He's My Fiancée ! : I Went Back To The Past and You !

Chapter 252: Blaze and Fire-II

Chapter 252: Blaze and Fire-II

"Director Mo Gang, the movie director of many movies which previously known as MLC Agent Director was arrested this afternoon after the following rumors of trafficking young girls and blackmailing the actress with the underage sexual movies that he made. This news were written by APC news today morning." The female reporter began the news inside the TV box screen.

"This is a very unexpected news." The woman beside the reported replied. "Director Mo is one of the directors that swore to protect female actress from any sexual abuse scandals now is involved themself."

"I think everyone who is watching now at home is also thinking that this is quite unexpected, seeing how compassionate Director Mo Gang was."

"That is true, he always make sure to send charity-" the female reported saw a cue from the new director and nodded faintly. "We receive a new news again that Director Mo Gang has been arrested by the police around one o'clock now. Next news, we have a new update of the scandal that involve the top rising model Zhi Ling Ling and Director Mo. A day after we the news was issued, RC&A News had given an update that involved the scandal. Please hear the record after this." The female reporter cues and a voice of a person rang.

"I was threatened by Mrs. Lin! I apologized for my wrongdoing, however, She told me that she would ruin my life if I didn't help her to set Mrs. Zhi to a scandal. For that reason I don't have any other choice than setting her up. I'm very sorry to Mrs. Zhi." The person's voice was disrupted, sounding sharply to conceal the identity of the speaker but Xiao Yun knew that it was Director Mo Gang.

"Mrs. Lin? Who is that?" Xiao Yun who also concealed her voice heard herself questioning Director Mo in the TV screen.

"Mrs. Lin Chang Lu." The word echoed aloud in the news studio. People had their eyes goggled and the female reporter who couldn't believed what they had just heard let a gasp escaped from her mouth. The director behind the news studio waved his hand again, hinting this time that they had to play another recorder which the woman returned with a quick nod.

"We also have a following evidence to this news." The female reporter said for another recorder to play. This time, it was only Lin Chang Lu's voice clearly speaking.

"I do not care what you need to do. Slow down Azure Company's sales by tomorrow. I've sent you the information that you need, set the model to a scandal and make sure she wouldn't be able to clear the scandal until next month."

Xiao Yun who sat beside her brother to watch the news that she had been waiting hummed. Yu Xing Fu noticed her expression and spoke. "This was your doing?"

She turned her head, pulling her lips to smoothened her smile. "Yes. They harmed my friend." 'But,' Xiao Yun thought to herself. She had passed her order to Zi Gong to release the evidence she had gathered regarding Director Mo's disgusting deed of sexual trafficking the new actresses but it wasn't enough for him to be arrested by the police as it didn't have a conclusive evidence. Then how he was arrested? Was it Lin Chang Lu's move? But then Xiao Yun thought no. Lin Chang Lu must be very shocked at the moment by her own news. Then it must have been, Wang Li Lei.

With that thought, her smile sparkled and Xiao Yun began to giggle to herself. Seeing his own little sister laughing for no reason, Yu Xing Fu shuddered, shaking his head. "She's gone nuts."

"Anyway," Yu Xing Fu called again. "What are you doing here?"

Xiao Yun rose her brows. "Staying at home?"

"This isn't your home anymore, right?" Yu Xing Fu jested, waiting for Xiao Yun to puff her cheeks but instead she stood up from her seat. "You're right! Since I've greeted father and mother, I'll go home now, bye!"

Seeing Xiao Yun taking off from the spot hurriedly with beaming smiles that show love, Yu Xing Fu shook his head and heard his phone rang. Taking the phone from the side, he read Han Mi Er's name in the screen for him to pull a smile. "Yes, Mi Er?"

The afternoon sky had turned pitch black. Lin Chang Lu sat on her chair with a rage seeping through each muscle on her face. When she remembered how her voice and the recorders were played in the afternoon news she bite her lower lips again, having the skin of her lips to be cut by her teeth and red liquid flowed out from the wound. Fan Gang fixed the cuff of his suit. His eyes shallowly fell on Lin Chang Lu but his lips were pressed tight to a straight line.

Lin Chang Lu had tried to forget her anger that boiled down since afternoon but as she continued to try to forget the matter, her anger instead blazed deeper. Her eyes snapped when her hand threw everything that was on her table. "That damned old man!! He must be the one who disclosed my informations!" She cursed and cursed, slamming her hand down to the wooden table for Fan Gang to notice how her delicate hand was bruised.

Fan Gang bowed in front of her, his expressionless face said nothing as his lips moved. "My lady, please appease your anger. It was my mistake, please do not blame yourself."

Lin Chang Lu furrowed her brows, she wanted to scream and hit the man in front of her but instead she only avoided his gaze. "If you know that, then you should have be more careful!" She poured her anger but she knew that her assistant since the age of eighteen would never do a flaw to his job, unless it was a matter that he could not solve. "Who do you think help the CEO of Azure? There should be only a few people who could hire a hacker to do that. No, this person also have a larger connection than we thought. There should only be a few people who could do this! Have you found out the identity of Azure Company?"

Fan Gang shook his head silently. "The CEO of Azure is a very secretive person, I had hired twelve private investigator to seek the picture of them but none could take a single picture."

"That worse?" Lin Chang Lu rubbed her temple. "If only we know a little background of this person!" She slammed her table again. Seeing her lower palm had turned reddish blue, the third time Lin Chang Lu was about to whack her table again, Fan Gang extended his hand and placed it bellow hers. Surprised, Lin Chang Lu raised her hand that had strike Fan Gang palm. She furrowed her brows ready to shout at the man but stopped. Fan Gang took her palm, covering her with his palm softly. "Please do not harm yourself, my lady."

He looked upward, brushing his eyelashes at Lin Chang Lu and spoke again before she could cut him off. "I do not found a perfect picture, however, on the day when Mrs. Hen failed to carry her order, I had a faint picture from a bystander. The one thing we know now is that the CEO of Azure is still in her early twenties and her height is about a hundred and sixty five centimeters. Her eye color and hair color are black, she's also rumored to be beautiful and wise. One last thing we know is that her lover is someone with a strong background."

Wrapping his handkerchief upon her palm, Fan Gang released her hand and placed her hand down to the desk again. He took out his phone, showing a blurry photograph of Xiao Yun standing beside a man whose face was cut off from the frame.

"That is not enough information." Lin Chang Lu took her hands very her laps. "Do a check on all the wealthy women in the capital that fit to the description."

"I understand." Fan Gang accepted her order by bowing his neck.

"Also, do anything you can to prevent the news from flaring up again. Hold a tea party with the socialites women, we can't have them loosing judgement to Golden Tree. I want to take a rest now you can leave." Lin Chang Lu covered her eyes. In a glance, Lin Chang Lu held an expression of a person who had gathered her composure again, however, deep down Fan Gang know how fragile her heart now. Pulling his gaze away, he bowed his head. "Please have a good rest, my lady."

He stepped out from Lin Chang Lu's study room. His long legs treaded his paths to the hallways that was belighted by the orange light. The hallway was filled with nothing but his empty footsteps. Just as he passed the corner of the hallways and ready to turn to the left side, the corner of his eyes caught a faint sight of a bird. The bird was small with a very light blue colored feather. It small feet's was caught up in a branch of a tree and looked wounded as fresh blood had dripped down to its feet. Seeing the bird had gone silent, he thought the bird had died but it wasn't so. As the sky had turned dark, the bird was blind now it didn't chirped for some reason even though it could have sang a help song for other to hear his plead. Perhaps the bird had gave up? Fan Gang thought but when he took a closer look, the bird was trying his best to muster his strength on his wings. "How pitiful." He whispered, walking to the window he unlocked the glass window to take the bird to his arm. His deep black eyes that had always empty from emotion held an orange reflection from the light above his head. Closing the colored glass window, the black clothed man left the place with a small bird upon his arm.

The bird hadn't given up.

Just like his lady, the bird hadn't given up.

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