Heaven Destroyer

Chapter 164: Unknown Horror

Chapter 164: Unknown Horror

Every soldier looked at the four women with perverted eyes, saliva dripping from their mouths. Their gazes roaming all over the bodies of the ladies. They didn't even consider these few people their opponent, thinking these women as their own property.

"Though I knew these women were beautiful, I didn't think they were so stunningly gorgeous!" the Vice Captain exclaimed while looking at the ladies in the circle.

Their looks also shocked the Captain. He couldn't speak anything for some time. That's how stupendously beautiful four ladies in front of them were. "Cough," the Captain coughed slightly. "Before doing anything let's investigate them. We can do anything after that, they can't run away from here." As the man spoke his last sentence, his breathing became hurried.

Everyone heard their Captain's word and couldn't help but chuckle. 

"Yes, let's investigate them first." The Vice Captain said. "I am going to investigate this girl." He pointed towards Isobel, his gaze roaming all over her body.

"Cough, I will investigate these four ladies first. You go investigate that boy." The Captain coughed and pointed towards Ayaan and looked towards the ladies. His appetite was rather big, he wanted to Swallow all the four ladies. 

Although his interruption dissatisfied the Vice Captain, he didn't show that expression on his face. The Captain was the Larva Realm Cultivator, though, only at the early stage, the gap was enormous, compared to the Embryonic Realm. Therefore, the Vice Captain swallowed his dissatisfaction and did as Captain told.

However, then his gaze fell on the two children in the group. "What about those two children?"

The Captain looked at Akash, and Ifre. "Don't worry, we will sell these two in the slave market." He pointed at Ifre. "This little girl is already showing beauty at this early age. She will definitely become a beauty comparable to these four. If we could pick up the interest of any brothel in the Capital, the profit will multiply."

Everyone's eyes shined when they heard his words. But they also knew that the Captain won't give them much from the profit, anyway.

"Alright, I am going to take these four ladies for investigation to the side. Do what you need to do with the man." The Captain said as he turned his attention towards four beautiful flowers standing together with a tintackAyaan.

All this while Ayaan and his companions were hearing and listening to these, morons, moronic talk and didn't interrupt. He couldn't believe that the soldiers of the Empire could act like these people. He had a terrible impression of this August Empire from the very start. And now, it worsened even further.

First, they destroyed the Goldenleaf Village for kidnapping Ifre because the Emperor needed her. Now they were acting like thugs. No one would be able to distinguished these people if they were soldiers or bandits from their behaviour. They talked about investigating them, however, anyone could tell what they had in their disgusting minds. They didn't even leave these twoAkash and Ifreand wanted to sell them.

Such behavior; such degraded actions; how could someone with conscience do something like this?

Hearing their talk, everyone's eyes turned cold as ice. They could tell by these low-lives actions that this wasn't their first time doing something like this. Such a thing must be a normal and daily life action for them, like eating or drinking. 

The Captain looked at the four ladies and said with a perverted smirk, "let's go beauties. I will investigate you all. After all you killed the Mayor and that is a huge crime worthy of punishment by death. However, if you cooperate, I can save you."

As he spoke his gaze shifted from one woman to another. He couldn't take his eyes off of them. He had never seen a woman who could compare these four in beauty. He wanted to possess them; and he wanted to ravage them; and he wanted to make them his and only his. His eyes flickered with a desire he had never felt before.

"Moron," suddenly Noor spoke and her words stunned everyone present.

"Wh-what did you say?" Captain's sharp gaze fell on her and shouted. "I dare you to say that again!"

"Definitely Moron," another voice and it didn't belong to Noor. Instead, this time it was Isobel whose red eyes gleamed with blood lust and her crimson hair swung with the gust. Even Captain felt his heart trembling when he saw her eyes. But then he thought it was an illusion and cursed himself for being scared by a weak lady.

"You must have a death wish to talk to our Captain like this!" said the Vice Captain who was at the peak of the Embryonic Realm. "He is the practitioner of the Larva Realm. Do you think your puny strength could defeat the Captain? Guards, capture these ungrateful wretches!" he ordered the guards at his side.

"Hmm?" however to his surprise, no guard moved. Confused, he turned toward his companions and saw their distorted expressions. The pain filled their faces and bodies trembled in agony. They tried to speak, but no voice came out of their throat. They tried to move but their bodies refused to listen. They wanted to cry but tears retreated inside their eyes, denying to come out as if there was a demon waiting for them. 

The Vice Captain saw their horrified expressions and confusion filled his heart. He exchanged glances with the Captain and saw he was also clueless. Both of their eyelashes trembled in fear as they looked towards Ayaan's group. Only now did they see that none of them looked worried, even though a bunch of soldiers had surrounded them. In which the Captain was Larva Realm while the Vice Captain was at the Peak of the Embryonic Realm. How could someone remain so calm in this situation? Unless

The Captain couldn't help but tremble when he thought of a worse outcome. However, he felt troubled to believe such an outcome. After all these people looked so young. How could they be this horrifyingly powerful?

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