His Dearest Wife

Chapter 90

Chapter 90

Miss Lin is choking up, but she doesn't dare to be stuffy for a long time. Now she wants Feng Yu. Let's put aside her temper.

Take a knife to cut off a small piece of steak, the smell of scorched incense is diffuse on the tip of the tongue, the beef is fragrant and tender, and the taste is very good.

Feng Yu's eating posture is very elegant, which may have something to do with the etiquette and education he received since he was a child. A famous family is a famous family, and his temperament is more noble than others.

When he thought of the word "Mingmen", the tone of opposition from his father suddenly flashed in his mind. After a meal, the delicious food lost its original flavor. He said, "can I ask, what's your father going to do?"

Feng Yu's eyes were slightly raised, and she looked at her face for two seconds. Then she chewed a piece of steak with her thin lips. After eating, she answered, "my father is concerned about the safety of the Lin family, not about my marriage."

Lin was stunned!

Later, he worried for him: "are you really not afraid of the Pei family threatening you? Is it true that we said last time that we should give up half of our wealth? "

"Well!" Feng Yu seemed to have lost his taste. He threw away his knife and fork, took a side of red wine, and drank it carelessly.

"If it's true, why do you want to marry me? It's really dangerous. Your money is not from the strong wind, so it's given away. Don't mention your father's heartache. I'm an outsider, and it hurts. " Miss Lin mocked lightly.

Feng Yu's drinking stopped, and her angry face was locked by her deep eyes: "do you care about me?"

His words, let Lin miss the reflection of a tremor, beautiful eyes Ying big, but unable to refute.

"Why do you want to care about me? It's abnormal! " Feng Yu's handsome face suddenly flashed a smile, which reached to the bottom of his eyes, making his whole face look more infectious and charming, as if he was going to fall in love with him in the next second.

Lin missed looking at his smiling eyes for a long time before he woke up. He quickly cut the steak more forcefully, and answered faintly: "don't you care about me too? If you hadn't sent me to the hospital in the middle of the night last night, I wouldn't have been sick. "

Feng Yu listened to her unconvincing reason, thin lips Yang more beautiful: "well, then we care about each other, anyway, for a long time no one really cares about me."

"What do you mean?" Lin looks at him in surprise. Does he look like a man who lacks love?

As long as he is willing, countless women come to care about him every day.

"Literally, my father is more concerned about the safety of Fengjia than my happiness. My grandfather is concerned about me, but he is old and frail, lingering in the hospital bed. My grandparents are born snobbish. After my mother died, he broke up with my father, took a lot of money, and then had nothing to do with Fengjia. I seem to be beautiful, but my heart is lonely. Miss Lin, if you can't even get married If you want to leave me, I have to go back to those cold days, you know? " Feng Yu is not a person who likes to open his heart and talk about his weakness. But facing Lin's shining black eyes, he feels that she is the only one he wants to talk to.

Miss Lin, the whole person is numb, small face is a piece of amazement: "sounds like you are really lonely, just like me."

I don't know if it's sympathizing with each other, which makes Miss Lin feel a touch of sympathy and sympathy.

Finally, she tried to think, she and Feng Yu's loneliness is not the same, she is poor and lonely, and Feng Yu is what you want, what's too high to be cold.

He has so much money and status. What does she sympathize with him for?

"Do you really marry me because you like me? Can you remember that day when we got married, you said that you would use me to humiliate the Lin family? I can't tell which one is true and which one is false Miss Lin's mood is also very contradictory, but his heart is expecting, he is not so unbearable, will become a chess piece, be used.

Feng Yujun's eyes were slightly stiff. He took another sip of wine subconsciously. After a few seconds of silence, he said faintly: "I admit that what I said that day was too hurtful. My hatred for the Lin family should not be counted on your head. It's true that I want to step on the Lin family. It's true that I want to marry you because I like you."

Miss Lin couldn't help but sneer: "don't you hit yourself in the face? You say I'm half of the Lin family. You hate the Lin family, but you like me? What position do you want me to stand on to accept your love? "

"Indeed, I didn't stand in your position to consider for you. Now we've spread our words and you can decide for yourself." Feng Yu was a little remorseful, and his tone was deep, just like his strong emotion, which could not be vented.

Lin sighed weakly and lowered his head. Suddenly he saw the shining diamond ring on his finger.

The dazzling light seemed to shine directly into her heart.

Once bored to online search, seemingly low-key diamond ring, the value is as high as ten million, married to this man, he really did not treat himself.

"Feng Yu, I I don't know how to answer you. How about Let's try to get along with each other like this. If you don't think I'm in trouble, or my status is too low, or my grandfather is a greedy man, I won't divorce you. " Miss Lin's voice is very light, but it seems that she has made a major decision. After that, she raises her eyes and looks at the man across the street.Feng Yu's big palm holding the wine cup slightly stopped, and his cold face softened for three minutes. His empty big hand stretched over the table and pressed her little hand on the table gently.

The scorching temperature of the palm spread all over Lin's body in an instant. She trembled slightly, as if what he held was not only her hand, but also her future and her life.

"Anyway, I don't dislike you!" A man's low voice, as mellow as wine, is intoxicating.

Miss Lin's beautiful eyes opened slightly. The mist made her eyes ripple, but there was a kind of beautiful and moving amorous feelings.

"Really?" Miss Lin seems to be listening to a promise, eyes have no reason for a heat, as if asked these two words, with the whole body strength.

"Well!" Men thin lips slightly Yang, but the meaning of a smile.

Lin Xiangxiang was suddenly very embarrassed and took his little hand away from his palm. Only then did he find that his palm was already sweating.

"That's what you said. In the future, you will dislike me, and I will depend on you." Lin Xiangxiang immediately said cruel words to frighten him.

Feng Yu is not afraid of scaring, not to mention that she has no threat, but also with a girl's coquettish.

"You'd better remember that. You must rely on me and don't leave easily." Feng Yu is in a better mood. I don't know if his mind is really unhealthy. She just said that he depends on him. His mind is full of her coquettish appearance. The more he thinks about it, the more uncomfortable his lower abdomen gets. Feng Yu quickly extinguishes this assumption.

Miss Lin chuckles. The huge stone in her heart seems to be pushed away easily by a man.

"You asked your grandfather to come to my company tomorrow." Seeing her smile, Feng Yu was fascinated by it. Then he spoke faintly.

At the mention of this heavy topic, Lin's smile disappeared and he had to whisper, "thank you!"

"It's just a matter of saying hello. It's not that hard." Feng Yu said lightly.

"Not everyone can say hello." How could miss Lin not know that greater interests and power are involved?

Feng Yu shrugged his lips disapprovingly: "what I said is that greeting is just a form of scene. There are many interests behind it."

Miss Lin heart fretting, looking at the man easily agreed to his request, but it is to make her nervous.

"My grandfather asked me to send you some tea as a gift of thanks, OK?" Lin was too embarrassed to mention it, but he had to.

"Well!" Feng Yu answered carelessly, and then told her: "eat quickly!"

Lin miss this just took the knife and fork to eat again, also don't know whether the burden in the heart is light, let her have more mind to taste delicious, feel the taste of this steak is better.

Leng Yaochen had a meeting until more than 8:00 p.m. when he came back to his residence, he tore open his tie and threw it away. Suddenly he saw the gift box he had brought back, his cool face, and he felt tender for three minutes.

He reached out and took out the contents of the bag. He opened the box and put a gray blue tie inside.

Thin lips for no reason a hook, as if a day of fatigue, but also because of this tie and dissipated.

Long finger takes out tie, Leng Yaochen hangs on neck, go to cloakroom.

In front of the full-length mirror, Leng Yaochen's eyes were burning at this tie, which actually matched his temperament.

I didn't expect that little fool to have a good eye.

Does she mean something by giving him a tie?

Want to take this collar to catch him, very good, he has been caught by her gentle, even don't want to struggle.

Just a few seconds later, Leng Yaochen took down his tie and went to the bathroom.

What if he likes it? She's Feng Yu's wife now, and he's looking for embarrassment.

Think of, Leng Yaochen mood worse up, if that day, he did not go to the wrong room, if he did not see her white charming body, he would not be like a demon, full of her shadow.

As if he was destined to do so, he could not escape.

Leng Yaochen shakes off his shirt, holds his hands on the glass platform, and pours cold water on his face. In the mirror, there is a face that is unwilling, embarrassed, but lost. How can it be himself?

Shouldn't you be high spirited? How can you be like a loser who has not been defeated?

And all this, just because I know a girl named Miss Lin.

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