Half-elves Fall in Love

Chapter 258: Solution of dissonance 1

Chapter 258: Solution of dissonance 1

Even when I sleep with Maia as my pillow, she wakes me up at a certain time the next morning. In fact, it seems that dragons don’t sleep for too long in the first place. It seems that they don’t need to sleep that much, and come to think of it, Laila is often awake alone while others are asleep. And the dragon’s sense of time is pretty accurate, at least for the daily cycle, so she never misses the dawn even when she’s in her room. So, after fucking Maia as much as I could that night, I fell asleep with her in my arms in peace.


“Na……e, somehow Mai……uwaa!?”

In the dawn slumber, Maia’s body stiffened in my arms, and then she raised herself up with a spring that ignored the weight of my arms. I hadn’t been holding her that tightly, but Maia’s sudden movement sent me tumbling off the bed.

“Ah, I’m sorry……”

“Ouch……Wh, What’s wrong?”

I fell unceremoniously from the back of my head and rolled myself to the ground without defying her before getting up. I felt a little unpleasant that my penis hung down on my face, so I asked Maia to explain it while wearing clothes.

“……Monster, it’s getting close”


“Wolf. ……Usually one of the elves hunts them, but it’s not good to have them suddenly approaching at night……”

“Ah……because white elves can’t see in the dark?”

It’s not hard to get night vision with magic itself, but whether it’s because they have a strong reverence for the spirits of light or because they want to differentiate themselves from dark elves, white elves prefer to use light magic to light up their activities. Because of this, they are not so good at spontaneous activities at night.

“If they come into the city, someone might get hurt. Andy-sama, can I go and get rid of them?”

“Oh, I’m coming with you. How many of them are there?

“From the way they’re howling, I’d say there aren’t that many……”

I put on whatever warmth I could find and grabbed my crossbow and arrowhead. Maia wrapped a piece of cloth around herself and nodded. Then she opens the window of her room and the two of us run out into the town before dawn. It’s not a good idea to wake everyone up by rushing around and Maia, who knows what she’s doing, leaps with me and carries me to the ground nearby, which is much faster than foolishly walking out the front door.

On the roof of the inn, I saw Laila. She was gazing into the distance with a difficult look on her face amidst the flurry of snow.


“……Ho, owner. I see, did Maia guess?”

“Laila you also heard the howl”

I didn’t hear it.

“I only heard it. The weather is so bad that I couldn’t tell which way they were going”

“I know”

“……I can’t help it, I’m no match for those who spit ice at times like this”

……In bad weather, Laila’s extrasensory perception weakens, just as humans lose their perception of their surroundings. However, blue dragons that use Blizzard Breath seems to be particularly strong at such times.

“It’s hard to fall even when the wind is strong”

“I’m counting on you. Come on, let’s go”

I ran after Maia. However, I couldn’t keep up with the leg strength of dragons, so I asked them to run with care and when I went out of town, Laila held me on the back of dragon Maia and jumped on it. Umm. It’s not tight.

Maia has been in the air for a few minutes. A few kilometers west of Polka, we spotted a pack of mad wolves. There were certainly not many of them. At most, there were more than enough for one hand. But even these guys are terrifying to mere humans. Even if Johnny and Keel were fully armed and ready to face them, it would take two of them to keep one of them from being killed.


“That’s the fastest way. ……No, but does Blizzard Breath cause the tree to die?”

“Sometimes, depending on the tree”

Chibi Maia said so and I thought for a moment. Blizzard Breath is an order of magnitude colder than the cold of winter. It may be a bit of a problem for elves to scar the forest for at most six or seven monsters.

“Let’s fight on the ground. I’m sure Laila won’t be dismayed by that and Maia is good enough for a fistfight”

I can use a crossbow too.

“Ho, let’s do that”

“Andy-sama, hold on”

Maia lands on the ground.The monsters rush into Maia without being frightened by her majesty. It’s a good idea to have a little bit of cunning, but basically monsters have no feelings of fear. That’s why devices like bird and animal repellent are useless, but in times like this, it’s helpful to talk quickly.


“I understand!”

Laila leaps from Maia’s back and charges at the ground with inexplicable movements. I’m not sure if it’s magic or some kind of magic body art, but she clearly changed her trajectory in the air and crossed right into one of the Mad Wolves. It’s not clear if it’s a kick or a fist, but whatever it is, the mad wolf is cut in half and blown up in the air and a moment later it’s set on fire.

“Kuku, normally roasted with a fireball……I have to cherish the forest?”

Laila rises from her long landing spot on the snow and sets her sights on the next Mad Wolf. The burning corpse illuminates the area, creating a strange atmosphere in the dark forest.

“I, I have to work”

I put an arrow in my crossbow and shoot at the mad wolf diagonally below me. Penetrate the brain without making a mistake. It collapses like a broken thread.

“As expected of Andy-sama”


But by the time I’m ready to wind up the string and hit the next one, Laila has burned two more and Maia has crushed the mad wolf that jumped at her. They were quickly annihilated.

“……Nothing like an easy win, huh”

“Hoho. I should have left at least one of them behind”

“I’m sorry. It was just a habit”

“Nothing to apologize for, yeah”

I don’t want to present the view that the dragon was enough and I was just doing something unnecessary. It’s important to have pride and not be too self-deprecating.

I buried the bodies of the wolves in the snow because they didn’t look good and then returned to the inn just as dawn was breaking.

“What happened?”

“I heard a noise and when I went to Andy-san’s room I found the window open and the place empty. I was worried”

Anzeros and Aurora questioned me.

“We’ve been fighting monsters together”

“Hoho, owner played an active role”

I was released immediately by the defense of my dragons. ……Thanks to Laila for saying that I was active.

“I didn’t know that was what you were doing”

“I thought it was an idyllic town……”

Dianne and Sharon look a little sorry. Maybe they thought it was something they really had to do………

“It is difficult to deal with monsters completely in a forest area. Still, I didn’t mean to let my guard down……”

Neia also looked a little nervous and grabbed her hat.

“It’s unreasonable to compete with the dragon’s hearing, hero. ……You could have asked me for help, Smithson?”

100-man commander Becker says that while yawning. I’m not nervous about it, but it’s him. It’s not surprising that he was ready to act when Maia and I moved.


“Huaaaa……what is this atmosphere”

Luna and Naris woke up with peaceful faces, apparently unaware of anything else.

“Monsters were there. The first thing in the morning was that Laila, Maia and Andy defeated them”

And Tetes who appears and annotates where she was listening. ……This fellow might be the most tricky.


After taking a morning bath, I went to Jackie-san’s house.

“What should we do about the decorations on Naris-san’s armor?”

“I’ll take care of it”

I used the hint I got at the clothing store the day before yesterday and quickly drew up a design.

“……What is this? A claw mark design……?”

“It might look like that from a distance, but I’m going to paint some of the thin boards I’m going to use as side guards in red. I also paint the fittings red. It’s not about balancing the painting in a way that’s intended to be a painting, but rather about incorporating the red in a more casual and clerical way to remove Naris’ aversion to it”

“I see”

“Just balance the overall impression”

It might be interesting to dare to unbalance the left and right sides. If you go too far in this area, you might get laughed out of the room, so be careful……

After a moderate amount of work, Naris and Sharon appeared.

“Oh, look, Naris’s armor has advanced again……”

“Wow, you’ve gone for a bold design”

“Well, try it on. It’s an archer’s armor”

“If you ask me, it certainly looks like that……”

The archer armor is a type of armor that specifically guards the left side of the chest. You can find a lot of different types of shoes and boots that you can choose from. By emphasizing the color of the left chest and incorporating red lines on the long thin tape plate attached as decoration, the red color can be incorporated naturally without reminding people of fire or blood. Of course, the protective function and weight of the armor is the same as the medium armor itself. There is no problem for Naris to use it as a normal infantryman.

“This makes me look good when I use a bow. Ehehe, it might be just for me”

“If you’re okay with that, then let’s go with it.

“Yes, that’s the one I want?”

Alright, this has advanced one project.

“The other thing is Sharon’s armor……is Sharon particular about the design or color?”

“I’ll leave it to you. I’ll show you how to wear it”

“……That’s a lot of pressure”

It’s okay to be orthodox, that’s what I’m saying.

At noon, I stopped working. Today I’m going to make up for the day before yesterday by going to see Isaac-san’s group in the evening. No more blacksmithing in the afternoon. Well, Jeanne will be helping me again soon, and the progress is not too bad.

“Then……thanks for your time, Jackie-san”

“Urs. See you tomorrow, Bocchan”

I waved to Jackie-san and before I left……the workshop, I called out to Naris and Sharon, who were staring at me.

“Aren’t you guys going?”

“We are”

“Smithson-san, we’d like to ask you a few questions before we eat……”


It was rare for Sharon and Naris to speak to each other.

“I asked about it at Baron’s mansion, since there was no sign of you coming back to the inn the night before last or last night”

“……Isn’t it like you were sneaking into the house of the elf girls in the forest?”

When I listened to the story while eating a light meal at the bar, it seems that they got my special holiday information from Selenium and Christie as sources.

“No, I don’t know why Selenium, who is smiling while holding 10-man captain Smithson´s child, is so calm! 10-man captain Smithson is also a little too free in the lower half of the body”

“I’ve always said that I’ll work with Smithson-san……but how about making a woman outside the company a comforter?”

“No, Knight Chief, it’s not that I’m afraid to say that I’m a little impregnated with someone or I’m weighting myself.

“You can’t do anything about the fact that a female slave is pregnant, but still”

The two of them are angry at slightly different points, which makes it a little difficult to work with. The idea is that Naris should weigh my penis. Sharon is an existing female slave and what is she dissatisfied with. It’s hard not to nod your head in agreement with both of them. I’m sure you’re right. Especially in a public place.

“I think that the people around 10-man captain Smithson are a little too oblivious to various things. That’s also love. That’s why it’s very easy for 10-man captain Smithson to be fully open, but if there aren’t a few more compassionate things, it’s hard to understand and it’s hard for me to react”

“Smithson-san may have been refrained from doing so, but to be honest, I go to the workshop in the sense that I don’t have to worry about being treated properly on a daily basis”

“No, Knight Chief Sharon, let’s be a little calm. The secret is that it should be modest and really modest, or it’s transmitted by the air, but it’s like keeping the power balance without talking to each other”

“You guys stop for a moment”

The two Ponite elfs in long clothes for bathing are constantly complaining……well, there’s nothing wrong with it in the open, but I think it’s a hindrance to everyone here.


“Don’t tell everyone, Missus. I mean, forgive me. I’m sorry, I’ll be out of here as soon as I eat”

I half-heartedly bow down to the master’s wife, who was about to make a comment, but I continued to quickly put the fried food in my mouth.

“Well, I guess Master doesn’t really care about us, since we’re just snacks for him”


I choked on a voice from behind me, sounding a little thrown off or indignant. I slap my chest. Ah, Naris touches my back while saying what I´m doing. Looking behind, it’s Savory.

“But we also appealed to Master and we all did our best to get him to turn his back on us. No matter how much we are princesses, we are decent female slaves……isn’t it arrogant to read the air and deal with me even if I keep silent, isn’t it so Glory´s Princess?”

“Hey, Savory. You should read the air a little too. It’s not our air, it’s the bar’s air”

I argued head-on. Isn’t it exactly the focus of attention?

“Hey Savory-chan, what did you do and how did you do your best!”

“I mean, why is Andy called Master!?”

“What does the elf feel about Andy?”

Old men, please don’t bang your fists on the table. You’re……very popular, Savory.



“Not at all……water water”

The sparks fly between Sharon and Savory. Naris tries to take care of me, wondering if she can help me while she cares.

“Cough, cough……ah, it was painful……well, for the time being!”

I look back at them and point my finger at them with tears in my eyes.

“It’s not the right place to talk about it! Lets do it later!”



The two of them stared at each other and nodded.

“And I’m really sorry, Missus”

“You know……that’s enough”

The lady sighs as I get down on my knees.

For the time being, I decided to talk carefully after Savory’s work was over. I decided to kill the time until then at the inn.

“Sharon and Savory……why do you spin idle?”

I’m not sure what Sharon was thinking, but she said she’d be back by the time Savory got off work and went to the hot springs. Then I return to the inn with only Naris and drink tea after a meal.

“You’re too attached to me”

“It’s nothing compared to Knight Chief Sharon”

I’m not sure why Naris is sitting so close to me that our shoulders are almost touching, when she should be sitting at a table with a reasonable amount of space. Well, at the bar, Sharon, who seems to be tempting, was certainly stuck.

“And it’s pretty normal to spin around. It’s possible to think about what 10-man captain Smithson is doing and there’s a chance of a blade injury, right?”

“……That may be true, but”

“It’s strange that everyone who forgives you for being erotic in the wild is strange. Well, I’m going to understand that 10-man captain Smithson is useless”


The term female slave is a mysterious system advocated by Selenium and Apple that has been accepted for some reason while fully disseminating its anomaly. It’s a humiliating story for a woman, and there may be differences in how she perceives it. In fact, it’s strange that all the girls before Sharon have accepted it as normal. Sharon and her friends’ strange quarrel is probably the closest thing to a legitimate reaction. No, leave the area where you still want to be.

“I’m sure you’re not denying that you’ve been cheating on your wife or that you’ve been messing around with Savory and other girls. Maybe you’re more of a female slave”

“It’s not like that. I’m just not going to complain about that, especially since I’m in a loveless, body-only relationship! It’s true! It’s just that I don’t like it when people around 10-man captain Smithson have trouble reacting to this kind of talk”

“Mmm, this is starting to piss me off. So, are we going to have loveless sex now? We’ve had a lot of love so far. I’ll show you what loveless sex really looks like”

“No, I’m sorry, a little bit of love, please. But I don’t want to be a slave. I don’t like it”

I actually quite like Naris, who can have such conversations while pushing each other with her shoulders.

And when it was time for Savory to leave, I went to the tavern to pick her up. And then.

“Welcome, Andy-san?”

“You’re late”

“Hoho. I thought I’d start first”

……For some reason, Selenium, Irina and Laila are here. No, when I looked inside the store, all the female slaves were gathering. Besides female slaves, Savory’s four girls, Christie and even Tetes. Of course, there are also Dianne and Hilda.

“What is this?”

……What do you mean?

“Well, because Sharon said she would talk to Savory at the hot springs……I wonder if it would be nice to have a face-to-face meeting now!”

“A face-to-face meeting……?”

“I think it’s better to get to know each other properly, since we’re all going to have babies with the same person in the future”

Selenium smiles with her hands together. Emm. I’m not allowed to go home……, right?

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