Heaven Destroyer

Chapter 132: New Techniques

Chapter 132: New Techniques

After spending the entire night of ecstasy, bliss, and full of moaning, the duo took a bath together and Ayaan once more ravaged the beauty under the shower. After releasing his load, only then, Ayaan and Noor washed themselves.

His only regret was that he couldn't cum inside her. There were so many things to do, what would he do if one day his lady were to tell him that she had become pregnant. So he thought it was better safe than sorry. He had a long way to go, and didn't have time for baby production or raising them. 

The duo walked out of their room after shower exercise. Noor turned red from head to toe when she arrived out of the room. No one was present in the library section; therefore, the duo went directly towards the training ground. Just when he passed through a shelf, Ayaan stopped.

"You go ahead, I will come just in a minute," told Ayaan to Noor. 

Though confused, Noor didn't ask much and went towards the training ground. Ayaan looked at the name of the section, a little stunned.

"Dual Cultivation!"

The title was rather thought-provoking; therefore, Ayaan stopped to check what was hidden inside this section, taking out a scroll off of the shelf, Ayaan opened it. The title of the technique had been written at the very top.

"Yin Yang dual cultivation."

Speciality: cultivation technique, give the Yang and take the Yin, cultivate with a supreme speed.

After that, there was a process to cultivate in the Yin Yang dual cultivation. Ayaan didn't look further more than this; this technique was at the bottom of the shelf, so it couldn't be a high-level technique. Grunting slightly on the previous lazy owner who didn't even write the level of the techniques, he proceeded to check the higher shelf.

Furthermore, in the previous technique, many things had been hidden, not describing its pros and cons. Ayaan won't start cultivating any technique blindly after seeing the word "supreme" in it; who knows what kinds of problems it will develop later on?

There were ten shelves arranged upside down in a single section, Leafwhisk had told him that every increase in a shelf implies an increase of the level in the technique.

Therefore, after briefly browsing nine shelves, Ayaan reached the tenth bookshelf. There were only five techniques on this bracket. After browsing through them Ayaan realised that two of them were cultivation techniques while others were strange techniques. They weren't fighting techniques.

He opened the first technique.

"Hand Bliss: the divine technique invented by the "Divine Bliss". The technique which could produce pleasure, beyond any description."

After that, there was a process of practising it. He had to form some runes inside his hands to practice this technique. At the end of the technique was one more line, "Without any side effect."

Well, that was to be expected. No technique would gain a place on the top of the shelf if it had a flaw.

After that, Ayaan looked at another scroll, only to be stunned, but afterwards, he burst into a peal of laughter. This was a technique made by the same person "Divine Bliss"; it had a very simple function, to control the birth. After practising this technique, anyone could fuck someone without any care. Most importantly, there was no side effect, if someone wanted to give birth to a child, they could just inactive the technique. 

It didn't take much effort for him to memorise the contents of the techniques. Subsequently, he went to the training ground, where the ladies had been practising.

"Ohh yessss hahaha!" 

Just when he arrived he heard the weird sound, halting immediately, Ayaan looked towards the source and saw the three ladies gathered under the tree. The culprit of the previous voice was none other than Rebecca who was teasing Noor continuously, with Isobel.

Ayaan looked around and Leafwhisk was teaching the swordplay to the little boy, in his hand was a wooden sword, he swung the sword as Leafwhisk instructed him to.

Noor was completely red and didn't dare to argue with the two ladies in front of her. They had seen her in that kind of embarrassing situation, after all. She had nothing to retort.

"Ohh, you can make such a sexy voice without my help? I wonder what kind of magic would happen if I help?" when they were chuckling and teasing Noor, Ayaan walked towards them with a wide grin, with no shame or embarrassment at all. Why would he?

"Ahh!" The three ladies jumped in shock when they heard Ayaan. They had been so engrossed in their teasing and talking that they didn't even realise his arrival.

"You you bad stalker!" Rebecca pointed her finger at him, fuming furiously.

Ayaan couldn't help but found her act cute. Her expressions at the moment were rather beautiful, which made his heart throb in anticipation.

"Hey, wanna try, what did I do to Noor?" chuckled Ayaan and moved towards Rebecca with a scoundrel look plastered over his mouth.

"Wh-what are you doing?" Noor became nervous when she saw Ayaan walking towards her, with a weird expression on his face.

"What do you think I am doing?" asked Ayaan while continuing towards Rebecca.

Afterwards, he continued, "I heard your moan just now. I thought you wanted to experience a real thing, hmm?" 

"Who would do such a bad thing, hmph?!" snarled Rebecca, turning her head away from him, avoiding any eye contact.

"Ayaan, I want to go to the Doham," just when they were joking around. Isobel's voice resounded, leaving everyone stunned.

"What, why do you want to go there, sister?" a concerned look appeared on Noor's face.

"I want to get news about my father. No matter what, he is our father, and I won't feel at ease without knowing the condition of the father," replied Isobel with a determined expression.

Noor turned towards Ayaan, asking for his help. After all, the Eastern Continent had become too dangerous for them, everyone was searching for them, this pagoda was the only safe place for them.

Ayaan turned towards Isobel and just when he was about to say something, Isobel said in a firm voice, "I know you only want good for me, but I have to do this."

When she said that her lips trembled, her eyes seemed to struggle for some time, but she suppressed that struggle forcefully. Ayaan didn't speak anything, he just walked towards her and hugged her tightly leaving everyone stunned.

When Isobel felt his broad back and strong hands hugging her, turned her eyes moist due to emotion. When she hugged him as tightly as she could and burst into cries. No one understood what was going on, except Ayaan.

"Hey, I know I have neglected you, but I wanted to give you some time to become accustomed to us being together. You silly girl started to have weird ideas, haven't you? You feel insecure and extra, but let me tell you, that you aren't extra," patting on her back Ayaan spoke slowly. He had become very perceptive after his evolution from last time. He could clearly see Isobel's chaotic mind, and also able to discern the reason.

The lady broke into even louder cries when she heard Ayaan, making the boy helpless.

"I thought you don't love me, you never talked to me the way you talked with Rebecca and Noor, neither did you look at me the way you looked at the two of them," sobbed Isobel as she complained. 

Ayaan couldn't help but feel a little guilty. Everything she said was true, he thought that they could develop their relationship slowly, but who knew that Isobel would start to feel abandoned?

"Alright, alright, I am sorry. I didn't know you felt that way. I won't make such a mistake again. Can you forgive a sinner this one time?" Ayaan apologised while still hugging the lady, and Isobel also didn't let him go. It was their first hug after all; it needed to be intense.

Only now did Noor and Rebecca realise the reason why Isobel wanted to go search for her father. It was just an excuse, she wanted to part with them because she had started to feel neglected.

A sad look appeared on their faces. Isobel never complained about anything and always laughed with them carefreely. Who knew she was hiding the pain in her heart behind that smile? 

They felt sad for her; she waited for this long for Ayaan's love but when she still didn't find any love in his eyes, she decided to leave them. As they thought about this, a fearful expression appeared on the face of the two ladies.

Everything just because Ayaan was too slow.

Only five minutes later, did they separated. At this moment, Noor and Rebecca walked towards them. Noor looked at Ayaan, and said, "You better forget touching me for ten days, hmph!"

Ayaan looked at Noor with a stunning gaze, and couldn't speak anything for some time. Just when he turned towards Rebecca, the lady interrupted him, "Don't have any weird ideas about me, hmph!" 

At this time, Ayaan couldn't help but turn towards Isobel, only to be rebuked by the other two ladies, "Don't even think about our sister, you pervert!"

After that, Noor and Rebecca grabbed Isobel and walked away, leaving Ayaan standing under the tree, stunned.

Ayaan looked at the sky above his head, sighing slightly and walked away without speaking anything. Now he had to wait for some time to test his new techniques.

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