He's My Fiancée ! : I Went Back To The Past and You !

Chapter 240: Graduated From Cambridge

Chapter 240: Graduated From Cambridge

Ten chapters will be updated today, please support the author by the red spirit stones so the book could rank higher!~

Xiao Yun stared at her phone inside her car on the way to Zhi Ling Ling's agency. Feeling something odd on her heart, she felt that she should have accompanied him to visit his grandfather. Having him go alone when he must be very worried of grandfather's Wang's health right now didn't sit right with her now. She was worried whether Wang Li Lei would be too sad alone. She shook her head, waiting again for his new message and prayed so Wang Grandfather's health wouldn't go as worse as how grim the news were.

"Boss, we've arrived." Hi Gu Yan's statement took her eye away from her heedfulness. She glanced over the crowd in front of the entrance of the agency. All of them had a hurried expression or perhaps more of a hungry expression to squeeze the story of Zhi Ling Ling's scandal while they forgot the main lead of the story, Director Mo Gang. She drew her brows, clicking her tongue. Lin Chang Lu was really pushing Zhi Ling Ling's scandal because Azure had flourished much more than she ever thought and now had become Golden Tree's rival. Li Lei must be alone now, she thought. No matter what she must sort out the problem now and come to stand by his side.

Walking out from the car, entering the agency from the entrance would only attract more unwanted attention. She chose the back door of the agency and met with the security to confirm her position. Finally entering the building, she met Chu Bing Luo running to fetch her up. His breaths were disorganized as he huffed to greet her. "Ms. Yu, you finally arrived."

"Yes, where is Ling Ling?" Chu Bing Luo spread his arm, leading her the way to his office. "This way."

Walking to the third floor of the building, Chu Bing Luo stopped at one room and Xiao Yun opened the door hurriedly. Her friend wasn't weak and that she believed, however, Zhi Ling Ling was a gentle person and as often a gentler person protected peace they were also the easiest person to have their hearts broken down. Imagining her friend's crying expression was something she never wanted to see.

"Xiao Yun!" Zhi Ling Ling Called, her voice was peachy. In her hand a few card trumps were placed while in front of her, a person she knew very well with green emerald eyes sparkling sat in front of her. Rubbing his chin, Andy let out a dissatisfied grunt to place a five spade card on a small hill of open cards. "I lost." He whispered with a spite.

"How are you- No wait, are you alright, Ling Ling?" Xiao Yun brushed off Andy's presence in the room.

"Yes! I am." Zhi Ling Ling replied. Looking down, she pursed her lips to a thin line, her brows also sloped down. "About the modeling-"

"That?" Xiao Yun waved her hand. "Don't worry, I've taken care of it." She had modeled enough for her own brand and when she saw the outcomes of her pictures, she felt very satisfied. Although she wondered what face Lin Chang Lu would made when she saw Azure's banner filled with her face, the process of taking the pictures with Wang Li Lei was a treasured moment for her.

"Really? Thank God!" Zhi Ling Ling slumped to her seat. Glancing at her friend, she noticed the slight trembling over her hand. She must have been very worried that Xiao Yun would have to receive many troubles and problems due to the sudden scandal that had never taken place.

"So why are you here?" Xiao Yun asked, crossing her arm over the foreigner man that sat across the room with a dense look. "Because I heard my childhood friend had a problem?" He replied unsurely. "I'm joking, I heard it from Li Lei, he called me and told me the things that happened. Do you even know how surprised I was to have him call me for the first time in my entire life?" He looked up to see Xiao Yun placing an uninterested smile to his rambling and continued. "Anyway, he asked me to help my junior who is my childhood friend's friend. So I came to accompany her in a time of misfortune!"

Xiao Yun sighed At his horrible round and round explanation and rubbed her forehead. "Andy are you sure you graduated from Cambridge?"

"Of course damn I did!" Andy retorted quickly. He could still recollect the memories of all the hard work that consisted of blood, sweat, and tears that he put to graduate as a doctor from Cambridge. Still seeing the irkness over his childhood's smile, he fiddled with his finger and feigned a puppy look. "Are you still angry about the last time? I'm not joking when I said the meal that you made was just too intolerable for me-"

"Don't speak a single word again." Hearing her words, Andy quickly pursed his lips and covered it over his palm.

"Speaking of a lady's cooking skill was a bad move, Andy." Chu Bing Luo sat beside him and cued his assistant to have the woman left the place for a moment. "Please take a seat Ms. Yu."

Xiao Yun sat down. "Are you going to call the manager? Has she told you who hired her or any lead regarding the person?" Finding the knot in Chu Bing Luo's brows, Xiao Yun nodded. "So she didn't."

"Yes," He spoked helplessly. "As expected you are very quick to uptake, Ms. Yu." Chu Bing Luo praised. Was that even something to be praised? "Perhaps you have also know who is behind this all?" He added with skepticism.

Recalling their previous conversation of who could feign their look, Xiao Yun guessed the one of the people before her ranking must be him. His gentle expression was still the same hiding the sly tone that he used to pull some information from Xiao Yun. Smiling Xiao Yun shrugged her shoulder. "I can't say I don't know it but I'm not sure of it so I can't give your my words yet. But I know that it takes two people to tango after all. Pull one and you'll find the source soon enough."

Chu Bing Luo hummed shifting his eyes to the door when they all heard a click sounding across the door. "Director Chu, I've brought Juen." The assistant named. Xiao Yun glanced at Zhi Ling Ling's Manager. Her expression was haggard and there was a heavy dark bag under her eyelids. When she looked across the room to find Chu Bing Luo and Zhi Ling Ling, she bent her head down, unable to look at the people she wronged directly without having her conscience stabbed.

Seeing her expression Xiao Yun could see that she didn't do it in purpose but for the sake of her ill family. She could understand her situation, however, that didn't changed the fact that she was ready to betray the people that trusted her without caring the consequences.

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