He's My Fiancée ! : I Went Back To The Past and You !

Chapter 258: Unexpected Meeting-II

Chapter 258: Unexpected Meeting-II

Just as Xiao Yun arrived at the jade shop, her eyes stared sparkly at all the jewelry showcased in front of the shop. Han Mi Er's suggestion wasn't off the mark just a glance at the jewelry Xiao Yun could see how it is a famed item between the elders of socialites.

"Hm," Han Xi Guang stared at one of the bright pink jewelry with a jade frame. "That looks good."

"Right?!" Han Mi Er chirped. "Look at This one Xiao Yun and this one! Everything is too beautiful aren't they?"

"Yes." Xiao Yun narrowed her eyes, tapping her idle finger faintly on her purse. Each of the jewel held their own beauty and splendid carvings that not even one of the accessories were dull. At first, Xiao Yun thought it will be easy to chose the rare antique accessories that Han Mi Er mentioned as the beauty would stood out amongst the rest. However, after seeing all the accessories she had made a false judgement. The shop owner was confident the test would be a hard one because he was confident of his own accessories.

"Seems like it wouldn't be an easy bet then." Han Xi Guang commented, having his elder cousin shooting arrows of glares.

"We should go inside first! What is important isn't about the rare accessories anyway." Xiao Yun agreed with her words..Although having a present that could give a lasting impression would also do good, today she came to buy Wangs' grandparents an anniversary gift that wouldn't create any trouble. So all the accessories are good enough to her eyes. Just then, suddenly Xiao Yun heard a sharp surprises voice exclaiming. "Ah!"

Turning her face to the source of the voice, she found Lin Chang Lu standing beside Xie Ru who had just let out a sharp scream after spotting Xiao Yun linking arms friendlily with Han Mi Er and Han Xi Guang beside them. She could still understand Han Mi Er to be Xiao Yun friend but it wasn't the case to Han Xi Guang. How come that wealthy billionaire who was known for his hidden affairs was here with Xiao Yun?

Like a duplication, Lin Chang Lu also held an awed expression on her face. In the early morning as Lin Chang Lu arrived at Golden Tree office, she opened the curtain of her office for her to be greeted with a disaster. Shocked, she instantly ordered Fan Gang to tear down the billboard. Yet no matter how much money Fan Gang offered,  he couldn't persuade the billboard company to tear the billboard down. Unable to hold down her frustration that had reached to the back of her head, she decided to vent all her anger by shopping only to meet the real thing was right across her eyes!

Who could guess just when she thought of buying Wangs' grandparents anniversary gift Xiao Yun would also be in the same place? Not to mention she was with the irritating woman Han Mi Er and Han Xi Guang!

"Oh my, what a coincidence Chang Lu and Xie Ru. I never expect you two to come here too. Good afternoon." Xiao Yun greeted with a smile. As much as Lin Chang Lu want to pull Xiao Yun's black hair madly, she gathered her composed smile. "That's true, what a coincidence Xiao Yun, Han Mi Er, and Mr. Han. Good afternoon to you too." Han Mi Er rolled her eyes not wanting to bother herself by answering the annoying woman while Han Xi Guang offered a pleasant smile. "Likewise."

"It's been a long time since the last time we saw each other, Mr. Han. Was it perhaps since Li Lei's last birthday party?" Lin Chang Lu weaved her talk to Han Xi Guang, treating Xiao Yun and Han Mi Er like an empty air.

"Perhaps." He said, neither agreeing nor denying.

Xiao Yun faced up to see Han Xi Guang's smile look stale and a little fake to her. He undoubtedly was painting a very gentle smile to his lips but his eyes were somewhat dull.

"But what are you doing here, Xiao Yun? I've been wanting to meet you since the tea party." Lin Chang Lu played her role as a friendly person, hiding the fact that she was running out from her own company after being forced-see Xiao Yun's picture on the billboard. "Are you possibly here to buy present for grandfather and grandmother? Or are you here to buy accessories for yourself?"

"You're very good at guessing Chang Lu. Yes, I'm here to buy a present for grandfather and grandmother." Xiao Yun replied. What was she going to do again this time?

"Look at her acting all mushy and friendly by calling Wang' elder grandfather and grandmother." Han Mi Er whispered in a snapping tone, making a smile full of mirth to appear on Han Xi Guang's face.

"Then, we should enter together!" Lin Chang Lu clapped her hand. "We're friends, aren't we? Also isn't it better to have more opinions?"

Han Mi Er rolled her eyes again. "Xiao Yun rather than entering with them, we should come back later."

"Hm." Xiao Yun sang. Sure enough like Han Mi Er she didn't want to respond to Lin Chang Lu "offer" but she also didn't see the need to avoid Lin Chang Lu. Xiao Yun whispered. "No, it's fine Ms. Han let's enter the shop." She took a look at Han Mi Er who spared a glance at Lin Chang Lu before rolling her eyes again. "Okay..."

"Sure let's go together, Chang Lu and Xie Ru." Xiao Yun pressed her tone to call Xie Ru Who had been silent the entire time. Observing the woman, she saw her keen eyes being overly vigilant and sharp to her. Seeing the face, Xiao Yun guessed Lin Chang Lu had told her of what had taken in place at the garden. Her version of the story which had been twisted beyond repair that is.

The five people entered the shop. While the women had grouped themselves to a two person group, Han Xi Guang chose to stand somewhere of the corner at the shop. His eyes eyeing the accessories in a deep thought.

"Welcome, customers good afternoon. Are you all is searching for accessories? May I help you with you task?" An old man came over to the four girls, venturing his eyes at the four girls with pleasantries.

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