Harry Potter: The Arcane Thief (Litrpg)

Chapter 102: For the Record, I’m single

Chapter 102: For the Record, I’m single

In the Greengrass manor, in Daphne's bedroom, Daphne laid unconscious on her bed, her blond hair spread out on the pillow. Sitting at her bedside was Axel, looking at the messages she had sent him, displayed over the cracked screen of Magi-mirror.

[Hey Axel, I'm really sorry for just now, I feel so embarrassed! ( ≧ Д ≦ ) I didn't know that I was so tired, I slept through the whole ride! And your cloak… I might have drooled on it, Argh… I'm so sorry! ( - _ - ; ) I asked to go back together so that we could have fun together, you know, like we used to all the time.

Lately we haven't even been able to sit together in our classes. So I thought, well, at least we can have the ride back to ourselves. But then I went and slept through it all… on your lap.I can already see you rolling your eyes in annoyance at me. Sorry sorry sorry, okay? I'll behave next time.

Anyways, I hope you enjoy your Christmas… at Valentinos… with Martina….]

[Hey, just checking in. How is your first experience with the infamous Valentino family? You haven't started a fight with them, have you? And how is Martina treating you? Is she a good hostess? I don't really think so.

I've been observing her, you know, I haven't seen her speak more than five words to anyone other than you. I think she either has social problems or she thinks everyone is just beneath her.

Anyways, I'm home now. Mom and Astoria are super disappointed they couldn't see you, again. Anyways, I'm just sending out messages since I really don't have anything to do. It's not because I'm already missing you or anything. We just separated after all. Anyways, take care. And… keep your doors closed during the night, okay? Don't let Martina in.]

[Hey, I'm sending out another message. My Christmas must have reached you by now. Did you see it? How was it? I know you might now even read these messages but there's a chance you might want to reply about what I asked in my letter. So, are you coming or not? Any time after Christmas. But I know it will take time for your wand to be repaired so I'd understand if you can't make it. Anyways, that was it, I'll wait for you. And, you know, about Martina, try not to get too friendly with her. She might take advantage of you.]

[Hey, it's me again. I still haven't heard from you. I know that you've probably just forgotten to check your MM, but I'm still worried. Today was Christmas, and we all miss you here. Astoria was pouting all the time. You know you're her hero, right? Even more so after the Quidditch match. Her voice was all hoarse due to all the cheering she did for you, and so was mine.

She couldn't meet you at the match too. So she was quite upset to know you weren't coming. Mom also seems to be quite fond of you. She's asked me three times if you're coming before the Holidays end or not.

I hope your wand is ready soon, since we can't wait.

Last Christmas, it was the best Christmas we had. This one, well not so good, but it was still better since we didn't have to go to one of my father's boring parties and pretend to be all prim and proper. Only your presence was lacking. Just… try to come, alright? You're part of this family now. And, please, please give me a sign that you're alright, okay? I worry.]

Reading all the messages Daphne had sent him, Axel sighed.

This girl...

In the beginning, he had been ready to spend his life alone, not willing to put his trust in anyone. He was just there, observing the world safely from within the walls he had built around himself. For all he cared, the shitty world, and all the shitty people inside could go fuck themselves.

Then she came out of nowhere, with her cynical humor and eager-to-be-corrupted personality, and began knocking on the walls, disturbing the stability he had created around himself in his monotonous days of training and enduring pain of his injuries.

They were both quite different, but there was definitely one thing they had in common: Both of them hated her dad with a vengeance.

So he thought, why not guide her a little? Let her do things that would make her an asshole of a dad role in his grave? So, that's what he did, and to his surprise, he actually enjoyed it.

They started to hang out, sitting together in classes, as he taught her things a proper pureblood heiress would definitely not do, like learning curse swear words, making an absolute mockery of manners and customs, skipping classes, etc.

And Daphne happily came for the ride, willingly getting corrupted by his crooked ways, and even helping him out in his homework.

To him, spending time with her was just a distraction from his painful healing process. A momentary escape from all the stress.

He had not wanted anything more from her. He truly had not. After all, he had known very well that the two of them were from different worlds. She had grown up in wealth, and would belong with people of similar status and upbringing. He was comfortable with the way things were.

But not Daphne.

She was not satisfied with just cracking the surface of the walls. She wanted them gone. So she began doing her best to make it happen.

And she succeeded. Axel realized that he had truly begun to care about this stubborn girl, who would not give up chasing after him no matter what. He had come to truly enjoy the time they spent together, and He had come to like her snarky yet sweet personality.

The only thing he couldn't understand was, why the hell?

Why the hell does she do so much for him? Why the hell does she try so hard? Why the hell would she be wasting so much time with someone like him?

Daphne was quite popular. She had many other friends who were much better company than him. So, he couldn't understand why she chose someone like him over all others.

But, the answer had always been there, wasn't it? He was just in too much denial to see it. He had refused to think of that possibility. He had refused to even entertain such a wishful and unlikely notion.

Daphne had always been trying to show him her love, and her sincerity. He was just too much in denial to see it.

'Just what the hell did she see in me?' He wondered, looking at her, feeling quite surreal. Though she has always tried to remain low-key, Daphne is also quite popular in the school. Axel has seen dozens of boys try to approach her on a daily basis, but she wouldn't give anyone else the time of her day.

He had just thought that she must not care about this stuff, just like him. That's why she didn't pay anyone else any attention. But, as it turned out, she did in fact, pay attention. A lot. The reason she didn't pay anyone else any attention was because, all of her attention was on him.

'As unbelievable as it may seem...' he thought, shaking his head.

"It's not that much of a surprise, you know."

? Axel turned his head to look at Evelyn, who had seemingly picked up on what Axel was thinking.


"I was talking about your surprise reaction earlier. I don't know why you would be so surprised that she loves you," she explained.

"The way I see it, I'm not at all wrong to be surprised. Not with all the shit I've had to go through," said Axel with a shrug, recalling his past. Ever since the very beginning, no one had accepted him. But aside from that, even after he had left the orphanage, the impression people had of him only got worse.

When he'd walk by, people would distance themselves from him. Parents would hide their children behind them who would look at him like he was a weird animal. He would be called with things like the scarhead, little rat, or simply the ugly kid. No one would even treat him like a human being, let alone care about him.

And then there were people like Bellatrix, who would throw a bucket of cold water on him from time to time, waking him up from any delusions or hopes he might have developed, and cruelly crushing him under their feet.

So yeah, with this kind of past, he would say he was plenty justified in having trouble believing that Daphne was actually in love with him.

Evelyn studied him for several moments. She then shook her head. "You can't keep thinking that, Axel." she said seriously.

"Why not?"

"Well, first of all, your looks are extremely appealing. Frankly speaking, you look like some sort of royalty and your physique is already better than athletes. Merely this much is enough to sway most girls. But Daphne is not that shallow," said Evelyn, shaking her head. "This is just to say you should be more confident about your appeal."

"What Daphne used to like the most, was you, your whole being. She liked spending time with you, she liked talking to you, she liked your personality to the point of getting influenced by it and always talking about you. She was obsessed with you. Aside from this, you were full of mysteries she wanted to unravel, and most importantly, you saved Astoria, fulfilling her deepest desire. Not to mention Daphne, this much is enough to make even a grown woman fall in love," said Evelyn earnestly, her words moving Axel.

"It's here!"

At this moment, Astoria barged into the room, personally carrying a large tray.

Evelyn smiled at her daughter, getting up to help her. "You didn't have to bring it yourself, honey. It must be heavy."

Astoria shook her head stubbornly. "No way, Daphi didn't take help, so I shouldn't either."

Astoria carried the big tray with difficulty and set it on the bed, between the sleeping Daphne and Axel. But the contents of the tray were hidden by a dome shaped lid that is usually put over foods, so Axel couldn't see what was inside.

"What is it?" Asked Axel.

Evelyn smiled, coming to stand beside Axel. "Another proof to remove your doubt. It's something Daphne had planned for you in preparation if you came here."

Axel looked at the lid once again, really curious this time. Daphne had been asking him to come here after he was done with his wand but she never told him the reason. Now that he was actually here, he wanted to know just what was in there.

Astoria put her hands on the lid, looking at Axel with what she tried was a smile, but she looked more like she had been holding back tears. "Daphi made this for you. By her own hands. She wouldn't even let me help," she said, opening the lid.

Inside, Axel saw a beautifully decorated cake, on which, the words "Happy Birthday Axel" could be seen neatly written in Daphne's hand writing.

Axel blinked his eyes in surprise. "This...?"

Evelyn explained. "Axel, as far as I'm told, you don't know the date of your birth and you don't celebrate your birthday. So, Daphne came up with the idea of holding a small birthday celebration for you, with just the four of us..."

Axel's eyes remained fixed on the cake, which had Daphne written all over it. She had even cleverly hidden a heart in it, probably thinking that he would just take it as decoration.

Axel sighed, recalling a conversation he had had with her in the past.

—"You missed my birthday! It was during the summer holidays," said Daphne, bumping his shoulder as they walked along the corridors to attend their next class. It had only been a few days since the holidays were over.

Axel rolled his eyes. "So? What's the big deal? It was only a birthday."

Daphne frowned at him. "It IS a big deal, mister insensitive. A birthday is the day you celebrate with your family and close friends. As my close friend, you didn't even give me a call! Tell me when your birthday is! I'll ignore you that day!" said Daphne with a pout.

Axel shrugged. "I wouldn't know... I don't remember the date."

"Oh... I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have asked that.

"It's alright".—

That was the end of the conversation. Daphne had gone silent after that, and Axel had not provided further explanation on the matter. He had never celebrated a birthday before, and he didn't want one either. Birthdays were for people like Daphne, not him. But, it looks like Daphne wouldn't accept that.

"This stubborn girl..." muttered Axel, looking at the cake she had made for him.

Evelyn put a hand on his shoulder. "A birthday is celebrated with family and close friends, that's what she said. Daphne wanted you to celebrate it with us, as your family, Axel. Whether your relationship with Daphne rebuilds or not, please remember that you will always have me and Astoria as your family. Axel, I don't know about your past, and I don't know what you've experienced. But, you are turning out to be a fine young man, and Daphne loved you. Never doubt that.

Axel looked at Evelyn with gratitude. "Thanks, Evelyn. But... can I keep the cake?"

Evelyn, who had wanted him to cut the cake the eat her daughter's first cooking, was a bit surprised, but she nodded. "Oh...Of course. She made it for you, so of course you can keep it."

Axel took out his wand and cast several stasis and preservation charms on the cake. This was the last thing Daphne made for him. With all her love. No way he was going to eat it.

He looked at Daphne. 'You want me to do something as silly as celebrating my birthday? Well, fine. I'll do it. But not without your presence,' he thought, carefully storing the cake.


Daphne was in a sea of Darkness. She was feeling extremely sad, but she couldn't find any reason for it. She wanted to swim to the surface, but no matter how much she tried, the surface wouldn't come near.

For hours, she kept trying, until she finally made it to the surface, gaining consciousness.

Daphne squinted, her eyes slowly settling on the two people she loved the most.

"Mom? Tory? What the hell happened? Ahh! And why the hell is my head hurting like this?!" She exclaimed, putting a hand to her head.

Evelyn and Astoria didn't answer, as they waited for Daphne to realize that there was another person in the room as well.

"What?" Following their line of sight, Daphne turned her head to find a boy sitting on the other side of the bed.


Her eyes widened, as she blinked in confusion. Tears started to form in her eyes, but she didn't know the why. For some reason, looking at the boy, her headache got worse, and complicated emotions began to rampage throughout her head.

"Who the fuck... are you?" She asked in confusion, wiping at her tear. She didn't know why, but she wanted to punch this person. But at the same time, she also wanted to hug him tightly.

Axel smiled at her. Even though she has forgotten, she's still the same Daphne he knows. Using the crude language he had taught her personally.

"Axel. I'm Axel Hunt. But, you'll remember that soon." he told her with certainty.

"And for the record, I'm single."

So what if she has forgotten? So what if she doesn't know him anymore. She's still Daphne. The most important girl in his life. With or without memories, he's going to build a relationship with her again. And this time, he's going to do it right.


A.N.: The memories will be back by the end of the term. Meanwhile, she will fall in love with him a second time

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