He's My Fiancée ! : I Went Back To The Past and You !

Chapter 161: The Feeling Is The Same!

Chapter 161: The Feeling Is The Same!

When they came to the lobby, Xiao Yun parted with her roommates to group up with the people that she didn't want to meet. She had thought to experience the best out of her school trip, but to be with Xue Xiu Yong and Zhuang Han Wu in one group is too much headache, even for her. 

Four younglings stood out in front of the entrance in silence. The Sun in Hangzhou was glaring down at them, winds that sometimes came rustled the trees, making some sound in the intervals. 

Su She In glanced at Xiao Yun. Unlike the other girls dressed in overly flattering clothes which instead made them hard to move in, Xiao Yun only wore a plain blue blouse and blue jeans with her hair tied in a high-braided ponytail. Even though Ji Gu Na described Xiao Yun as an evil woman who lured someone, she didn't look like the type of person who would do that. But she can't be for sure, perhaps Xiao Yun is only a wolf in sheep clothing. 

The other two young men glanced at each other. Meeting each other's eyes, Zhuang Huan Wu exchanged his pleasantries. "Nice to meet you, I'm from class 3-2, Zhuang Huan Wu." he glanced at Su She In for a moment, noticing that she was someone that he had rejected before. 

Su She In bowed to the three seniors to evade Zhuang Huan Wu's face as her heart pained the moment she remembered him turning her confession down. 

"Nice to meet you too, I'm from class 3-4, Yu Xiao Yun." Xiao Yun took the chance to introduce herself and heard Xue Xiu Yong from the side. 

"I'm Xue Xiu Yong the same class as her." he pointed his hand on Xiao Yun and jammed his hand on his trouser pocket, glancing at Zhuang Huan Wu who was staring at Xiao Yun from the side with a crease between his eyebrows. 

"My name is Su She In, a junior, from class 2-3." her eyes were still down at the ground, Xiao Yun keenly read the awkward atmosphere that she had whenever she stole glances at Zhuang Huan Wu. 

"Let's have a good trip together." Xiao Yu began, trying to break some ice between the four of them. "Junior Su, do you want to have a seat together with me?"

Su She In's eyes traveled from Xue Xiu Yong and felt intimidated, sitting with Zhuang Huan Wu wasn't a choice either and so she nodded. "Please take care of me." 

Xiao Yun turned back at Xue Xiu Yong and Zhuang  Huan Wu in a small smile, "We will be having the group trip alone after the tour guide."

"Yes, I heard the details from the class president." Zhuang Huan Wu replied, looking at the map on his hand. "We will be along with the other groups first starting from this street and after that, we can decide where to go until the designed time. "

Xiao Yun received the information silently. Xue Xiu Yong narrowed his eyes to Zhuang Huan Wu that had smoothly cut the distance between them. With a dark frown, he walked through the two of them, stopping after he had given another distance between them. 

Xiao Yun and Zhuang Huan Wu glanced at him in a surprise. "I also want to see." Xue Xiu Yong turned his face at the map that Zhuang Huan Wu was holding as he replied. 

"Everyone! Come here!" The teacher called their group and finally noticed that they were a few steps lower than the others to enter the bus. 

"We're late, Let's hurry." Xiao Yun didn't want to dwell on the moody Xue Xiu Yong and took Su She In's hands gently to enter the bus. 

Zhuang Huan Wu followed from behind and felt Xue Xiu Yong gripping to his hand tightly. "What are you thinking?" 

Zhuang Huan Wu rose his brows, "What am I doing? That's my question Classmate Xue." he looked down pointing at his hand that he held. 

"Don't be ambiguous, let's get this straight. Do you like her or do you don't like her? Choose one." 

Zhuang Huan Wu pulled his lips, placing a gentle smile on his face. "I do like her." 

Xue Xiu Yong glared and heard him talking again, "She was the person who saved me, I do like her. But in case you are talking about love. It's different, it's only admiration."

Xue Xiu Yong released his hand, lifting his brow unsurely. "Don't lie." 

"I'm not." Zhuang Huan Wu replied, his tone was stable without any lies. "I don't have anyone that I love for now." 

From behind, the teacher shouted at them, "Hey! You two! What are you doing? We are late!" 

Zhuang Huan Wu and Xue Xiu Yong followed. Having an answer from Zhuang Huan Wu, Xue Xiu Yong couldn't believe his words that easily and still kept his eyes on hawking his behavior. 

The bus rode to the place called West Lake, a large place to where a large lake that was as clear as a mirror reflecting the breeze greeneries and the bridge in a full view. The guide continued to explain the stories of West Lake and the four people were in their own world of viewing. One people keeping an eye to his surroundings, the other three having fun on hearing the guide's coordinated speech.

By the time the guide finished his information, he followed the school's orde on letting the children to have fun with their own groups. Xiao Yun was pointed as the leader, turned her head to ask the other's opinion, "Where should we go first?" 

"Hm." Zhuang Huan Wu rubbed his chin, " Should we try to walk everywhere first?"

Xiao Yun remembered when they were walking before to see her junior Su She In staring at the red carp pond and had an idea. "Let's visit the red carp pond first, should we?" she glanced at Su She In with an infectious smile, making Su She In to reply with another smile. "Y- yes."

"Then, we should go this way."  Xue Xiu Yong said, moving his steps to the side to protect the clumsy Xiao Yun from the lake. 

Xiao Yun looked at him and thought that he was protecting her from the burning Sun. "thank you." 

Xue Xiu Yong looked at her surprised. Seeing his expression Xiao Yun wrinkled her lips. "What, did you think I'm not going to thank you? I'm not such an evil person you know."

"No." Xue Xiu Yong shook his head. "I thought you weren't going to talk to me."

"It would be weirder for us not to talk in a group." Xiao Yun replied and glanced down at her hand. "You don't need to dwell too much in my wound it's nothing worth mentioning. Really, it doesn't hurt. Believe me."

Xue Xiu Yong laughed, perhaps because of all that's happening to him. He looked a little more mature on the outside since before. "The person that doing this, have you found out who it was?" 

"Not yet." Xiao Yun replied. "Why?" 

"It's just..." he trailed his words, "You were confident before, I clearly thought you knew."

"I do have some suspects, but I'm not too sure."

Xue Xiu Yong stopped his steps. "Suspects? Who?"

"The people that you mentioned and the graduation album." Xiao Yun turned her eyes to see that they have arrived at the red carp pond. 

Xue Xiu Yong sighed, she had her suspects but told no one about it. "You really do not know how to rely on someone, do you?" 

Xiao Yun frowned, she had been thinking about what he meant by his words since that day and turned her position to ask. "I don't understand what you mean." 

He looked down at the girl, did he really don't understand what he meant? So all this time, it was only her working by herself? 

"You don't let anyone help you," he explained. "This isn't the first time, isn't it? When Qu Mei Xing cornered you and when Kou Xin Lin was about to hit on you, why didn't you scream for anyone for help?" 

Xiao Yun grew silence, it wasn't that she didn't want to call anyone, it was because she thought she can handle it alone. 

Seeing her face, he continued. "This time, you're bullied. Nie An and Zhi Ling Ling are worried about you, but you didn't let them get into this!" 

Xiao Yun crossed her arm, "If they get in this, they can get hurt and I don't want them to get hurt." she protested. 

Xue Xiu Yong pinched the skin between his brow, "And no one wants you to get hurt! They want to help you too, lending a hand to protect her friend. The feeling is the same to us, Xiao Yun. Let's work together, we will help you."

Xiao Yun's face grew a few hue dark in her thoughts and heard him talking again, "Your fiancee. Did you tell him about this yet?" 

Xiao Yun looked up, her eyes revealed the answer that was enough for Xue Xiu Yong to scold her more. "This is what I mean! Do you understand it now? You're trying to take this on too much by yourself! If your man hears this, do you think he would not say the same thing?" 

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