Hero System! Transported to Another World

Chapter 117: Mission!

Chapter 117: Mission!

Midnight and Imani sat in a dark room, a few computer screens in front of them. All showing images of different locations. Imani smiled at midnight, "It seems like we have a lot of places left to check even after so many were already checked previously But I guess this is good as well, It's been a while since I've had proper missions" She looked excited.

Midnight shook her head, "well, I get your excitement but this is also something that causes stress I've only been training for reapers, and although I can fight properly, not much recent experience on actual missions. I did a few in the past but It's been a while But your words did pique my interest, did Ryan send you to missions?" She looked curiously at Imani. 

Imani smiled and nodded, "He did, but it was mostly small-time criminals. Essentially a few rouge awakeneds at from E to D rank in strength who got a little bit too cocky and tried their hands at crimes. You know, the other thing that the Bureau handles." She looked proud.

Midnight nodded, "Ahh, yeah. I did do those missions in the past I thought those jobs were moved under Hana's jurisdiction but It seems like they are making you all do some of the easier ones as well I guess it's good in a way. Good training and they get to see what happens if they ever decide to try your hand at crime using their abilities." She looked at Imani. 

Imani nodded, "that is true, I was shocked to hear that at first, someone who was known to be the least likable person among the awakened was the leader of such an important organization to all of us, The bureau of Intelligence. But her powers are too good to refuse. I've seen tapes of her taking down enemies with a single punch. Never has there ever been anyone that was able to stand up and take her second blow." She looked at the locations as she spoke. 

Midnight also scrolled through the given locations, "That's true but there are many cases when she was evenly matched. But I guess that's not, for now, We need to focus on this mission. It feels good to be back and doing these types of missions. It's good to take down scums abusing their powers" Her gaze suddenly turned cold, "I can't forgive them for attacking a place where Buster was" 

Midnight shook her head, 'I can't get distracted Buster is fine, it was just an initial scare when I heard the news but He's fine But I still can't let them get away after attempting an attack on the facility' She looked at a certain location and nodded, "This one." 

Imani looked at where Midnight was pointing and nodded, "A pretty sketch area It's out of the city but that would make it easier for criminals. And There were a few complaints to the police about that place so this seems like a good place." She agreed with Midnight's choice. 

Midnight smiled and looked at the screen, It was an abandoned factory, The entire thing looked like it was taken from a horror movie. Imani laughed, "It would be funny if we really saw any criminals here though I don't think an organization that did so much to harm us would just be living in a clearly sketchy place. But it is worth a try, reverse psychology is a thing." She looked at Midnight for affirmation. 

Midnight nodded, "it's a sketchy place from the get-go and if they wanted, It would be a place that people wouldn't really search first. But that depends on what type of person they are. However, As I said before. The complaints are fresh, only yesterday. That's why Shadow hasn't been able to investigate it and now his job is put on us. This seems to be the best place to check out. An officer also went missing when told to check the site but as soon as he went on the highway, his signal was lost so we can't say that this place was the place of crime exactly. But the chances are pretty good." 

She stood up and looked at Imani, "If we get this on the first try, I'm sure that we'll be able to pay those scums for using cheap tactics to attack Bureau of Awakened property without thinking about the repercussions. We'll also be the first ones to beat them bloody, wouldn't we?" She looked happy. 

Imani nodded, 'It didn't look like it at first but midnight really is angry She is trying to hide to herself but no one would say it like that' She shook her head and sighed, 'I understand her anger so I won't question it. I would also be angry if the place where someone I loved was attacked but that'll take some time to even find someone like that. I guess it's good for missions like these, no one to worry about.' She said to herself before walked out of the room. 

The two were ready for their first investigation. 

Mary walked into a small building, her clothes were very formal. She walked to the desk and tilted her head sideways, "I thought this was an army barrack. Why are you sleeping at this time?" She looked annoyed. 

The man in front of Mary jolted awake and looked at Mary with slight annoyance. He looked at her from top to bottom but paused as soon as he went to her chest. The man's eyes opened wide and he instantly stood up, "I'm sorry Ma'am! It was a rough night of training so I fell asleep without knowing! It won't ever happen again!" He said from the top of his lungs. He wasn't looking at her breasts, it was the badge on her shirt.

Mary sighed and rolled her eyes, "Doesn't matter, I'll let you off this time. Get back to work. I'm just here to check on everything." She said as she walked to a door, 'this will be fun. I'm just doing a barrack check so I can do almost whatever I want to and not raise much suspicion Investigating this way will be the best.'

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