Hogwarts Outsider

Chapter 146: “Earning Ones Desire”

Chapter 146: “Earning Ones Desire”

It all came to an end

In just a few hours, this harrowing ordeal of the past year would finally reach its conclusion.s harrowing ordeal of the past year would finally reach its conclusion.

No more enduring that wretched Pigs Head Bar or suffering under the influence of that old man named Percival.

No more worrying about his true identity being discovered.

And Grindelwald, the bastard who haunted his dreams night after night

As long as he could harness the power within that book and delve into its true mysteries, one day, he, Tom Riddle, would have the chance to defeat him!

After all, he was aging slowly but growing in power.

Tom Riddle couldnt contain his excitement.

He had spent an entire year in Hogsmeade, growing increasingly desperate

But all for that book.

He could only bide his time, waiting for the thief to emerge!

He dared to remain in Hogsmeade only because he couldnt bring himself to enter Hogwarts couldnt dare to tread into the territory of the one he feared most even though he knew the book was there

At Christmas last year, he had been waiting for an opportunity.

A highly fortunate chance had arisen in the Pigs Head Bar where he had accidentally sensed the books presence within a young boy

So, he had trailed him.

To be safe, he hadnt allowed the boy to notice him while they wandered the streets of Hogsmeade

He waited, expecting the boy to eventually return to Hogwarts from Hogsmeade

At that secluded path, hed spring his assault, control the boy, retrieve the book, eliminate the boy, and make his escape

But it hadnt gone as planned.

He had lost the boysomehow, in Honeyduke candy store.

This failure had hit Tom hard.

In desperation, he had to apply for a job at the Pigs Head Bar

Hoping to gather more information about the boy there.

Unfortunately, he had waited for over nine months.

Fortunately, Tom had his own sources of information, which eventually led him to the boys name and identity.

However, that alone wasnt sufficient.

The boy was nothing but a lowly Muggle-born Mudblood

As such, Tom had been unable to track down his family, let alone locate the boy, who hadnt returned to Hogsmeade in a long while.

Until today

Tom Riddle had finally had his wish granted.

He hadnt lost track of the boy again and, in the Shrieking Shack, had captured him.

Surprisingly, the seemingly frail boy had attempted to flee

Tom wouldnt grant him that chance!

It was incredibly easy to overpower such an inept excuse for a wizard.

However, new problems have arisen.

For some reason, Tom couldnt access the boys memories.

Nor could he use the Imperio to control his thoughts.

Somewhere beneath the boys weak soul, a powerful one lay hidden

Perhaps it was due to that book, a fact that thrilled Tom even more.

However it also complicated matters. Originally, Tom had planned to use the Imperio to command the boy to return to Hogwarts, retrieve the book, surrender it to him, and then eliminate him before fleeing

Now, he had to risk breaking into Hogwarts.

But first, he had to extract the books whereabouts from the boy.

Once that was done, he could assume the boys identity and infiltrate Hogwarts.

Tom was confident it wouldnt be difficult.

Hardly anyone could withstand the Curse.

Especially this feeble, lowly mudblood wizard!

Tom Riddles shadowy cohorts exited the Shrieking Shack, making their way through the streets of Hogsmeade until they reached the entrance of the Pigs Head Bar.

The Pigs Head Bar had become Toms new base.

Business was abysmal here, and few patrons frequented the establishment. The owner remained an irascible old man who couldnt be bothered with much.

In Toms estimation, there was no safer place in Hogsmeade.

He returned to his rooma dimly lit basement chamber he had occupied for the past nine months.

Roughly throwing the boy onto the floor, Tom prepared to begin his interrogation here.

With a wave of his wand, he sealed the air, ensuring no sound from within would escape.

Just as Tom was about to commence his questioning

Tom! Mr. Percivals voice unexpectedly called from outside.

That damn old man probably has some task he wants me to do! Tom grumbled inwardly.

Once he had the book back, he planned to eliminate the old nuisance before making his escape!

Regrettably, he had no choice but to leave his cabin and comply.

Tom exercised extreme caution.

There couldnt be any accidents before he retrieved the book

He returned to the Pigs Head Bars main floor, treading on the dirt-covered ground.

Whats the matter, Mr. Percival? Tom inquired meekly.

Meow! A clear cats meow sounded at Mr. Percivals feet.

Tom was somewhat taken aback by the sight of a strange cat in the old mans company.

The old man actually kept a cat a surprising revelation to Tom.

In the blink of an eye

The irascible Percival drew his wand and pointed it at Tom.

Stupefy! The spells powerful red light surged toward Tom Riddles position.

Caught off guard, Tom instinctively dodged to evade the incoming Curse.

Tom had never imagined this cantankerous old man could be so formidable.

Caught without warning, he defensively countered the onslaught with nonverbal spells while also striving to evade.

Mr. Percival, I dont understand Tom began to protest.

His words were drowned out as another barrage of spells struck with force

Ah! In the bars main hall, frightened guests screamed and scattered in panic.

Mr. Percival held nothing back, launching spell after spell and creating chaos in the Pigs Head Bar.

The debris from tables and chairs soared through the air

That damn old man! Tom growled inwardly.

Stupefy! Suddenly, a slightly older female voice cut through the tumult.

Tom couldnt sidestep in time, nearly being hit by the stunning spell.

The place where the mysterious cat had stood now housed a stern-faced witch with square glasses.

Damn an Animagus. Tom reacted swiftly.

The stunning spell began to take effect, bit by bit

These two troublemakers! Tom seethed, his heart aching with frustration.

With no other option, he transformed into black mist and fled the Pigs Head Bar, his destination unknown.

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