He's My Fiancée ! : I Went Back To The Past and You !

Chapter 299: Trust-II

Chapter 299: Trust-II

The rain had doubled the amount it had shed its water drops than the weeks before. In the time pass midnight where often time no one would come out, Fan Gang wore his hooded long pitch black jacket to prevent him from being drenched by the rain. He had passed through the dark alley and moved in a small and narrow pathway where suddenly a clicking sound scattered in front of him. It was a rat who had been eating trashes from the bin and ran when it sensed his large motion.

Finding the rat her almost recalled the days where he was called and shouted as a rat. To find the rat at the moment he pulled a small smile as he felt how his fate from the rat wasn't that far off different.

Unlike his other siblings Fan Gang was a son of a mistress. His mother was a maid who was touched by his father and soon he was born. Soon when he was born, the wife of his father hated her mother and was about to kill her alive but before she could do that, his father bring his mother out of the house. But heaven above seemed as though it didn't want to bother themself by taking a pity to him. Soon when he barely reach the age of five, his mother died from overworking herself and he was taken back into his father's family.

And as one would expect the house where he lived at was even worse than hell. He experienced both verbal abuse and physical abuse but no one would bother themself to safe him out of fear that the mistress would fire them. His two step brothers would called him rat out of spite and take part in their mother's abuse without a hint of guilt to their own little brother.

He suffered greatly while everyone was looking away busying themself with their life. Though he had thought that no one cared about him there was still his father he believed to have a heart for him. After all the man had brought him back to the house before he was sent to an orphanage.

But it was a mistake. The very father he admired and loved was in truth was nothing but a scumbag. He had taken him in only so that his good name wouldn't be blemish and his mother was thrown away soon after his birth was because his father was tired of the drama causing in the family.

His mother must have known that and now that he recalled there was one time when he asked his mother about his father. That day, his mother came back from her night work and looked haggard. Seeing how tired how mother was, like the kind son he was Fan Gang ran quickly with a glass of water for refreshments.

Her mother took the glass of water to quench her thirst and when she saw his adorable face, her face softened in a motherly expression. "How was your day today, Gang-er?"

"I studied a lot today! Xi played with me a lot today too in the park." he mentioned the name of the neighborhood elderly woman who had always took care of him as his mother was working.

"That's great, you had eaten dinner didn't you?" she saw Fan Gang bringing his head up and down and stood up from her spot. "Mother is going to sleep now go first to the bed Gang-er." then she felt her head lunged with dizziness to stagger as her balance was unstable. She was about to fall when she felt Fan Gang holding her body with his entire person.

Rubbing his head, she gave an apologetic eyes, "I'm sorry Gang-er." and Fang Gang shook his head saying that it was alright.

Then before his mother continued to walk, he held her skirt to give the question she had been wanting to ask, "Mother, where is father?" His mother grew wide eyed from his words. "I saw father's picture before where is he? My friends said that mother will be happier if you live with fathe-" After his innocent question his mother shot up in fury her anger bubbled to her kind eyes that he had never seen before.

"Don't call that man your father!" he could still feel his mother's voice ringing in the back of his ears even though decades had passed after the death of his mother.

And Like a rat he had been living with his eyes in the ground looking at nothing but floors until he met Lin Chang Lu. The girl who had saved his life but now the same girl was about to fall into madness.

Last night Lin Chang Lu did nothing but screaming and vent her anger in buying clothes which she didn't use. It was the only way she could comfort herself as she had no one beside her who could hear to what emotion she had been holding. But it still didn't justify the fact she was trying to rob someone's else lover and the fact she had destroyed and trample many lives under her. But like how she couldn't stop loving Wang Li Lei he cant also stop himself from being attached to her.

He was a rat who was granted a good life by Lin Chang Lu and for a rat, his life to him was cheap compared to Lin Chang Lu's happiness. Though he wasn't sure whether it was happiness that will come to her even if he did this it was better for him to dirty his hand before Lin Chang Lu dirtied her own hand.

He then continued his path toward where he was told by the man who had offered him a condition that could perhaps be his solution right now. The place was deserted from any passenger and next to him was buildings that had been abandoned. If the ghost would to appear next to him he wouldn't be surprise after seeing the tattered condition of the building. Once he arrived at the last path, the light came over to his face to flickered between on and off.

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