Heaven Destroyer

Chapter 135: See the Owner Before Punching the Dog

Chapter 135: See the Owner Before Punching the Dog

In just a few breaths of time, a manifestation revealed itself in front of everyone. It was lifelike and vivid. Everyone looked at the symbol which revealed, rather stunned. The silence prevailed, though, the entire palace still trembled with no sign of stopping.

"Pagoda?" said Isobel, looking at the picture on the wall.

"Hmm, it made sense, but now what?" blurted Leafwhisk, it was the legacy of pagoda, one could accept the appearance of this pagoda symbol, but what now?

Just when everyone had been discussing, Noor arrived with the little boy. Ayaan sighed in relief when he saw that he was safe and sound, turning his attention again towards the image on the wall, Ayaan became lost, and didn't know what to do.

However, at this moment, another change happened. The mural on the wall faded gradually. 

"Arghh!" At this moment, Ayaan groaned in pain, clenching his head with both of his hands.

"Ahhhhh!!!" Finally an agonising shriek escaped his mouth, and he fell on his knees, clenching his head tightening, while his eyes turned deep red and his clothes drenched in sweat because of the excruciating pain he felt.

"Ayaan!" Everyone turned pale when they saw his condition.

"Don't touch him," warned Leafwhisk with a solemn expression. 

Everyone turned toward her, looking questionably at her the most knowledgeable and powerful wanting to get an answer from her.

However, Leafwhisk shook her head, murmuring, "I don't know what is happening, something must have changed."

"What do you mean by something must have changed?" asked Rebecca suspiciously. 

Leafwhisk looked around gravely, and said, "This isn't the time for talking, we will talk about it, later." said Leafwhisk, avoiding the topic.

Everyone turned towards Ayaan, who was screaming in pain, while inside his consciousness, something had changed.

The illusory tower which always remained inside his consciousness with no problem, suddenly turned red. Some red thread formed and joined with his consciousness and tried to create a connection.

When everything was going well, a white stone on the right side of Ayaan's chest released some kind of energy and a powerful will appeared over the red pagoda, and tore red treads which had connected with his consciousness this was the source of his pain.

The red pagoda inside his consciousness shivered when it felt that dominant will. It struggled and tried to flee out of Ayaan's consciousness, only to be bound by invisible power. 

"Release me!" surprisingly, a shout came out of that red pagoda. However, no one cared or replied to his pleadings; finally, it lost the red colour, the pagoda reverted to the illusory once more. However, after one or two more seconds later, that illusory pagoda also disappeared, leaving nothing behind.

However, at this time, something major also happened in the library section, where everyone was standing. At first, the tower only trembled but later, all the books on the shelves turned into dust which gave a fright to everyone who saw this. To make things worse, the legacy altar also formed creaks all over on it.

At this moment, Ayaan also had calmed down and wasn't screaming. His pain also alleviated somewhat.

"Go check out the evolution altar," Leafwhisk said with an ugly expression to Rebecca, who immediately went towards the sixth floor. Afterwards, she turned towards Ayaan and a green light flashed out of her hand, covering Ayaan's entire body. The little distress which had been present over his face, also disappeared.

When Rebecca arrived, she shook her head at everyone, showing that the evolution altar had also disappeared, "however, the fifth floor is completely alright, there must be many legacies, should we..." 

"Don't waste your time, they are nothing but low-level techniques for which only ignorant people will fight and struggle. They aren't of our standards," Leafwhisk shook her, hearing Rebecca's words.

"But the little guy still hasn't strengthened his body, nor has he received the legacy. What should we do now?" asked Isobel.

"Hmmhh why the hell body is feeling so much pain..." At this moment, Ayaan moaned, opening his eyes, he yawned and stretched his body. However, after the awkward silence he realised that something was amiss, he looked around, stunned.

"The fuck, who" Ayaan turned towards the library section, where the shelves were covered in the dust and filth. He wondered where this must dust came from.

Afterwards, he looked at the altar, and his eyes almost popped out of their sockets. Because there was no altar, at the moment; but the broken stones scattered all about. He saw the legacy stone lying at the side, without any luster or anything, it had turned to nothing but worthless.

"Did I do this?" he asked after examining the situation.

"It wasn't your fault, we didn't know what would happen, anyway. Did you gain anything?" said Leafwhisk before asking.

However, Ayaan shook his head, "I only saw blankness and later my head tore apart from inside out. I felt like dying at that moment. However, when I opened my eyes everything had turned to this."

"It's alright, I didn't have high expectations, anyway. My only regret is that, little boy couldn't evolve on the altar and he also didn't receive the legacy. Now it's going to be a hard road for him," sighed Leafwhisk. 

Ayaan looked at the boy and couldn't help but feel some guilt. However, there was nothing he could do. However, no one saw a shimmering mark over his left hand's wrist, not even Ayaan.


Suddenly, the creaking sound echoed, and the creaks formed over the wall.

"Ohh, no, the tower is about to collapse, be careful!" shouted Leafwhisk.

"The tower is creaking, oh my god! This is bad!" roared Veera when he saw the condition in front of him. The creaks covered the entire tower which was visible from outside.

"What should we do, now?" asked Bara nervously. Now the situation has turned grave they have to explain this occurrence, because unluckily. they were present when the tower decomposed itself in the Death Desert's sandy land.

"How the fuck would I know?" screamed Veera, he lost his patience and didn't want to answer this pig companion of his now they were in trouble.

Bara said nothing afterwards, however, that shout hurt his pride, after all, anyone would feel bad if someone had vented on them. Suppressing his discomfort, Bara went to command his troops, leaving Veera behind shouting at his people, asking them to remain vigilant.


Suddenly, the boom resounded, and the pagoda broke like a castle of glass.

"Now what?" said one guard in a low voice, but no one replied they looked at their commanders. Veera and Bara both had an ugly expression at the moment. This tower was their source of development after all. Now this source had been cut, their development would slow down.

"Damn, fuck this dust, so much sand. Am I inside a pagoda or in some kind of sandy desert? This shitty pagoda turned into this, unbelievable. What legendary treasure? What godly weapon? this is just shit." when everyone was thinking how to deal with this situation, cursing came out of nowhere.

Everyone looked in their surroundings, but still couldn't find the source of the voice. Veera frowned, exchanging glances with Bara and both of them looked at the tower which had turned into millions of pieces. Sand was pouring inside the pagoda continuously, filling the gaps left by the pagoda.

Slowly, the broken pieces of tower separated, revealing the head of a man.

Ayaan looked around and blinked incomprehensibly before ducking with a curse, "Oh, fuck! Why the heck are people gathering here?!"

"What are you cursing for? I already knew about these monkeys," another voice resounded which made everyone's expression weird, because she was calling all of them monkeys.

Leafwhisk looked at the people with her beautiful eyes, and smiled, "Hmm, not bad, not bad. You look rather strong, and vigilant."

After following Leafwhisk, Noor, Isobel Rebecca and the little guys also appeared. Only then, Ayaan again walked out of this rubbish.

"Ohh, hello there, nice to meet you," greeted Ayaan with a smile, making all girls smile amusedly.

However, when his gaze fell over the two men standing at the very front of the two groups of the guards, his expression changed, because he felt powerful pressure from them.

He turned towards Leafwhisk and whispered, "Those two looks rather strong, what should we do?" 

"What do you mean by what should we do? They are just jumping monkeys, break their legs." commanded Leafwhisk in an authoritative voice.

"Fuck, can you lower your voice, or they will hear you"

"This is too much; commander give us order please, and we will tear them apart, and let them know who is monkeys here." one guard shouted infuriatingly.

"I have never seen women this beautiful, I'd rather enjoy them all and make them my slave, hehe," another guard said while licking his lips, he gaze roaming all around the bodies of the ladies.



Just when he finished his sentence, a pebble shot towards him, entering between his eyebrows with a plok sound. Even voice didn't come out of his mouth, that perverted smile still hung at the corner of his mouth but his eyes had turned lifeless.


The man fell on the ground, his eyes still wide open in front of the stunned gazes, slowly, blood covered his entire face red, dripping the ground wet.

"See the owner before punching the dog ouch!"

Before he could pose more, a kick landed on his butt, Noor looked at him furiously shouting, "what kind of bullshit proverb was that?"

"Umm cough," scratching his head Ayaan stood up with an embarrassed smile, looking at the weird stares of the people surrounding them.

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