Hades, the Urban Legend

Chapter 735 - 738: Don’t Blame Me

Chapter 735: Chapter 738: Don’t Blame Me

Hundreds of nautical miles away, Christine was anxiously watching the scene, unable to approach the terrifying core of the battlefield. She cursed Poseidon for being so heartless and also blamed Yang Chen for his stubbornness—why didn't he just admit defeat? Did he really think Poseidon was on the same level as Ares?!

Just then, two powerful divine auras suddenly flew in from the east!

Two figures, one red and one blue, flashed into view—they were none other than the strikingly handsome siblings, Stern and Alice. They had only recently received the news about the violation of the "Covenant of the Gods," which threatened the global order, involving none other than Yang Chen, the new Hades. They hurried over as fast as they could, but it seemed they were still a step too late.

Seeing the chaotic space fissures and quantum streams in the sea ahead, Stern didn't bother greeting Christine. "Aphrodite, what's going on?! Why did Neptune start fighting?!"

Seeing the siblings, Christine's eyes lit up with a glimmer of hope. "Apollo! You're just in time! Hurry and stop Neptune! Yang Chen said something that displeased him, so Neptune decided to show him the true power of the spatial laws. Now, they're fighting, and Yang Chen refuses to surrender—if this continues, he'll either be forced to reincarnate or be left crippled!"

"What?!" Alice rubbed the back of her neck in frustration. "That guy, Hades, does he really think fighting that idiot Ares was enough to prove his strength?"

"What's the point of saying that now?! You two might be able to stop Neptune together—hurry up! Don't you have a relationship with Yang Chen too?!" Christine was genuinely panicked, almost shouting at them.

Stern sighed deeply, his expression serious as he reached into the void. "Helios!"

A crimson fire dragon coiled into Stern's hand, transforming into a longbow ablaze with platinum flames!

"All I can do is my best. Neptune is stronger than us, and the pressure inside that space is too great—we can't approach it easily," Stern said as he drew the longbow, forming a flaming arrow of golden fire!

The scorching elemental energy twisted the space around it, and as Stern compressed and condensed the space, the accumulated power became increasingly terrifying.

Meanwhile, at the core of the battle...

The primal force surrounding Yang Chen's body began to surge uncontrollably, as if it was about to break free and rampage through the space!

"Leave...leave now!" Yang Chen's last shred of sanity was struggling to suppress the madness. Seeing Poseidon still locking horns with him, he painfully uttered his final words.

Poseidon gradually realized something was wrong with Yang Chen—this wasn't just a bluff. "Danger? What danger? Explain yourself!"

Halfway through speaking, Poseidon's expression suddenly changed as if he had sensed something unbelievable. "Rumble...boom!"

A deafening roar of thunder, different from anything he had ever heard, began to echo from the vast sky above!

This thunder was extraordinary, like the roar of an ancient beast, or the call from the depths of the underworld, carrying a resonance that seemed to resonate with the soul itself. But this sound was oddly concentrated within just a few miles around Yang Chen, a phenomenon both mysterious and ominous!

Poseidon's face showed a trace of fear. "What is this?"

Yang Chen, now completely lost in his uncontrollable frenzy, could no longer hear Poseidon's words. All he knew was that the primal force within him seemed to have doubled in strength!

It was as if his body had tapped into a primal force born of desperation, and with a sudden twist, the hand that had been trapped by Poseidon's high-pressure spatial force broke free!


A sound like metal grinding against metal echoed as the distorted space shattered into fragments!

Poseidon was utterly stunned. He couldn't believe it—just moments ago, Yang Chen had been unable to resist him, yet now, inexplicably, his strength had surged! The primal force he wielded was vastly more powerful than before!

Though this increase in primal force wasn't enough to make Poseidon feel truly threatened, the sudden explosion of power left him wondering—where did it come from?!

Yang Chen's blood-red eyes, glowing with a crimson light, locked onto Poseidon's blue ones. His expression twisted with pain and madness as he suddenly kicked out at Poseidon's chest!

Caught off guard by the sheer shock, Poseidon didn't have time to fully defend himself. He felt a force several times stronger than before crash into him, and with a muffled grunt, his body was sent flying like a glowing bullet, shooting hundreds of miles away before he could stabilize himself!

But when Poseidon finally stopped, he realized that while the kick had been vicious, most of the force had merely sent him flying without causing any significant damage to his body!

Was he trying to push me away?! But why?!

Meanwhile, from the other side, Stern, who had just released the flaming golden arrow from his divine bow Helios, watched as the blazing streak of fire tore through the night sky, ripping through the space like thin paper, hurtling towards the center of the quantum storm!

This arrow wasn't meant to harm Poseidon or Yang Chen; its speed wasn't fast enough for that. Its main purpose was to distract them and hopefully bring the battle to a halt.

However, just as the golden flame arrow was about to reach them, a blinding change occurred within the swirling storm clouds above!

Before everyone's shocked eyes, the clouds had somehow formed into spiraling vortices, and at the center of these vortices, lightning intertwined!

With a thunderous crash, a colossal blue-silver bolt of lightning descended from the heavens like a dragon plunging into the sea.

A few seconds later, the immense roar of the thunder finally reached everyone's ears!

The sky seemed to be dyed blue by the lightning bolt, a radiant curtain stretching between sea and sky!

In that instant, a dazzling firework bloomed in the space between heaven and earth!

Christine, the Cromwell siblings, and even the recently kicked-away Poseidon, all realized what was happening in that moment!

The vast divine thunderbolt had obliterated Stern's massive golden flaming arrow, swallowing it whole without leaving a trace, without causing even the slightest ripple!

"Yang Chen!" Christine let out a heart-wrenching scream, tears streaming down her face. She had thought Apollo's divine arrow would at least distract them long enough to pull Yang Chen out, but...

"Brother, is that the Nine Heavens Divine Thunder Tribulation of the Summer Flame cultivators?" Alice asked in a daze, her voice trembling with doubt.

Stern nodded gravely, "You're not mistaken—it's the Nine Heavens Divine Thunder, and it seems this is still just the first round, the Taiqing Divine Thunder."

"But last time we saw him, hadn't he just reached the pinnacle of innate power? How did he suddenly enter the Nascent Soul stage and now reach the tribulation stage?!" Alice asked, filled with confusion.

"What are you two babbling about?! What's the point of discussing this now?! Yang Chen doesn't even fully understand cultivation—if he's hit by the Nine Heavens Divine Thunder, he won't survive!" Christine's voice cracked with desperation. "I have to save him!"

With that, Christine made a move to rush into the storm-cloud-covered sea.

Alice quickly grabbed Christine's hand, pulling her back. "Aphrodite! Are you insane?! That's the Nine Heavens Divine Thunder—the strongest heavenly tribulation! With your power, just approaching it would leave you gravely injured! Even Zeus and Athena wouldn't dare to face it head-on! If you go, it's suicide—you wouldn't even have the chance to reincarnate!"

"But Diana, you know that those tribulation-stage cultivators from thousands of years ago were annihilated, even with protective artifacts. Yang Chen has nothing—he..." Christine couldn't hold back her tears any longer, her voice breaking.

Stern sighed softly, "It's such a waste. Why focus on the cultivation of the Summer Flame instead of mastering the laws of space? This goes against the very laws of the universe—the higher the talent, the more devastating the heavenly tribulation. Now, even the chance for reincarnation is slim." His words implied that he, too, didn't believe Yang Chen could be saved.

Just then, deep within the storm clouds, lightning began to flash again, the electric fire entwined—another Taiqing Divine Thunder was about to descend!

At that very moment, a figure suddenly burst into the storm clouds, glowing with a blue light!

Stern's eyes lit up, then widened in shock. "Is that Poseidon?! Is he going to block the divine thunder for Yang Chen?!"

"No way! Even if Poseidon is stronger than us, he can't possibly withstand the divine thunder!"

"No...if it's just one bolt, he might manage, but two would be pushing it..." Stern gritted his teeth and said to Alice, "Dear, we're going in too! If the divine thunder is still preparing to strike, it means Hades isn't completely dead yet. If Hades survived the first thunderbolt, we might be able to save him by blocking two more!"

Alice nodded firmly, and the two of them transformed into red and blue beams of light, breaking into the storm-cloud-covered area with divine power, positioning themselves behind Poseidon.

In Poseidon's hand, now holding a trident glowing with an eerie light, ancient and unadorned without a trace of decoration, one could faintly hear the sound of the sea accompanying the trident's clear ringing!

"Don't drag me down—don't blame me if you get blasted into reincarnation," Poseidon snorted coldly.

"What, did you have a change of heart? I thought you really wanted to kill Hades," Stern said with a grin.

"I never cared about whether he lived or died, but since he pushed me away before the divine thunder struck, I can't just owe him this favor," Poseidon replied.

"I knew it—you're just stubborn. Enough talk, let's get on with it!" Stern smiled bitterly, cursing inwardly. Now they were all eager to help block the divine tribulation, but why had Poseidon forced Yang Chen into such a desperate situation, pushing him to unleash all his power, which in turn brought down the tribulation? If Yang Chen hadn't been forced to reveal his true cultivation, the divine thunder wouldn't have descended so quickly!

But there was no point in thinking about that now. With no time to worry about what was happening with Yang Chen in the sea, the three of them, led by Poseidon, simultaneously activated their spatial laws, creating nearly a thousand layers of spatial barriers in the path of the descending divine thunder!

The entire sky beneath the storm clouds had transformed into a forbidden zone of chaotic quantum streams, with dazzling stars and a mix of electric sparks and thunderbolts. Among the howling wind blades were hailstones and blade-like fragments! The trident in Poseidon's hand erupted with a burst of blue-gold light. With a mighty roar, three substantial blue-white beams of light shot out from the trident's tips! The beams penetrated the stacked spatial barriers without resistance, gathering all the parallel spaces around them!

To read the manga version, please click the YouTube link https://youtu.be/GnU613H6xm8

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