Heavenly Tyrant Martial Soul

Chapter 336: Profound Realm Shakes

Chapter 336: Profound Realm Shakes

For the Jade Heaven Dynasty, having the location of their imperial palace exposed was absolutely not a good thing.

Empress, what do you think?

The emperor asked his wife.

Although the auspicious clouds continued to gather, that terrifying roar continued, continuously forcibly dispersing the auspicious clouds.

That roar came from the Heavenly Dragon Continent. Im afraid its a warning from a Heavenly Realm powerhouse. A primordial behemoth has come back to life.

The woman slightly frowned and concluded.

Heavenly Dragon Continent?

When the emperor mentioned this continent, he couldnt help frowning. He never forgot the teaching of his ancestors. Whatever happened, one should never have any thoughts of attacking that continent.

That was the continent where the Human Race had risen. Even the Human King had emerged from there.

Although it was weak now, no one dared to easily set foot there.

Empress, it seems that the prophecy is accurate. This is already the ninth primordial behemoth that has returned to life! Nine is the highest digit. Isnt this telling us to send someone to Heavenly Dragon Continent? That primordial behemoth must not fall into the hands of the enemy!

The emperor asked.

The woman didnt speak, simply taking off her hairpin and suddenly swiping at the sky.

A long dazzling silver river appeared that had originally been covered in a sea of clouds.

This long river then changed into a flood dragon that swept towards the looming phantom in the sky.


The long river suddenly burst apart. It was completely annihilated before it could approach.


The woman finally decided: Every behemoth has strength not inferior to the Human King. Once they come back to life, no one can control them. If someone tries, they will court endless disasters.

Never mind then! Eh? The sound is gone!

The dragon roar finally disappeared, and the phantom in the sky did too.

The auspicious clouds enveloped Jade Heaven Dynastys imperial palace again.

Nine Netherworld Continent, which was shrouded in darkness throughout the year.

There was no sunlight, only darkness.

Everything here seemed evil and unpeaceful.

In the sky, an earth-shaking black shadow flew.

If one looked carefully, one might realize that it was actually a huge bat with wings that stretched dozens of miles.

Moreover, that huge bat actually had three heads, each more ferocious than the last.

On the back of this huge bat was a person who couldnt be seen clearly in the darkness.

The creatures on the ground crawled on the ground, praying sincerely that they would escape notice.


The huge bat opened its mouth and let out a roar similar to a beasts.

With this roar, the souls of countless creatures flew out of their bodies and into its mouth.

Little fellow, you are truly gluttonous.

That person on its back smiled lightly.


Suddenly, a dragon roar resounded in the sky, and a dazzling phantom with a golden radiance appeared on the horizon.

That huge bat immediately screamed and unexpectedly fell to the ground.

The souls it had originally absorbed also flew back.

The figure sitting on its back, however, remained as calm as before. He slightly raised his right hand, allowing that huge bat to recover its balance and fly again.

Ancient Golden Dragon? I never expected this fellow to revive. Normally, this would be impossible unless someone possessed the Landscape Martial Soul!

The shadow looked at the phantom on the horizon, his eyes flashing with madness and ruthlessness.

Landscape Martial Soul! A martial soul once possessed by the Human King! Heh heh, Im truly interested.

How much of an impact did the ancient golden dragon have?

Ling Xiao didnt know.

He only saw this ancient golden dragon lying down after roaring, before closing its eyes and falling asleep. 

Ling Xiao knew very well that the terrifying power of this ancient golden dragon was not something he could grasp yet.

However, if he could extract even a trace of this power and use it via the Landscape Martial Soul, it would be of great help.

The Primordial Behemoth, however, is a part of the Ancient World. Even though it is powerful, it still cannot escape the rule of my martial soul. Landscape Martial Soul is a domineering, unprecedented, and unequaled martial soul. Since it has chosen you as its master, treat it well, and it will naturally reciprocate!

At that moment, a short phrase suddenly appeared in Ling Xiaos mind.

He didnt know who had said it. Ling Xiao exhaled a mouthful of turbid qi.

Now, he understood that the initial awakening of the Landscape Martial Soul had just been a test from its original owner.

Lots of people before him had awakened the Landscape Martial Soul, but they had been unable to completely integrate it with their souls, so it had never been truly theirs. 

Therefore, it was normal that other people could rob it.

However, Ling Xiaos Landscape Martial Soul was different  and completely become his own.

It and he were like flesh and blood. Even their souls were interdependent.

A primordial behemoths might was already so terrifying and able to crush the laws of the Profound Realm.

So, how powerful was the Landscape Martial Soul, which was even more terrifying than the ancient golden dragon?

Ling Xiao was truly looking forward to finding out.

However, it was also not that he couldnt get any profit now. As long as he activated the Landscape Martial Soul, he could clearly sense the terrifying might of that ancient golden dragon.

Merely, this power was too frightening, so he was unable to control it. Unless it was absolutely necessary, he would not use it. Just drawing out a trace was already pretty good.

Although he lost five intact martial souls, he had gained an even greater power.

He hadnt made a loss in this trade.

The most interesting thing was that once he accepted the ancient golden dragons power, his body would have special changes.

His pupils would turn golden, and his hair would turn white.

In this state, his combat power would skyrocket.

Thus, he had two forms.

One was his human dragon form, which maintained a humanoid form, but could use some power from the ancient golden dragon. In this state, the quality and speed of his true essence would substantially increase, while still being easy to use the martial skills of the Human Race.

The second form was his golden dragon form. He would completely change into an ancient golden dragon. His defense and power would increase substantially, but his speed would be relatively slow. In addition, he wouldnt be able to use the martial skills of the Human Race but rather the martial skills of the Dragon Race.

As for the martial arts of the Dragon Race, it could be found in the divine scripts of the ancient golden dragon. Now, he needed to eat them slowly, one bite after another. He should completely grasp the power of the ancient golden dragon before even considering cultivating the martial arts of the Dragon Race.

In addition, regardless of which form he was in, he could not use <Nine Demon Gods Art>. The two powers seemed to repel each other.

Although he didnt know why, it shouldnt have much effect.

After checking his physical condition, he confirmed that there were no problems. He then began to test the benefits of his new Landscape Martial Soul.

There was no need to doubt that after he had stepped into the Transcendent Realm and assimilated it, all aspects of his bodily functions had greatly improved.

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