He's My Fiancée ! : I Went Back To The Past and You !

Chapter 271: Wedding Anniversary Party

Chapter 271: Wedding Anniversary Party

The black car arrived, bringing the two to the gate of the Wang Family's mansion. As the party was a very large one with many prominent guests they came early but was still stuck in a little traffic on the way of reaching the mansion which stayed on the top of a hill. The rain last night had fortunately died down by the time the sun arise, bringing a good weather to the day where their engagement would be set.

Happy days like this Xiao Yun couldn't hold her smile from pulling upward no matter how much she pressed her lips. The thought of having their engagement publicized mean having their wedding announcement, like a promise before marriage. As much as she loved Wang Li Lei with all her life, the day of their marriage was one that she waited eagerly for.

There are still a problem laying across the bridge of their nose, but surely everything will be alright. She wanted to believe that. Turning his face from the spot he was watching Wang Li Lei saw Xiao Yun's smile. He placed his hand and held her hand, smoothening her curled hand he held her hand warmly. "Are you nervous?"

"A little." She confessed. "But more than nervous I'm happy." He returned her words with a chuckle. "Have you received any news from Mr. Liu?" asked Xiao Yun. After her short conversation with Wang Li Lei's mentor, she concluded the large possibility that Liu Yan Hui was not a human. If he knew she went back to the past along with another two people he could identity the other two people too and perhaps the sender of the blue gem she wished.

"Not yet, he is still outside the country." Seeing the little disappointment written over Xiao Yun's face, he also wanted to bring back his mentor as soon as he could but from where Liu Yan Hui was it would take another day for the man to come back. "Don't worry tomorrow as soon as he came back we will meet him."

"I'm not worried." Her smile stayed jolly. "It's a celebration today, nothing good will come of I'm worried." Wang Li Lei agreed with her thought and rubbed her forehead a little. By the time their turn finally arrived, Jang Hyun went out of the car beforehand to open the car for his master and the young lady. Taking his long legs first outside the car's frame Wang Li Lei turned and extended his hand to Xiao Yun. "I missed to say this earlier," at the end of his words his smile glittered to her gaze. "You're beautiful tonight."

Puckering her lips she feigned a sulk. "Do you mean I'm not beautiful any other day?" She decided to tease him. All this time her plan of teasing him failed but the urge didn't die down.

"I have never found a single second where you are not beautiful." He stated with upmost seriousness without a hint of waver. Seeing his expression her ears turned bright red, wrapping her hand on his arm she giggled. "I love you."

"Me too."

The spectacle of the two surprised the rest of the socialites who hadn't received the news of Wang Li Lei taking a fiance. Some thoughts that the rumors were fake but now that they saw the two came together holding hands the rumors were irrefutable. Lin Chang Lu stayed not too far from the entrance with Fan Gang staying beside her perfectly only five steps away from her. Her eyes were fixed at the sight of Xiao Yun standing right beside Wang Li Lei holding hand with a blinding smile over their faces. Her hand clenched into a tight fist. Seeing it Fan Gang only uttered a word. "My lady."

"What?!" She raised her voice at the man but enough for other not to be bothered with her harsh voice.

"Please do not be rash." Seeming as if he could read Lin Chang Lu's mind, the end of his words turn to a whisper.

Lin Chang Lu knitted her brows. "Don't order me. You are the last person I want to here this from." And Fan Gang did nothing but bowed at her words. Seeing how easy Fan Gang quieted down her heart felt happy yet it doesn't ease her irkness of what she saw. "If I don't do anything." She turned and smiled. "Can you do anything Fan Gang?"

"My lady-"

"Forget it." She wasn't in the mood to hear his words. "Tonight don't do anything, don't ever step out of your line. Remember Fan Gang of your position. Always step one bellow and don't peek out your nose to where you don't belong and where it isn't your place." Lin Chang Lu turned as he reminded the man of his position, bitting her lower lips she clenched her hand and feigned her smile regardless of her sour mood. Fan Gang on the other hand stood there in silence. His impregnable expression seemed to cracked under the blinding light in front of him. Just as his mistress ordered, the man slowly fade into the shadow, running away from the light.

Wang Li Lei walked alongside Xiao Yun to the entrance. People gathered around swarming to see Xiao Yun's face clearly and whispered among each other. Some surprised, some in envy, and some questioning her background. Every faces they made were obvious. "I see that you have arrived Mr. Wang." A man's voice called his name. Rotating her face a little she saw a man with a rather good look on his forties. "Mr. Li." Wang Li Lei greeted briefly, his expression turned cold in front of the man.

Mr. Li? Xiao Yun questioned in her mind. One of the four families other than Wang Family? Xiao Yun wondered whether her guess was true when she heard the man spoke again. "And who might the young lady be?" So he didn't know who she was, she thought.

"Good evening, my name is Yu Xiao Yun, Li Lei's fiance." This sentence glued to her almost making it seemed like her catcher phrase which she never dislike.

"So the rumored." The old man trailed. Xiao Yun fixed her thoughts, the old man must have known her before but feigned his nescience. "You're a very beautiful young lady, I could understand why Mr. Wang choose you rather than the others." His tone said as though it was the only good thing he could find from Xiao Yun. The others he meant must be Lin Chang Lu.

Xiao Yun didn't know but she doesn't like the man in front of them now. He seemed sly and cunning a type that doesn't go well with her. Xiao Yun took a glance toward Wang Li Lei's face and found his face showing the little appearing dislike to the man over his face.

"Then, Mr. Li we have to go now. Good night." He said and held Xiao Yun's hand as they went and left. Xiao Yun glanced sideways and saw Mr. Li raised his hand a little seeming want to say something but hold back as the two had left.

"Is he the head of Li Family?" Xiao Yun recalled Wang Li Lei told the next heir was older than him but she didn't expect he was almost two decades older. She also thought the two to have a good relationship but by seeing their interaction earlier it didn't seem so.

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