Heaven Destroyer

Chapter 159: In the Mayor's Castle

Chapter 159: In the Mayor's Castle

Days passed, and life looked beautiful and tranquil. The group enjoyed the peace that they craved so much. Ayaan hadn't stopped running since he arrived in this world. He was tired and sick and wanted peace. 

"Woah, this is so good!" Noor exclaimed as she placed her beautiful feet in the cold flowing water of the river.

Others also sat on the edge of the Tarcona River while playing with the water with their feet. The scenery in front of them was beautiful, as the transparent and clean water flew elegantly over the small stones. The towering mountain stood in all over arrogantly and the river made its path in between these immense mountains. Even these gigantic mountains couldn't block the path of the water that looked gentle and soothing and full of life.


"What are you doing?" Ayaan placed a hand in front of his face as the cold drops showered him and looked at Noor's smug face.

"You are no fund, humph!" the lady humped and ignored him as she talked with her sisters. 

Ayaan just smiled at her child-like behaviour and looked at the Akash and Ifre who played inside the river. This place was a mountainous region and wasn't deep at all, one could see the bottom of the river.

At this moment Leafwhisk looked at Ayaan and asked a question that surprised everyone. "When do you think the Mayor will attack?"

Ayaan looked at her for a second and turned towards the thawing river. "I am also waiting for him to act. But I doubt he will." He replied.

Leafwhisk looked at him in surprise and asked, "why do you think he will not attack?"

Ayaan placed his both hands behind his head and fell on his back on the cold boulder. He looked at the clear blue sky and replied, "didn't you see how cautious he was? He is clever and also a coward. People like him won't do anything by themselves."

Leafwhisk nodded thoughtfully. "Then what do you think he will do?" she asked.

"Don't you know what he will do?" Ayaan curled his lips. "He will definitely offer some money to ask someone's help."

"Then what should we do? I am sure he will hire someone strong. He is already at the peak of the Embryonic Realm after all." Rebecca said worriedly.


Ayaan continued to admire the vast blue sky and sighed. "I just wanted to enjoy peace for some time."

Isobel, who sat by his left, held his hand and locked her fingers with his. At his right was Rebecca, who also clasped his hand. Noor's face also turned sour. Ayaan felt her reaction and laughed. "You don't need to look down. We are going to become stronger and stronger each day. When we are about to advance to the higher world, I will bring you all for a world tour."

All the girls rolled their eyes hearing his promise, no one paid any attention. They thought he was trying to comfort them. However, Ayaan looked at the sky with a serious expression. He had promised something for the first time to his women, and he will definitely fulfil. But then he remembered he had already toured one-fourth world. 'One more time won't hurt.' He said inside his head.

"What are we going to do about our enemy?" Isobel asked with a slight frown. She preferred to finish her enemies as soon as possible. Though she won't contradict her man's decision.

"We will visit Mr Mayor tonight," Ayaan replied and sat once more. He smiled gently when he heard chuckles of those two children. If he wanted to protect this smile on their faces, he had to destroy every one of his enemies without frowning.

After the two little brats came out of the water, the group walked back to the city. It was already lunchtime, so Ayaan and his group directly went to eat lunch. No one paid any attention to his group now. It had been already five days since they had been staying here, and they didn't make things difficult for anyone. So fear from everyone's heart lessened. While those who didn't see Ayaan slaughtering the Eagle Mercenary doubted the credibility of the rumour. 

Ayaan on the other hand didn't pay any attention to any attention to these small talks. He was more than happy to be treated like a human, not a disgusting pandemic. As they ate people talked in whispers; however, the fear visibly had lessened on their faces. They realised Ayaan wasn't a vicious killer who would kill anyone without a credible reason. 

The people who saw the scene of Ayaan slaughtering the Eagle Mercenary also told everyone the whole and what had happened. Only then people realised it was the Boss of the Eagle Mercenary who eyed Ayaan's women and lost his life as a result.

After Ayaan and everyone else finished their lunch., they walked into their room. The people looked at them in awe mixed with fear and respect as they passed through the tables and chairs.

Ayaan waited for the night to come, and when the darkness drowned over the Shadow City, Ayaan walked out of his room with Rebecca and Leafwhisk, while leaving two sisters to protect two children. Leafwhisk had already recovered from her backlash and she was also the strongest in the group. Therefore, Ayaan asked her to come with him.

"Let's go," he said to his two beautiful companions and dashed towards the Mayor's mansion in the chilli dark night. The moon hung on the horizon, trying to spread its weak light in the dark night of the Shadow City. Alas, no matter how firefly tries to fight with the darkness, it will never win.

The darkness obscured the world while the insects filled it with their noise. The guards patrolled outside of the Mayor's castle. Sometimes they stood with each other and talked to fight with their boredom. They looked rather relaxed, no one would be stupid enough to infiltrate the Mayor's castle after all.

As the guards patrolled outside the three shadows proceeded in their direction. At first the guards didn't sense those three people. However, when they walked closer and closer to the gate of the castle, all the guards turned towards them.

"Who are you!? Don't you know this is the restricted area?" the guard captain said arrogantly. "Get lost if you don't want to be punished."

However, no one replied to his threat. The three shadows continued to move closer and closer to the guards, making everyone nervous including the guard captain.

"I-I a-am warning you"

As he once more tried to intimidate these invaders, a few crystals shot towards them. It alarmed the captain, however, he couldn't react in time and the crystals fell on his body and everyone else. Everyone's face turned pale, but nothing happened. 

"No-nothing happened, hahaha Ah!" Just as he laughed in triumph, a piercing pain filled his body and the icicles covered his entire being. He screamed in pain but his voice died suddenly, the same thing happened with everyone else. Now there were standing many ice statues at the place of the guards. Ayaan looked at them disdainfully and walked into the castle through the fancy gate.

In the bright chamber of the Mayor two men sat on the table while another man stood behind. One man was none other than the Mayor Vylan and the other man was someone unknown with a sunken cheek, his hair was black, and his eyes were deep. His lips were thin, and he looked around the age of thirty.

The man who stood behind the two people was Vylan's subordinate, Ovid.

"Mr Tami, are you confident?" Vylan asked the man with a nervous face.

The man with a sunken face looked at Vylan with his deep gaze and sneered, "what kind of bullshit question is that? If I'm not confident, what am I doing here? Do you think I'm here for fun?"

"No, no, that's not what I mean. I ain't doubting your skills in the assassination; however, that guy is powerful and most probably above the Embryonic Realm." Mayor Vylan hurried explained when he saw the man's frown.

"You don't need to worry about it. Your subordinate has already explained everything to the Assassination guild. I have accepted this mission because I'm confident." Tami said in an arrogant tone.

"So when do you want to hunt your prey?" asked Vylan with an icy grin.

"I have one more mission to complete, so I will finish this task tonight." Replied the man. He held a glass of wine and drank it in a single gulp. Then he continued, "you know Assassination Guild's rules. The money will be directly handed to the one who completes the mission."

The meaning was clear. Prepare the money before I assassinate the man.

Then Tami stood up and said to the Mayor, "hopefully, my money is ready when I come back."

"You don't need to go anywhere." Suddenly a voice echoed in the chamber, shocking everyone present.

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