiosity before she stared at the dead corpse on the floor. Isn't that their cook?

"Can you perhaps tell me what prompted you to kill our kitchen cook? It is hard to come across people that can cook as well as she can. I heard that you were accusing her of being a demon,"

Elias shrugged and he just continued cleaning his palm. He looked down at the woman's sash and he saw the symbol of a bishop that was on it. This woman was one of the higher-ranking priests in the church. What the hell is a bishop doing here? Don't tell me that fucking Rook sent her. Didn't I tell them that the rook should come herself if she wants to talk to me?

"Did the Rook send you? If she did then you should leave before I lose my temper and kill you"

The bishop shook her head. She knew of the animosity between Elias and the Rook and she had no intention of getting in-between them. She wasn't interested in such a petty squabble. She was still pissed that Elias killed their cook, but there is nothing she can do about it. Elias is their guest so she had to treat him with the utmost respect.

"Next time, at least try to kill someone that's not a good cook, she was the only one that made my cakes for me and now you killed her. I came under orders from the king,"

Elias' eyes narrowed and he looked at the bishop in mild surprise. The king? What the hell does that bastard want? The bishop saw how Elias changed his expression and she just continued talking while ignoring his changes. She knew how shocking this would be since it is very rare for the king to talk to anyone, but this was an important message.

"The king wanted me to remind you that the time limit is approaching. We have provided you with all the facilities that you required from us and so we expect you to deliver Givalich to us as promised. There are only three months before the next crusade and Givalich is necessary for our victory,"

Elias scowled in annoyance and he was about to say something insulting to her. How dare she question him. If he said he would bring Givalich, then he would! The King should not have to remind me!

But instead of insulting her, he just nodded his head after clicking his tongue. The king of this church was not someone that you could just ignore. He was probably the only person that could beat Elias in a fight without any effort at all. The bishop knows that the king is stronger than Elias and that is the only reason why she would dare come in front of him like this. She has courage because she has the backing of the King.

Once Elias gave her a nod, she turned and started to walk away.

"Your disciple is staining our toilet with his vomit. If he behaves like this because of a succubus, then what would he do if you told him that this woman isn't a succubus at all? Try to at least teach him how to identify a demon next time. You know that all succubi have that tattoo on their crotch, so don't let him kill our workers again. And he is yours, so make sure he cleans it up when he is done,"

The bishop said this last thing before she walked out. It turns out that Dray wasn't as strong as Elias thought. Immediately after Dray left the training room, he ran to the bathroom and started to puke his stomach out into the toilet. Elias clicked his tongue again and he started to walk out of the room. I'll kill that idiot if he is still in that toilet when I get there. That boy is such a fucking pussy.


Priscilla released a tired breath and she collected the water that a slave brought to her to drink. She calmly drank it and then gave it back to the slave before telling him to get the hell away. She was in a bad mood and she didn't want anyone near her right now. Priscilla has been summoning heroes for the past month and she hasn't been able to get a single good hero yet! All the people she summoned were weak and they couldn't even last for more than two minutes! The last person Priscilla called was a girl that wore a large frilly gown and spoke in a stupid accent. Priscilla didn't even get to talk to the girl before the girl combusted in flames like some sort of pyromaniac. Actually, Priscilla was secretly glad that the girls died. That girl would not have survived against the demon lord for even a second.

The guards in the room were all silent and tense since they could see the annoyance that Priscilla was feeling. If anyone of them went close to her now, she could just kill them to relieve her stress. They didn't want to be scapegoats for any reason.

The only person in the room who could go and talk to Priscilla was Al. He was her attendant and he was also her closest advisor. Al wasn't going to talk to her because he was courageous, he just knew that she wouldn't kill him because it would be a pain in the ass for her. Al knew all of Priscilla's secrets and he was the one that helped her to handle most of her dirty work. If she killed him, it would take too long for her to get a new attendant and make that person trustworthy enough to tell them her secret. But even though he was her only confidant, that doesn't mean he wasn't scared of her. Al was terrified of her. But he knew he had to talk to her. She has already summoned three heroes today and all of them died gruesomely. She was running out of energy and they were also running out of Mana stones for her to use.

Even their store was running out of space to store all the bodies of the dead heroes and it would be hard for them to hide it for much longer if they keep on putting more and more bodies in the same place. They need to stop for a while and Al was the only one that could talk to Priscilla.

"Y-Your highness, maybe we should stop so you can rest. I understand that this is important for the kingdom, but it won't help the kingdom if you fall I'll because of Mana exhaustion,"

Al phrased his words in a way that Priscilla would think that what he was saying was for her. He didn't want her to think that he was questioning her authority or demanding anything. He was asking her to rest for her sake.

Priscilla immediately knew what Al was trying to do and she only gave him a small stare before rolling her eyes. She knew he was right, they have been doing this for a long time and they haven't had any results yet. She needs to rest. But let her just do one more. After this, she can rest.

Priscilla said this to Al as she sighed and waved him away.

"Go and stand by the wall and make sure you don't ruin the magic circle on your way. We'll have one last try and after this one, I'll go and rest,"

p Al nodded and he nervously made his way out of the magic circle and towards the corner of the room. Priscilla rolled her eyes in annoyance as she watched him go. She couldn't believe that this was the only person she could trust in this entire kingdom. He was extremely loyal to her, but he was very weak. Al looked like the sort of person that can get blown over by a strong wind!

Well, whatever. I'll worry about that later.

Priscilla put her hand out and she started to chant. Once she started the magic chant, the mana in the room started to swirl around intensely! There was a tornado of Mana around her and everyone had to put their hands up to their faces to protect themselves.

"From ashes to ashes, from blood to blood. Your soul and your essence, through fire or despair, I command them to appear. Resonate with this world, forsake all, connect with none. As your master, answer my call, o hero!"

No matter how many times she says those words, Priscilla knew she would still cringe every single time.

The magic circle in the room shone with a brilliant white light and everyone closed their eyes before they would get blinded by it. Priscilla raised her hand up to her face and she only brought it down when she saw the light die down. The light took the shape of someone and Priscilla narrowed her eyes at the figure when it turned out to be a female. Priscilla didn't say it out loud, but she would have preferred if it was a man that was summoned. Out of all the summonings that Priscilla has done, none of the females lasted for more than a minute. The men always lasted longer. Is this woman going to be another waste of my time?

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