His Devious Harbinger: How To Tame A Wicked God?

Chapter 92: I will wait for you, my vicious beauty

Chapter 92: I will wait for you, my vicious beauty

God 1 is chasing Karma who is busying chasing people who have sinned. God 1 decides to commit sins and waits for Karma like a masochistic lover.

Karma: Naughty Naughty, you were naughty again.

God 1: I love you, Karma. Will you marry me? I want to spend my eternity with you.

Karma *blushing*: What do you like about me?

God 1: You are sadistically sexy, smart, evil, beautiful, and you have stolen my heart since you *punished* me for my naughty sins.

Karma: Is that why you did naughty things again?

God 1 nods enthusiastically.

Karma *sniffles*: People usually chase me because they hate me. This is the first time when someone came after me because he loves me.

God 1: Karma, they don't know how amazing you are.

Karma: Let's get married after your karma cycles are cleaned up. I will come back. I have a lot of work. Bye.

God 1: Wait! Karma, where are you going? You forgot to punish me.

Karma is gone. God 1 is sad.

God 1: I will wait for you, my vicious beauty.


Adira has finished his end of the deal when he killed the demon king and eradicated all the demons from this world. Ari's soul is also healed. Her body is good. But she doesn't remember him at all.

Being a god, he knows that this situation is temporary. She will recover her memories. If she could remember her life on Earth, she will recover the memories of her life on Iravan.

By any chance, if she doesn't remember, he doesn't think that it's worse than not having her at all. It's already a miracle that she's alive and beside him.

Adira isn't interested in the throne or anything else in this world. He's very interested in pampering his Ari and making her fall for him again.

But, things are not going good in that direction.

"I don't like your tone." She pokes his chest. "You might be a prince. But you should not talk to me like I am your possession. I can have anyone in my heart. I can have anyone's child in her womb."

In her past life, she always adored him except the time when she faced his true self. During those times, she was usually afraid of him. She never talked to him like this.

He doesn't feel too bad. She's different to him because she doesn't remember.

"You can't." Adira shows her the marriage certificate. "The emperor granted out marriage. You are legally my wife."

When she said that she wasn't married to him legally, he got that old emperor to announce it legally.

He's marrying his wife again in this world. How strange!

"Darn!" She frowns at the paper. "Why can your father decide my marriage? I am not even a citizen of this country?"

"Now, you are." He cuts a slice out of the cake and takes it to her mouth. "Eat."

She stares at it and says, "I have hands."

"Stop arguing and eat." The slice of cake is nearly touching her lips.

She opens her mouth and takes a bite. Her rigid expression changes to euphoria. "Ohmygod! This is heavenly delightful."

For the last 15 years, she lived a spoiled life. But she didn't appreciate what she had. After recovering her memories, she knows how lucky she is to taste this slice of cake. She puts away the certificate and takes another bite of the cake. Life is meant to be enjoyed, alright.

"Mhmm." She licks her lips. Adira cuts another slice and feeds her. The happiness in her eyes is contagious. He smiles at her. She loves sweets that much. On Iravan, she always fed him the best pieces. If there was something delicious, she would give it to him first.

Adira believes that he can't love her enough. The way she loved him back then, even hundreds of him can't love her that much.

"Tell me more about yourself," He speaks softly. This is an opportunity to know how she was before she met him. He wants to know about her world and how she grew up. He wants to know everything about her.

"Don't you know everything about me?" Ari replies with a question. "I am Ari. I am 15. My parents and brothers died because of you and that stupid king. My husband was killed by you. You married me by force. What's more to know?"

Though she's speaking that way, she's not unhappy at all. She shoves the next slice in her mouth and squeals in joy. "Delicious. If you feed me such food every day, I will forgive you easily. I will also give you a chance after you grow up."

Adira chuckles. She's quite easy. She doesn't hold grudges. How will she react when she finds out that he's way older than her? Hopefully, not badly. He's sure that he's a mature 'man' like wine.

The older the wine is, the more delicious it is.

"I want to know about your past life."

Ari freezes. Past life? How does he know? Is it because of the things that she said to him last time?

"Your life in the world without magic," Adira adds.

He knows for sure. She blinks at him. "How?"

"I am God." He pinches her cheek. "I can tell things."

She snorts. "Yes, you are a god."

Overconfident chipmunk!

"I am right though. You remember your past life. It's not strange. There are times when people remember their past lives." Adira can tell that she doesn't believe him. She will believe him when he takes her out of this world. He wants to spend some time here with her with the way she is now before proceeding to Iravan. The gods of that world will be nosy. Then, there's Mogrok. Her seer friend is also there. This world is free from those extras. "Do you want to go back to your world?"

She looks at him seriously. "Can I?"

"I can take you there." Adira wipes her mouth with the napkin. "Believe me."

She doesn't believe him. She's familiar with the technology of this world. There's no magic or tech for space travel.

But the boy is interesting. At least, he offered to take her there. He seems genuine too. Since she woke up, he's been taking care of her. She heard the maid whispering that he fought with the demon king for some magical flower that saved her life.

"I will tell you anyway. My name is Yoshihara Ari. I am 26 years old." She starts with herself first. "I lived in a world without magic. But we had some superior technology. If your world and my world go on a war, I think that it will be a tie."

This world is a lot weaker than Iravan. Adira doesn't tell her that.

She tells him about the boring stuff first the continents, her country, the languages, and even global warming before she is led to her personal life by Adira's questions.

"So, you lived in Tokyo, Japan. What about your family?"

"My father and mother divorced. My maternal grandparents raised me. They had a salon. They taught me how to cut hair." She glances at his long hair. "I can give you a cool haircut."

Adira smiles. She did cut his hair once. "Did you love your grandparents?"

"I did." She smiles at him sadly. "They are already dead. I had a few friends back in that world. But they all moved on. Some of them must be married now. It has already been 15 years in this world. So much time must have passed there. Nobody will recognize me if I go back. Actually, I don't have much there. I didn't even have a lover. I do miss Kyo, but she's already dead."

"Who?" Adira stares at her blankly. "Kyo? She?"

"My cat." She tells him, "Kyo was my cat when I was in elementary school. She died in an accident. A car ran over her."


She named him after her pet cat.

"She was quite important to me." She sighs in depression. "She was my best friend."

Seeing that love for her cat, Adira is both sad and happy. He's happy because she named him after something that was important for her and he's sad because it was still the name of a pet.

A pet cat. He's not even on Mogrok's level.

"I was an ordinary woman. I didn't have big dreams. I hoped to fall in love and start a family. But I was so unlucky in love. I was too shy to talk." She realizes that she's easily talking to this boy. Is it because she was differently in this life? Kudos to her parents!

"We will start a family soon." He strokes her head. "You haven't told me how many do you want."

She slaps his hand away. "You haven't even grown puberty hair. You will start a family with me? Dream on."

He exhales solemnly. "You have seen me naked. Didn't you see whether it's grown or not?"

Her face turns red as a tomato. She has seen everything. "You are still a boy."

Adira wants to jump on her right away, but he decides against it. Patience. It's not the correct time.

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