Heaven Destroyer

Chapter 127: Motive of Central Region

Chapter 127: Motive of Central Region

Shining rays spread in the cold weather, bringing a warm sensation with it. Birds chirped in a jubilant manner to express their happiness and flew in all directions in the hopes of gathering a little more food for themselves. People started to walk out of their homes while little shops had also opened in the hopes of earning for their family and themselves.

However, an alley was still completely silent, not even a single person could be seen there. 

At this time a man walked from there; wearing low-class clothes while a saw on his back. Anyone could tell that he was a logger. 

Passing from in front of the mansion, his nose twitched. Frowning deeply when he smelled some kind of weird stench.

"What is this stench?" murmured the man. He looked around but didn't find. In front of him was a huge mansion and he could tell that the smell was coming from that direction.

At first, the man hesitated but in the end, he still walked towards the vast gate of the palace. 

In about two-three breaths time the man arrived in front of the gate. As he neared the gate, the stench became even more unbearable. Standing at the gate, the man felt something amiss and looked at the side. 

All the colour from his face drained. His body shivered with fear, as he tried to scream, no voice came from his mouth due to terror he felt. 


However, in the end, the poor guy somehow screamed. Regretfully, after screaming, the man fainted. Nonetheless, his scream alerted a few more passer-by. The matter spread in the entire city in no time at all.

Finally, the Demonic Army arrived and locked the entire mansion, not letting anyone come too close to the palace. Everyone knew that this place belonged to the Punishment Hall Leader. Today, however, someone mercilessly killed every single guard of this place, washing the entire mansion in blood.

Rumer spread that the Punishment Hall Leader vanished and no one could find where he went. Some people suspected that the killers had captured the man and now they were torturing him to tell the national secrets. 

There were even rumours that humans had infiltrated and captured the second most powerful person of the Demonic Continent. Though this claim wasn't completely false, most of the rumours were just rumours.

"Did you hear that the Punishment Hall Leader had been captured by someone and someone slaughtered every single guard inside his palace? Only blood and headless corpses could be seen inside the mansion right now."

Inside the dining hall of the inn, people talked about the matter frantically. This matter was completely out of everyone's expectation. Who would have thought that the Punishment Hall Leader would be captured and his guard would be slaughtered?

"I heard that the Demonic Army is searching for him everywhere." someone else added.

"Yeah, I think the culprit won't be able to run while Carrying Punishment Hall Leader. They must be still hiding inside Vermillion City. it is only a matter of time before they would be captured." said a man confidently.

"Who knows? We are just minor characters. It has nothing to do with us. So why bother?" another man shook his head. He didn't want to talk about this anymore. 

However, no one knew that the people they were talking about were just sitting not far away from them. If they knew they would definitely freak out and run from this group of brutes as far as possible.

Ayaan looked at those talking people and shook his head, "Let's go. I need to learn what you have found from that old ghost."

Standing up, he walked away with three beauties in disguise. After completing his mission, Ayaan arrived at the inn. However, it was already time for sunrise, therefore, he went towards the dining hall of the inn to have breakfast and to avoid people being suspicious of them. The last thing he wanted to be suspected as a criminal by others. 

That's why he showed up in the dining hall to avoid that possibility.

Everyone looked at Isobel eagerly and wanted to know the answers of their questions; especially Rebecca. Someone killed her father, taking his kingdom and she had to run like a homeless dog. Such a grievance could only wash with blood. She wasn't a saint who would forgive her enemies for their mistakes. She would make them bleed in agony.

An eye for an eye would make an entire world blind. Such a saying was complete bullshit; if you won't kill your enemy, he would take your other remaining eye as well. There was no way around if you want to live just kill your enemy. Aren't they still searching for her? Aren't they still hunting them like wild dogs? 

There were always greedy shrimps in this world. If you don't make them disappear from this world, they would think that they are sharks and come to bite you. 

"Who was the one who killed Rebecca's father?" Looking at her nervous expression, Ayaan directly asked the question on her behalf. He also wanted to know who was the one who killed his father-in-law.

"Yes, I have found something about this matter from the Punishment Hall Leader's memory. There were two men who came at that time to kill Rebecca's father. One person she knew was from the Life Temple and he is supposed to be the Vice Leader of the Life Temple," Isobel looked at everyone's expression. Other than Ayaan, the group became flabbergasted after hearing such a piece of news.

"And the other person I suppose is the Leader of the Life Temple," said Ayaan, before Isobel could complete her sentence. Everyone looked at him in surprise.

Isobel nodded and said, "Yes, the other man was the Leader of the Life Temple. However, he isn't the main culprit" 

"I know, the main culprit originates from the central region," replied Ayaan. His eyes turned cold when he spoke about the central region.

"How do you know about this? Why didn't you tell us?" scoffed Noor, trying to show her dissatisfaction. However, Ayaan knew that she was just playing around. 

Ayaan smiled when he saw her act and replied, "I didn't tell you about this because i wasn't sure about this myself. Do you still remember those four people on the fifth floor of the pagoda? Yes, they were working together at that time. I was suspicious about that matter. I was completely sure what was going on, but now, I know exactly what is going on here." 

A sharp light flashed in his eyes when he spoke. 

"Um so what is going on?" asked Rebecca. She didn't care about any plot and anything. She just wanted to take her revenge. However, it was better safe than sorry. Knowing your enemy is very imported, at some critical juncture it could help to save your life.

"They are gathering," said Ayaan. Looking at their confused expression, Ayaan explained, "They are gathering all the talented people from all the regions."

"Why would they do such a thing?" asked Noor curiously.

"They are doing this because one more talented person means one more legacy." hearing Ayaan's answer all the three girl's eyes lit up. No wonder. 

But then one more question appeared inside their head.

"Why would they come to these barren lands? Aren't there many talented people on the central continent? There must be some region. At first, you have said that there might be other powers who could threaten them and that's why they were being conscious, but in this theory, there are many flows. First, though could not bring many people, no one would suspect them if they were to bring a few people. 

Second, I don't think there are many powers who could threaten that so-called Heavenly Palace because they have been extracting legacies from the tower for a century. Don't you think their strength must be already at the horrifying level? Why would they feel fear from some mage who can't even stand a few blows from a cultivator?" asked Rebecca. 

Hearing her question, Ayaan fell into silence. He also felt as if there was a missing piece in this story. If he was able to find that missing piece he would be able to find the reason behind everything.

"I know about this matter a little bit," as he was thinking, a sweet voice interrupted him. 

Looking at Isobel, Ayaan asked curiously, "Oh, what do you know?"

"When I soulsearched the Punishment Hall Leader's memory, I found something else. According to him. No one above twenty years old could enter the Heavenly Palace"

We already know this." said Ayaan.

"Yes, we already know this, but there is one is condition. No one above the great mage could enter," chuckled Isobel when she said this. 

The group looked at each other and a sudden comprehension dawned over them.

"So that's how it is, hehe. Anyways, we could confirm these things from Leafwhisk." said Ayaan. Only now did he understand why people from the central region were trying to find more talented people from other continents. Interesting.

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