He's My Fiancée ! : I Went Back To The Past and You !

Chapter 247: Betting In The Unknown

Chapter 247: Betting In The Unknown

As the sky had turned ink black and the cold breeze of the night seeped into an opened window. When a new gust of wind blew the opened window, the creaking sound trembled to the hallway. Walking out from Lin Chang Lu's office, Fan Gang the black clothed man held his tablet on his hand to come at a stop in front of the window that was opened. Wondering who would be so stupid as to forget closing the window of Golden Tree's building, he walked to shut the window.

"Isn't it a good night today, Mr. Fan?" A voice of a man sounded from his back. His eyes turned vigilant and carefully he snapped his eyes at his back. The hallway wasn't dimmed, however, at that time the light at the spot where the man stood at had turned off due to the fuses light bulb. With the shadow covering the face of the man that stood in front of him, he couldn't make out his face other than the fact he was a man with a tall figure.

Taking something silently from his pocket, he heard the sound of a click. "Don't be easy, come on. I only wanna talk with you for a second. A second, well it's actually more than that don't take it too literally. But if you still want to use that small taser gun I would have no other choice than using this." He smiled and waved his gun on the air for the light to shine directly.

Seeing the gun, Fan Gang retracted his hand waving his on the air for the man to see and narrowed his eyes to search for possibilities to apprehend the man down. "What do you want."

"Actually it's what do you want." He switched the question. "I heard your beloved mistress who is currently sitting over there in that room is very heartbroken. She wants to have a certain someone to disappear from this world."

When the man mentioned Lin Chang Lu, Fan Gang ground his teeth. "Don't you dare harm her." He warned when he felt the gun coldly bump to the back of his head.

"Are you a deaf dog? Can't hear I'm still talking here?" The man asked again seeming completely angry that he cut his words. Fan Gang didn't answer him again and stayed silent. Seeing his obedience, the man clapped his hand and chuckled happily. "I came here to give you a solution to your problem."

"Problem?" Fan Gang rose both of his brows. He tried to solve the puzzle of who the man that's currently threatening him right now. The moment he heard him saying a problem, his eyes narrowed down. The man in front of him new much more than he thought. No, perhaps he had been watching them since a long time ago.

"What else? There's no other problem for you than Wang Li Lei's fiance, don't you think?" The man played with his gun throwing it up on air before catching it up to his palm again. "So I'm giving you an option. Don't worry, it's not going to involve your queen over there, however, it will do involve you."

Fan Gang chuckled despite the odds against him. "In clear you want me to be your pawn."

"Good dog really do response fast." The man praised with sound amused. "So what do you say?"

"Based on the outcome." Fan Gang retorted. "What will happen with that woman?"

"She'll be gone for good, for your Queen that's it." The man didn't completely explain what would happen with Xiao Yun and seemed to be avoiding to fill in his of his own plan. Judging on his choice, having someone else to clear his problem without involving his mistress was something desirable for him, however, for him to bet on someone who threatened he knew well the consequences of trusting an unknown man.

"How could I trust you?" Fan Gang questioned his intention.

"Should I make a hole on your head and your Queen's heart for you to trust me?" The man gave his dry humorless joke. Receiving a deadly glare from the other end, he raised his hand. "I was joking, whether you trust me or not, it will be your choice. However, for an obedient dog like you, I'm sure you know better what to choose." The man held something between his finger and threw it sharply for it to land bellow Fan Gang's feet. "Contact me from there if you have made up your mind." He hummed happily taking a step back but stop at a snap of his finger. "Oh and one more thing to add, dog. Mr. Wang and his fiance will be holding a public announcement on Wang elder's anniversary. I bet you hadn't heard the news yet so I'm kindly giving you a tip off. If you want to contact me, I would prefer it if you do it faster. Or else who knows if I will ever answer your reply." With that the man moved under the shadow, exiting the building in a second before his complete presence disappeared wholly from the building.

Fan Gang gritted his teeth. Looking down and the card the man threw a moment ago, he bent down to take the card and stared at the writings he wrote. Knowing that he wouldn't be able to catch the man now, it was useless for him to call the security of the building. He turned his course, walking to Lin Chang Lu's office, and knocked on her door.

Without waiting for his reply, he went into her room to see everything had been destroyed by his mistress in a fit of anger. "My lady?" He called as he searched for her shadow. Seeing that she wasn't on her table he moved to the couch to see her sleeping with a trace of tears running down to her eyes. Seeing the pitiful state his mistress was, his eyelashes shook.

Since young Lin Chang Lu was a woman with undying ambitions. This was partly due to how her parents brought her up. Mr. Lin and Mrs. Lin were parents who chose to work and leave their daughter in her maid's hand. The only day for her to be able to see her parents would be the day of her grandmother's anniversary as they would take dinner together. Other than that, Lin Chang Lu would spend most of her time in her room without a single friend other than her soulless dolls.

She was a quiet girl until one day she met a boy under a tree in Wang Family's household. Completely fallen for the young boy, she searched for him everywhere. It was also her time to ask her parents a request. One day she bumped upon Han Family's son speaking with another boy who was slightly older than him. And that day, she finally found the boy who he had been searching for. To stand beside Wang Li Lei, she studied upside down, wanting to be perfect in everything she could. All for the sake of the boy she loved. Yet the same love had made her blind. When she saw how her love had been broken, despise and other ugly feelings had veiled her once pure heart.

If only she wouldn't be blinded by love, Fan Gang thought. He went from his place taking a blanket to cover her. Pulling it forward to her shoulder, Lin Chang Lu moved slightly in her sleep, making his finger to flinch. Seeing her still sleeping, he breathed out in relief. "Li Lei." She softly called the name of the man she blindly loved.

Fan Gang stood up from his crouching position, dusting his knees, his face had the same unwritten expression. As he walked down to the hallway of the building, he took out the card he received from the unknown man and gazed it for him to place it back to his chest pocket.

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