Hidden genius: Black belly snake

Chapter 214: Engagement ring Part1

Chapter 214: Engagement ring Part1

As the crowd around Marvin dispersed, Charlotte and Tang Yue as well giggled and got the hell out of there.

Charlotte almost fell down from laughing uncontrollably, clutching her stomach. 

She had only always seen Tang Yue serious or indifferent. She had never seen this mischievous side of her. So it was very refreshing for her to witness the whole thing.

Charlotte as well hated that disgusting lump of an elf. The guy always tried to rub against her and touch her inappropriately whenever they met, even though he was betrothed to someone else.

Pervert! She spat out, looking back at his pitiful figure.

The duo then almost ran to the other end of the market. "What are we going to do now?" Charlotte asked.

"We will stay here for the night and leave before daybreak." Tang Yue fiddled with the hair on her head and answered.

"Ok. Sounds good." Charlotte mumbled. 

They were already walking in the direction where a couple of mixed race inns were located, so they continued heading there.

But not long after, sounds of tinkling bells echoed and a small white furball with a couple of blue streaks on its body ran towards them from around the street corner.

Tang Yue, of course, instantly recognized who this white furball was and she scooped up the energetic little wolf cub like catching a chicken for slaughter.

Since she was currently in disguise, the small beast didn't recognize her and struggled in her grasp.

It shook its soft fluffy body vigorously and tried to escape, but Tang Yue hugged the naughty cub tightly and refused to let him go.

While she was still wrestling with this little guy, a familiar voice sounded in front of her.

"He He. Greetings, good sir. It looks like this little fellow had unexpectedly taken a liking to you."

"Would you by chance wish to raise him yourself?" Xavier chuckled, flashing a big grin on his face.

Both Tang Yue and Charlotte were surprised to see him and did not know what to say.

Tang Yue in particular was completely shocked. Not because of seeing Xavier here, but because of what it actually implied.

She looked at the royal elven prince casually standing in front of her and then looked at her puppy. 

Without her allowing it, a small thought surfaced in her heart

Maybe the man cared about me after all and was simply forced to do this due to circumstances?

But she immediately shook her head. Don't be a fool, Yue! She reprimanded herself.

Tang Yue's flustered face disappeared and she looked up at Xavier with her calm and unwavering eyes. "Thanks." She mumbled.

"Don't thank me. You know whom to thank." Xavier shrugged his shoulders and started walking past them. 

He was obviously trying not to draw too much attention to this little impromptu meeting.

"Oh, before I leave. You should wear the ring hanging around the cub's neck. There are some things inside." 

Xavier waved his hand and walked away without looking back.

Stupid brother, shouldn't you do this in person to earn more browny points? He sighed.

He was just about to disappear around the next corner when his eyes vaguely caught a slender silhouette walking next to dwarf Tang Yue.

"The fuck?" He exclaimed in surprise, halting in his tracks.

Charlotte's cute adorable face shone in the bright sunlight and she looked simply stunning in her vixen hybrid disguise.

The shabby clothes she had donned didn't hide her beauty at all.

"Wow." Xavier ogled shamelessly. 

"How the hell did I miss such a stunning vixen slave?" He gulped, with goosebumps surfacing all over his body.

He had never seen a more beautiful woman and his entire being was tickled along with his little brother, thanks to the weird fetish he had.

"Shit, will the snake trade her with me?" He pondered as he watched the two walk away. 

It took him a while to realize that there was something else also wrong in this picture.

"Wait a minute Why does my brother's snake have a vixen slave with her?"


Xavier gulped nervously, as he remembered certain rumors that had spread around Eldoria about Tang Yue and Charlotte involved in an affair.

"This This Brother, your wife has taken a new sex slave!!!!!!!" The elf screamed like a lunatic and sprinted towards the royal palace at top speed.

This morning, Xander had unexpectedly shown up in his courtyard and asked him or rather commanded him to deliver everything in-person to Tang Yue.

When Xavier had asked why, he simply replied that he was too busy to do it himself.

But surely, nothing could be more important than this news!!!

So Xavier hurried back to the palace to inform Xander about this new piece of information.

In reality, slaves can be used for a lot of different things. Some simply use them as maids, and some even as assistants to do certain chores. 

Only a few deviants purely consider slaves as sex slaves and Xavier was, unfortunately, one of them. 

Though he was somewhat better than the others. 

The man simply bedded them once and then he typically lost interest in them, employing most as palace maids in his courtyard. 

This was why Xavier's quarters in the royal palace were littered with vixens happily chatting around and roaming here and there.

It was a very well-established equilibrium and almost a win-win scenario since hybrids and spirit beasts were ill-treated often.

At least here, they were paid decent wages and not exploited and were almost given their complete freedom.

But all of this was not important right now, the important point was that his brother's snake had taken a hybrid vixen as a sex slave!!!!

Xavier quickly reached the palace and ran to his brother's quarters. But unexpectedly, when he searched all over for him, he couldn't find him anywhere within the royal palace.

Xavier then tried asking one of the guards standing in front of Xander's private quarters. "Where is he?"

"His highness has entered a secluded cultivation session." The guard answered. "No one is allowed to see him and disturb him."

Huh? Xavier was even more confused. 

He knew that things were currently sensitive in Eldoria and he couldn't believe that his shrewd brother will disappear for cultivation purposes at this crucial time. 

But even so, just where the hell did he go.?

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