Hogwarts Outsider

Chapter 182: “One More Left”

Chapter 182: “One More Left”

The fierce battle erupted within the Slytherin common room, leaving chaos in its wake.

Both Remus and James sought cover amidst the rooms disarray.

James occasionally transformed into a massive stag, using its bulk to evade Remus spells, but it was clear he was becoming disadvantaged.

It seems youve picked up some new tricks from your Lord, James taunted bitterly.

Remus voice still carried a tone of sadness. You wont be my opponent, James. After all, in Azkaban, you lost so many years of time. Its time to stop.

Stupefy! Another powerful red spell interrupted Remus.

James bellowed, Ill stop when Ive brought you down!

However, the anger on his face abruptly turned to shock as he fell to the ground.

Remus, bewildered, spotted a witch standing behind James.

Rosier he murmured.

Perhaps you should have acted more quickly, Remus! Rosier said coldly while holstering her wand.

Remus stammered, Im sorry

Have you obtained any information? Rosier continued to inquire.

No I only know what they were looking for, Remus replied honestly.

Then take him away; perhaps we can extract some information from him Rosier glanced with slight disgust at the unconscious James. Silvanus and Apollyon should have captured the other two Azkaban fugitives. The trials and tribulations of the past year can finally come to an end

I understand, Remus nodded silently, bending down to carry his friend.

This marked the capture of all three fugitives.

The events unfolded with surprising ease, lacking any twists and turns.

McGonagall remained in the principals office, temporarily controlling the power of Hogwarts.

She sensed the occurrences at the castle and understood the situation facing the three unfortunate fugitives from Azkaban.

Yet, she remained resolute, refusing to flee, and held her ground.

Footsteps in the castle corridors gradually grew louder.

The sound of boots on the spiral staircase echoed closer and closer

McGonagalls breathing quickened; she knew exactly who was approaching and how formidable that person was.

Her courage was the only thing sustaining her!

Grindelwald gently pushed open the door to the principals office and greeted the witch before him with a smile.

Good morning, Minerva. But I must say that breaking into my office without permission is not in line with British etiquette

His voice remained calm, as if he were speaking to an old friend, not a formidable adversary.

Your office? Grindelwald! McGonagall retorted, visibly angered. She exclaimed, Youre lying! Coward! Did you say this is your office?

Its not entirely inaccurate to say that but for the past fifty years, this place has borne my name, which is not entirely wrong! Grindelwald calmly explained.

McGonagall did not respond further; she knew any words now would be in vain.

She simply gazed at Grindelwald with her wand at the ready.

Truly a splendid performance, Grindelwald continued, almost as if praising the younger generation. Using the Centaurs, House-elves, and Fairies to incite rebellion and draw our attention, while your true objective lay here, to complete the plan that you failed to execute fifteen years ago

McGonagalls expression remained unchanged, and she kept her wand aimed at Grindelwald.

Of course, perhaps this is all a ruse You utilized yourself and the power of Hogwarts as bait to lure me here, and you have a deeper motive Grindelwald mused.

This time, there was a slight shift in McGonagalls expression.

However, Grindelwald did not miss this change.

To be honest, your setup is quite ingenious, and even I had no choice but to walk into the trap. I must commend you! Grindelwald began clapping.

His applause and smile appeared entirely sincere, devoid of sarcasm.

So, why are you so confident in showing up here? McGonagall demanded.

You should be well aware, Grindelwald With the dispelling of the enchantment you cast on Hogwarts, this castle has revealed your true nature. Now, with the power of the entire castle under my control, no matter how confident you are, your strength is no match for it!

Thats true, Grindelwald agreed.

Even under normal circumstances, I cannot stay on the Hogwarts grounds for long; otherwise, the castles power would eventually overwhelm me especially now that the castle has shown open hostility towards me. But when I set foot on this place, I did feel the pressure!

Grindelwald withdrew his wand, giving McGonagall an appreciative nod.

He continued, Indeed, your courage and resolve are commendable. Over fifty years have passed, yet you remain fiercely loyal to Dumbledore and are still attempting to thwart us. Such dedication is truly rare and precious. When I hold you in Nurmengarde, I shall ensure you and Albus meet again, Minerva

Enough! McGonagall snapped. I thoughtless

She pointed her wand at Grindelwald for the last time.

But this time, she wouldnt get the chance to cast a spell.

Grindelwald simply gave her a look, and she was sent flying.

Her wand slipped from her grasp, and she lost consciousness.

The most formidable member of the Order of the Phoenix had been defeated with ease.

Grindelwald wiped his wand clean and glanced at McGonagall, unconscious on the floor. He then turned and left.

Muttering to himself:

One more to go

While McGonagall and Grindelwald battled fiercely in the Headmasters Office, three second-year students hid behind a bush about two hundred yards from the castle.

Among them were Matthew, Hermione, and Neville.

They were unaware of the exact events within the castle, but the castles appearance led them to make educated guesses.

Whats happening? Hermione whispered, seeking guidance from Matthew.

Matthew shook his head in bewilderment. Perhaps Professor Grindelwald has returned.

Although Matthew had not seen Grindelwald, the sudden tremors of the castle and the oppressive atmosphere made him suspect.

Wait Look over there. Whats that? Neville pointed at the castles entrance curiously.

Hide! Hermione urgently instructed. Dont look, just hide!

While Matthew and Neville didnt fully understand, they obeyed, taking cover in the bushes.

Peering through the foliage, Matthew could glimpse a group of ominous figures entering the castle.

They wore black suits and veils, obscuring their faces.

Hermione explained in a hushed tone, Theyre Alliance I remember reading about them in a restricted section of the library, under Professor Flitwicks guidance. Theyre dressed like that because theyre Grindelwalds most loyal followers.

Over fifty years ago, they were infamous throughout Europe, Hermione continued.

Her voice trailed off as she saw something unbelievable.

In the direction of the castle, Hermiones expression shifted from surprise to a desire to rush out of the bushes.

However, Matthew quickly stopped her and covered her mouth, preventing her from making a sound.

The cries of House-elves filled the air, indicating a massacre was occurring.

It was clear that the Alliance, long absent from the scene, had returned to Hogwarts, and they were showing no mercy to the rebellious House-elves.

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