He's My Fiancée ! : I Went Back To The Past and You !

Chapter 137: Directly From Your Lips

Chapter 137: Directly From Your Lips

Since the day that Xiao Yun found him, his whole self had become hers. 

People easily disappear, deep inside him, his weary heart was always asking him in a taunt, what if the girl disappear, like how his parents disappeared suddenly? 

If that time came, could he still maintain his sanity when he lost her?

He couldn't stand these thoughts and thus his heart kept a monstrous being that easily changed its moods from the girl's simple movements and words. The change in Xiao Yun's heart meant the change to his life. 

If she chose someone else, would the monstrous being inside him let her go that easily? 

What if he turned into something that she hated the most and hurt her? 

With his whole soul, he was sure that he could never let her go anywhere.

Her back that could seem to easily break. He wanted to protect her forever, but at the same time, his heart also turned possessive from the love that swallowed him. 

People said that love is pure and bright. On one side of the coin, love did seemed bright and warm. However, on the backside that could flip, it was pitch black with possessiveness. 

However, even if it's selfish of him. If the girl is his now, he would make sure that nothing other than him would stay in her heart. He swore to give the happiness that she deserved. 

Xiao Yun was unaware of the thoughts that Wang Li Lei was threading while tapping his slender pale fingers that tapped the couch in a rhythm and wrote the answer to her last question. "I'm done."

She turned her eyes and met Wang Li Lei's eyes. The orange lamplight that glowed next to him colored his face and gave a red hue to his eyes, making it turned red in a sight. 

Xiao Yun fixed her eyes at him as she repeated. "I'm done, Li Lei."

Wang Li Lei ruthless eyes melted. He took the note next to her and check her answer before praising Xiao Yun who once again diligently finished the questions without a single mistake. "Good job."

Xiao Yun quickly closed her books and asked the words that had been lingering on her mind as though it was written by an unerasable marker. "About the thing that you said before."

Wang Li Lei stood up and reached out his hand for Xiao Yun who also stood up in reflex. "Let's talk about this somewhere else."

Xiao Yun nodded. Her hand continued to attach with Wang Li Lei's fingers, warming Wang Li Lei's cold fingers as they locked on each other. 

For a moment, Xiao Yun broke her stares at Wang Li Lei's hand and looked around at the mansion that suddenly turned empty without a single soul. Jang Hyun, Tian Yi, and Hi Gu Yan who was supposed to guard in front of the room also disappeared without a trace. 

As though the whole mansion only consisted of her and Wang Li Lei, Xiao Yun's hunch was whispering her that something was about to happen. 

Wang Li Lei stopped his movement for a second in front of the garden's door that was made out of glass and pushed it open. He also didn't forget to cover Xiao Yun's shoulder from the cold with a warm black coat that had been prepared beforehand on his hand from the room.

Xiao Yun walked down the stairs and passed two long corridors which were painted in white and had short pillars where some vases lied in. Most of the corridors were made out of the glass with a few walls in between. 

Although Xiao Yun couldn't see through the window as it was covered by a champagne-colored curtain, she noticed that between the two corridor she had passed, there was to sharp turn around the corner making the corridor into a rectangle around a specific large space in the middle. 

Xiao Yun had come often to Wang Li Lei's house for studying and had discerned the extent of Wang  Li Lei's house, but she never knew that there was a corridor that wasn't too far from the dining room.

They had been walking for almost 15 minutes and the moment when Xiao Yun was about to ask where they are going, she was welcomed to the garden by the cold sudden gust of wind and the bluish-purple color Hydrangea flowers.

Under the light of the silver moon, the Hydrangea flowers glowed in a bush around a water fountain, making an arc with a stone garden path in the middle. The bushes were rather short as the height stopped in between Xiao Yun's knees, holding the lacy thin flower in star-shaped petal flowers into a pompom. In the night as though fairies were living within the petals, the purple color glowed along the path. 

Wang Li Lei glanced a moment at Xiao Yun's eyes with a smile. "Do you know this flower?"

Xiao Yun immediately nodded. When she was young, she remembered that her mother loved Hydrangea flowers the most and there was once when she was impressed by the flowers that grew in the garden.

"This is Hydrangea Flowers, how beautiful! It's perfectly in the full bloom tonight." She walked toward one of the largest bundles and bent down to slid her fingers while admiring its beauty. 

Although her little heart wanted to pick some of the flowers, Xiao Yun thought that it would destroy the beautifulness and instead chose to only stare at it. "I really love these flowers since young. However, Xing Fu- Ge-Ge was allergic to flower and the garden in the house was later abolished. So instead, my mother planted apple trees and that's why unlike any normal young girls who played in the garden making flower crowns I climbed the trees." Realizing that she said too much unnecessary information that included her tomboyish past, Xiao Yun took a peek under her eyelashes.

Wang Li Lei muttered along with the gust of wind."I know."

With his voice being washed thinly along with the gale, Xiao Yun couldn't hear apprehend what Wang Li Lei said but saw his lips moved and gazed up in question. "What did you say? I couldn't hear you just now the wind was too strong."

Wang Li Lei glanced at the water fountain and spoke to accompany her. "Let's go there."

Xiao Yun followed his steps that fixed its pace accordingly to Xiao Yun's pace before finally ending the stroll right in front of the glittering fountain. Xiao Yu didn't notice that the atmosphere had turned romantic as they were both alone in such a mesmerizing view.

While gazing at the stars that glowed upon the sky above them, Xiao Yun spoke. "How beautiful, I could see the stars from here. I rarely see one in my house."

Wang Li Lei caressed her cheeks, blocking her sight with his face as he spoke. "Yes, it is very beautiful."

Xiao Yun's large round eyes gazed up, twinkling as she asked. "Me or the flowers?"

Wang Li Lei smiled gently. "There's nothing other than you in my eyes."

Xiao Yun grumbled, for the last few days, Wang Li Lei had sharpened his skills in teasing her. She noticed how satisfied his eyes was whenever she reacted in each of his actions. "You are teasing me again."

Wang Li Lei gazed up to follow Xiao Yun's eyes. "I can't help it, you are too adorable for me." 

Xiao Yun shifted her eyes from the sky and met his stare. "You're doing it again... If you keep on doing it, who knows what kind of ladies would hover around you..." Xiao Yun wrinkled her lips to pout and added. "Your face is enough to make them fall over heels- if they heard this too, they would definitely lose their rationality to chase a strand of your hair."

Wang Li Lei still maintain his tender sight at Xiao Yun who had turned her glance away back to the moon. 

"You're jealous?" He asked while taking a step further next to her.

His shadow gradually increased as though the way he urged her to answer with his slate pupils that reflected her slender frame. 

Xiao Yun stuttered from his abrupt seriousness and took a step back. However, soon she stopped moving back as she realized how unnatural her action that was akin to a bandit and the victim "Jealo- Jealous?"

"Am I wrong?" Wang Li Lei asked, with a tone that wasn't questioning but a fact. "You are jealous." He repeated with gladness rippling through his jewel-like eyes.

Finding no word to refute as it was the truth, Xiao Yun stared back at him. With eyes asking him whether he was asking her to confirm his words or not. Seeing his face saying as what she thought, Xiao Yun took a breath and returned. "You knew it without me saying it..."

He took a step, brushing her soft ebony hair while humming between his breath and muttered. "However, I would prefer to hear it directly from your lips. "

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