Heavenly Locust Emperor

Chapter 30: Sword Qi

Chapter 30: Sword Qi

"Salute building!"

As soon as everyone entered the restaurant, it was like changing the world.

Although this solar term building looks dilapidated, there is a lot of space inside:

Fresh and elegant, Zhongling Yuxiu.

There are only four floors open to the outside of the solar term building, and there are 24 pavilions distributed according to the 24 solar terms of the four seasons.

There is a plaque on each pavilion, which reads:

Beginning of Spring, Rain, Waking of Insects, Vernal Equinox, Qingming, Grain Rain, Beginning of Summer, Xiaoman, Grain of Ear, Summer Solstice, Slight Heat, Great Heat, Beginning of Autumn, End of Heat, White Dew, Autumnal Equinox, Cold Dew, Frost's Descent, Beginning of Winter, Light Snow, Heavy Snow, Winter Solstice, Minor Cold, Great Cold.

There are 24 plaques with 48 characters painted on iron and silver hooks, and the sword spirit is hidden. It is definitely written by a master of swordsmanship, which is very different from the ordinary plaques outside the building.

Cao Cuo was secretly surprised. These 48 characters gave him the same feeling as a jade stele, but the charm hidden in it far exceeded that of the stele. If the stele was a water cup, then these 48 characters would be a deep pool, bottomless.

Lichun is the first of the 24 solar terms and the first solar term in spring.

Pei Donglai led the crowd directly into the Lichun Pavilion, and he was not polite, and directly ordered a thousand talismans and a pot of burning spring with a sword.

The Lichun Pavilion is full of spring, hiding a scene of revival of all things.

Cao Cuo's eyes were deep. He had just urged the divine charm in Huang Tingzhong of the ancestral orifice to perceive the weather in the Lichun Pavilion. He heard the sound of the sword, and his consciousness felt cut by the sword energy. He didn't dare to try again.

The maidservant in the building of solar terms brought a sword to burn the spring, and asked if there were any other orders. Pei Donglai didn't want Cao Cuo to spend money, but just wanted to have a good meal of wine, so he asked her to retreat.

The maid was also a Qi cultivator, but she served the three monks and a mortal respectfully, without showing any abnormality on her face.

Tijian Shaochun is packed in a suet white jade pot, carved from a whole piece of jade essence, full of spiritual energy, the wine pot alone is worth at least a hundred talismans.

Pei Donglai poured Cao Cuo a glass of wine. The wine was amber in color, full of aura and full of fragrance.

He said mysteriously: "The universe is the most mysterious in this wine. If you can't drink enough, don't drink too much. Pei will toast Brother Cao first!"

Cao Cuo is also funny, he called you fellow Taoist all the way, and changed his name to Brother Cao when he had a drink, what a wonderful person.

He also raised his glass and responded: "This solar term building is unique, thank you brother Pei for bringing us here to experience it."

The two looked at each other and smiled, drinking the wine together.

The rich aroma of wine fills the mouth and nose, the wine is as strong as fire, and flows down the throat, leaving a fragrance on the lips and teeth.

Cao Cuo felt that he drank a cup of sword energy, and his consciousness felt burning.

With a movement in his heart, he once again urged Shen Yun to perceive the atmosphere in the Lichun Pavilion, and the sound of the sword's cry reappeared, but he no longer had the feeling of being cut by the sword energy...

Pei Dong came to see Cao Cuo closed his eyes and felt comprehension, smiled, and poured a cup for Lu Jingnan and Lu Qingmei who were beside him, and motioned them to have a taste too.

After a while.

Cao Cuo sobered up from his spiritual awareness and nodded to the two, and the father and daughter of the Lu family drank the spiritual wine.

As soon as Lu Jingnan drank a cup of Tijian Shaochun, he couldn't help but said:

"This wine is so strong, it's like swallowing a knife!"

He only drank the taste of wine and felt nothing else.

Lu Qingmei was just the opposite, as soon as he drank Tijian Shaochun, his bright eyes lit up, his cheeks were slightly drunk, he slowly closed his eyes, and began to have an epiphany!

"This is?"

Cao Cuo felt that the weather in the Lichun Pavilion suddenly began to flow, and it began to change slowly around Lu Qingmei, as if she had become the master of this space, and all the weather began to revolve because of her.

Pei Donglai was obviously also surprised, but he still calmed down, and immediately said: "Brother Cao, don't be surprised, this should be her chance!"

Cao Cuo searched with his spiritual sense and found that there was nothing unusual about Lu Qingmei's body, as if he had entered a state of epiphany, he also relaxed a little, and comforted Lu Jingnan who couldn't sit still.


The door of the pavilion was suddenly knocked open, and a fat man with thick eyebrows wearing a brocade robe and bejeweled broke in.

The fat man in brocade robe stared fixedly at Lu Qingmei surrounded by weather, as if looking at a rare treasure.He didn't move his eyes, and asked a little excitedly:

"How many drinks did she have in total?"

Pei Donglai obviously knew the other party, and replied:

"Only had one drink!"

"Hahaha...! One cup? Only one cup..., great! Great!"

Fatty Jinpao became excited all of a sudden, tears came out of his eyes, he slapped his thigh and said excitedly:

"This meal, I invite you! Come on, let's serve 24 delicacies!"

24 Delicacy Banquet is the highest standard delicacy in the solar term building. It is cooked with 24 kinds of rare ingredients from mountains and seas, and is worth [-] talismans. Four hundred talisman money is really a big deal, the entire Stone Alliance can't earn so much talisman money in a year.

Pei Donglai introduced Cao Cuo: "Brother Cao, this is my best friend, Fan Buchou, the owner of this solar term building."

Pei Donglai introduced everyone to each other again. Cao Cuo patiently greeted Fan Buchou, and couldn't help but ask: "Pei Daoyou, Fan Daoyou, should you give me an explanation?"

Fan Buchou was obviously impatient to stop Pei Donglai, and said first, "Let me speak, Brother Cao, Miss Lu is now accepting an inheritance, an inheritance of a monk who has completed alchemy."

Inheritance of a successful monk?

Isn't that the same level of inheritance as Blood River inheritance?

How could it be easy to be met by Lu Qingmei just like this in the building of solar terms?


Pei Dong saw that his friend was so excited that he didn't know where to start, so he pulled him back helplessly, and said patiently:

"It's up to me!"

"Brother Cao, this building of solar terms is the property of old Fan Zushang, and its original name was Tijian Tower.

The ancestor of the Fan family, Master Tijian, and the first owner of Shoushanfang jointly established this Shoushanfang city thousands of years ago, and then built this Tijian building in Tijianfang, and lived in seclusion here! "

"The swordsman of the real swordsman is superb. With the 24 sword qi he cultivated, it is difficult to find opponents across the five countries of Nanling. However, because he made too many enemies in his early years, he was left with irreparable injuries. Sitting down, there is only time to arrange the inheritance of 24 sword qi and leave it to fate!"

"However, this inheritance is too profound. No one has understood it for thousands of years. It has become a heart disease for the descendants of the Fan family. Unexpectedly, Miss Lu is amazingly talented. She is here in the Lichun Pavilion with the help of a cup of sword to burn spring. The 24 sword qi inheritances have been opened!"

As soon as the words fell, the entire solar term building (lifting sword building) began to tremble.

Except for the Lichun Pavilion in the building, Fan Buchou sent people to invite all the people in the rest of the pavilions to leave, otherwise it is unknown what commotion will happen.

At the same time, the 24 plaques began to flow with divine light, and the weather in the 24 pavilions began to surge towards Lu Qingmei in the Lichun Pavilion.

At this time, Lu Qingmei seemed to feel something suddenly, and she frowned slightly...



Everyone in the pavilion suddenly felt an unprecedented terrifying aura exuding from Lu Qingmei's body!

Cao Cuo had the illusion that his consciousness would be evaporated to nothing by Lu Qingmei's terrifying aura...

Fortunately, that terrifying aura appeared only for a moment, and then disappeared.

The 24 plaques were awed by this terrifying breath, trembling like a young animal meeting a natural enemy.

"Clap! Clap! Clap..."

After the horror disappeared, all 24 plaques cracked...

"Whoa, whoa, whoa..."

24 sword qi flew out from it, and they fell into the center of Lu Qingmei's eyebrows like swallows throwing themselves into their arms...

"This is... is this the inheritance of my ancestors?"

"Why is the breath so terrifying?"

"Maybe... maybe! After all, it involves there..."

Fan Buchou and Pei Donglai looked at each other in blank dismay, both of them were terrified by the terrifying aura just now, and they are still in doubt...

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