Hard to Deceive

Chapter 21: His pride and ego

Chapter 21: His pride and ego

The bell rang just when Sang Yan finished speaking.

It was liberating, and the spectacles boy breathed a sigh of relief as immediately apologized. Sang Yan didnt care to bother him anymore, he glanced at the boy and returned to his seat.

The people that were gathered gradually dispersed.

It was a rare occasion where the classroom was kept quiet before the teacher arrived.

Wen Yifan took the textbook out of her drawer and turned to the page of that days learning content, but her thoughts were still stuck on what just happened. She recalled and slowly pondered about the incident where she met Sang Yan and the boys in the cafeteria yesterday.

So, they thought I had cheated on Sang Yan and was dating Xiang Lang.

The tip of Wen Yifans pen paused.

No wonder they said Im disgusting.

She looked up and looked in the direction of Sang Yan.

Only allowed on

His seat was arranged in the last row of the first column because he was tall. They were both far away from each other. He was looking down, she didnt know what he was reading.

The boy sitting next to him was talking to him, but his eyes were not lifted and his expression didnt change much.

Wen Yifan looked away and thought about finding a chance to thank him later.

This was what Wen Yifan thought.

She didnt expect that she couldnt find a chance at all.

Because there were almost no moments when no one was around Sang Yan. He seemed like he couldnt walk alone and was always in a group, even when he was just going to the washroom to fill up his bottle.

Wen Yifan wasnt in a hurry, she thought she would be able to find an opportunity.

She waited until the next Friday after school.

The duty schedule in class was arranged on a biweekly basis, Sang Yan was arranged on biweekly Fridays. He went home later than other students because he was on duty. People who normally treated him as a brother chose to leave him behind to play.

Sang Yan stood on the platform and wiped the blackboard with a damp cloth.

Wen Yifan packed her things, took her bag and went to him to call him.

Sang Yan.

Sang Yan turned his head slightly and glanced at her before continuing to clean the blackboard, Speak.

Wen Yifan said sincerely, Thank you for that time.

His movements stopped, he looked at her.


The thing that our classmates said behind me. Wen Yifan explained and thanked again, Thanks for standing up for me.

Sang Yan replied, You are quite timely in thanking me.

Wen Yifan, Hmm?

I was about to forget about it, Sang Yan said lazily, But you helped me to remember it again.

She knew she had dragged it for too long.

Wen Yifan was a little embarrassed but she didnt show it on her face, I couldn't find the opportunity.

Theres no need. Sang Yan simply didnt bother about this matter, he cleaned the last piece of blackboard, I wouldnt bother about it if it had nothing to do with me.

Wen Yifan nodded, Thank you anyway.

Sang Yan didnt answer.

Wen Yifan didnt say much and left.

She didnt know why she looked back at Sang Yan when she reached the door.

He just happened to finish cleaning the blackboard and seemed to be heading towards the washroom to clean the cloth.

He met her eyes when he looked up.

Sang Yan didnt look surprised, he raised his eyebrows, Whats wrong?


Sang Yan playfully said, Are you really fascinated by me?

Wen Yifan had never met such a person before him.

He was born arrogant and self-confident, every corner of his bones seemed to be engraved with pride, but he was not annoying. He would only make people feel like he was born with it.

Just like a moon surrounded by the stars.

Wherever he was, he would always shine.

Walking down from the seats on the second floor.

Sang Yan entered the staff lounge downstairs.

He sat on the sofa, took out his mobile phone and scrolled through his phone. It didnt take long for him to put it down again. His drinking capacity was not small, and he didnt drink much that night, but his head was throbbing with pain.

Sang Yan took out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket and lit a cigarette with the lighter he took from upstairs. He smoked for a while and Su Haoan joined him not long later.

You havent left yet? Arent you sleepy? Su Haoan was surprised when he saw him, Or are you waiting for Goddess Wen to go back together?

Sang Yan crossed his legs and placed them on the table, ignoring him.

Su Haoan sat next to him and took a cigarette out from the box. He looked upset, Geez, I was on the verge of moving on, but that woman was mentioned today, Im upset.

Ive been an expert in love for many years, Su Haoan lit his cigarette, but he didnt have time to smoke because he was busy talking, This is the first time to be f*cking cheated on. Can you believe it? With my looks

Su Haoan paused, pointed to his face and enunciated, I look like this! And Im also rich!

But I was cheated on!

So with the IQ of yours, Sang Yan spoke softly, Are you still an expert in love?

F*ck off, are you still human. Su Haoan scorned, Why have I never heard of you comforting me!

Comfort you for? Sang Yan seemed to be slightly sleepy, his eyelids were drooping and spoke in a muffled voice, Youre a full-grown adult, youre being unreasonable.

The main thing is that this Wang Linlin kept telling me hes her cousin, Su Haoan complained, I still f*cking believed her, and I have met him several times. Every time she would address him as her cousin. They were kissing affectionately when I went to find her last time.

I almost threw up in my mouth, f*ck!

Enough. Sang Yan was impatient, Didnt both of you break up.

Cant I vent out my anger! Su Haoan was starting to get annoyed, Whats wrong with you tonight? Your brother was cheated on! He broke up with his girlfriend! And youre still impatient with me!

Sang Yan was tired of listening, he suddenly got up and put out his cigarette, Im leaving.

Su Haoan was stunned, as if he had sensed something.

Whats wrong with you?

You didnt bring your car and you drank. How are you going to go back? Su Haoan immediately stopped him, Qian Fei is coming over later, let him give you a ride since you have nothing to do when you go back.

Sang Yan didnt get up and leaned back in the chair, probably because he thought Su Haoan had made some sense.

Su Haoan stared at him, Are you drunk?

Su Haoan, Or is it because of Xiang Lang so youre in a bad mood?

Sang Ya remained silent.

Do you need to be like this? They have both known each other for so long, they would date each other earlier before this if they had the chance Speaking of which, he suddenly felt that this statement was also appropriate for Sang Yan. He immediately changed the topic, Hey, do you still like Wen Yifan? I originally thought that you still had some feelings for her, so I thought I would give you a chance to share a unit with her. But when I look at your attitude towards her, I think Im wrong again.

Su Haoan gave a pat on his arm, Come, talk to me. I guarantee that I will never be as mean as you, where youd stab a knife at peoples wounds.

Am I out of my mind to talk to you? Sang Yan smiled, Whats the difference between you and a loudspeaker?

Su Haoan nearly choked, he wanted to object to him.

Im just sleepy. Sang Yan looked down and said annoyingly, Youre great at making things up.

F*ck off, Su Haoan got up, Im wasting my sympathy on you.

Su Haoan was not a quiet person in the first place, so he decided to go outside and play after sitting for a while. After listening to what Sang Yan had said just now, he felt that he was being too over dramatic. After all, there was no way Sang Yan, who didnt care about anything, would be affected.

Before leaving the lounge, Su Haoan looked up and looked at Sang Yan who was lying on the sofa at that moment.

All of a sudden, he felt the scene at that moment was familiar.

It reminded Su Haoan of the day when their university admission examination results came out.

Su Haoans grades were horrible,  he was able to enter the key science stream class because he had an uncle who was the principal in their high school. Their grades were evaluated after the university admission examination and the results would only come out after the university application form was submitted.

The moment when he came out of the examination room.

Su Haoan knew that he was doomed.

But Father Su had told him earlier.

If he could get into any university during the first batch of application, he would buy him a new computer.

Su Haoan was delighted. On the day he finished his examinations, he vowed to tell his father that he had surely passed the first batch of application, he could even be easily admitted into Nanwu University.

Father Su believed his b*llsh*t.

He bought Su Haoan a new computer the next day.

As time went by, when the first batch of admission results came out, Su Haoan didnt dare to go home and stayed in the internet cafe all day.

Then, he simply just went to Sang Yans house.

It was already eight oclock at night, Sang Yan and his father, Sang Rong were not at home.

Sang Yans mother, Li Ping was teaching Sang Zhi her homework. Her expression was gentle, so she asked him to wait in Sang Yans room. It was a norm for Su Haoan to come to Sang Yans house, so he was not embarrassed, he went straight to Sang Yans room. 

Su Haoan opened the video game in Sang Yans room and played the game like it was his own room. He spent the whole day facing the same electronic equipment. Soon, he felt sleepy and went to sleep in Sang Yans bed.

He heard the sound of the door closing when he was still conscious.

Su Haoan was woken up by the noise and saw Sang Yan when he opened his eyes.

The boy closed the door. He was wearing a dark short sleeve and grey trousers. 

It wasnt obvious on his upper body, but there were some dark spots on his trousers, and his hair was slightly damp. Su Haoan immediately asked, Is it raining outside? The weather was fine when I came.

Sang Yan glanced at him, Why are you here?

The admission results were out, Su Haoan sighed, I dont have the guts to go back, Im afraid my father will break my legs.

Serves you right. Sang Yan sneered, Why are you not afraid of your legs breaking when you brag?

He was the good Samaritan that provided him with a place to stay that day, so Su Haoan didnt bother, Where have you been? I waited for you to play games with me for a long time. He looked at the time as he said, Sh*t, its already eleven oclock.

I didnt go anywhere, arent I home? Sang Yan didnt take a shower straight away, he sat down on the carpet in front of the game console and threw a controller to him, Do you still want to play?

Su Haoan immediately got up, You bet.

Both of them chatted while playing games.

Su Haoan, Did uncle and aunty nag you since you came back late?

Sang Yan, Will they?

Su Haoan was speechless,

He asked again, Where have you been? Arent you admitted into Nanjing University? How cool is that? If I have that sort of results, I could be the King at home.

Sang Yan, What sort of nonsense is that?

Geez, Su Haoan was used to Sang Yans attitude, he continued, I dont know what university I could get into. I saw Chen Qian posted that she was admitted into A University, but I didnt apply to the university in A City.

Sang Yan remained silent.

Su Haoan continued to grumble.

He didnt know how long had passed. 

Su Haoan noticed that on the game interface, the character that was controlled by Sang Yan suddenly stopped moving and allowed him to attack him. He never won a game against Sang Yan, he thought that his system had lagged and took the opportunity to attack him with everything he got.

After he was killed, Su Haoan looked at him and pretended to ask, Did you have lags or something? Why are you so noob?

He couldnt manage to finish his sentence as his words got stuck in his throat.

Su Haoan didnt know why he was speechless at that moment.

Sang Yan was looking down and looking at the game controller in his hands quietly. But he didnt seem like he was looking at the controller. He seemed distracted, he was bent slightly and looked tense.

He was as still as a picture.

He also looked like a bowstring that was stretched to its limit.

Su Haoan had known him since junior high school.

Sang Yan had always been an arrogant person from the first day they met. His eyes were above his head, he lived like no one else was present, he didnt care about anyone, and he didn't care about anything.

He was someone who was born to live at the top.

But at that moment.

Su Haoan somehow had an illusion.

His pride and ego.

It seemed like they had been shattered.

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