Hades, the Urban Legend

Chapter 543: Bungee Jump

Chapter 543: Chapter 543: Bungee Jump

"What... what do you want from me?" Goodman, covered in filth and bruises, looked utterly miserable. Even a homeless person on the street would appear more presentable at this point.

Yang Chen tossed the empty Martell bottle aside, pulled out a cigarette from his pocket, and lit it. He didn't answer, only blowing out smoke rings occasionally.

Despite this being a back alley of the theater with few passersby, Goodman's pathetic state still attracted stares and whispers.

Goodman, who had never suffered such humiliation in his life, felt his pride and sense of nobility shattered. Worse, he had no courage to resist the man before him; he was living a fate worse than death.

"Mr... Mr. Yang, I truly realize my mistake. Please spare me. I'll give you all my wealth and never entertain any more wild thoughts," Goodman pleaded, tears having dried up long ago during his ordeal with the Black men.

Dignity, pride—all of that was now worthless! Goodman regretted his greed and wickedness deeply, realizing they had led to such a catastrophic end.

Finally, Yang Chen spoke, "If someone could atone for their mistakes just by spending money, would it mean that rich people could kill the poor without consequences?"

Goodman was at a loss for words.

Yang Chen waved his hand, signaling Goodman to stop begging. "Alright, here's the deal. I'm in a bad mood. If you can perform a stunt for me and survive, I won't kill you."

"A stunt?" Goodman swallowed nervously and asked, "What kind of stunt?"

It wouldn't be pointing a gun at his own head, right? Even if he performed that well, it would still be a dead end!

Yang Chen's face remained expressionless as he replied, "Bungee jumping."

Goodman was stunned—bungee jumping?

Though he had never done such an extreme sport, he knew that bungee jumping, while thrilling, rarely led to accidents. Even though he was afraid of such high-altitude activities, what was bungee jumping compared to staying alive?!

Goodman had no doubt that Yang Chen would kill him. Seeing Yang Chen return safely to the hotel indicated that he was far more formidable than any "Divine Realm" organization.

"Do you agree?" Yang Chen asked.

Goodman nodded vigorously, "I agree! I'll jump as many times as you want!"

Yang Chen stubbed out his cigarette and tossed it into the gutter, then grabbed Goodman by the foot, lifting him upside down just as before, and disappeared from the spot in a flash.

A few passing pedestrians thought they were seeing things—weren't there two people there just a moment ago? How did they vanish so suddenly?

Goodman, carried upside down and experiencing blood rushes to his head, felt dizzy as the ground repeatedly moved closer and then farther away. His heart couldn't take it, and he passed out again.

The bright lights of Paris sparkled like a constellation below, the Arc de Triomphe, the Louvre, Place de la Concorde, and the Champs-élysées creating a mesmerizing panorama of the world's fashion capital.

The cold wind blew through Yang Chen's slightly long hair, pressing his shirt against his body, outlining his muscular frame.

Goodman, completely naked and feeling an unprecedented chill, finally woke up from his fainting spell. He felt surrounded by cold, hard metal and looked around in confusion. One glance was enough to make him scream in terror!

Goodman realized that from where he was positioned, he could see nearly the entire night view of central Paris!

The entire structure was purely metallic. Having spent so many years in France, Goodman instantly understood he was on the Eiffel Tower!

Tourists from all over the world come to admire the famous iron tower located in the Champ de Mars. Goodman had visited the Eiffel Tower countless times, but never had he found himself naked at its peak!

Ordinary tourists usually stop at the first level of the tower. Going higher means higher ticket prices, and it's akin to being in any other skyscraper.

But that kind of sightseeing happens inside the tower. Here, one wrong move would send you plummeting over 300 meters to a certain death!

Goodman felt his blood freezing, his body trembling not just from the cold but from the deep-seated fear and panic.

"Mr... Mr. Yang?" Goodman nearly cried. "Why did you bring me here? You said bungee jumping?"

Goodman couldn't fathom how Yang Chen managed to get to the top of the tower. There were no transport tools, and the tower was closed to visitors. Did Yang Chen drag him up the 300-meter tower by sheer force?

The fact was, to Yang Chen, reaching the top of the Eiffel Tower took just a few moments.

Looking down at Goodman, Yang Chen said, "Yes, bungee jumping. From here."

"What?!" Goodman was dumbfounded. Bungee jumping from the top of the Eiffel Tower? The structure itself, narrowing towards the top, made it impossible to bungee jump. There was no equipment; jumping would be suicide!

"Why? Not jumping? Remember, you agreed," Yang Chen said, looking at him coldly.

Goodman, his face stiff, mustered his remaining strength and pleaded, "Mr. Yang, there's no equipment here. Even if I wanted to bungee jump for you, I need a rope to tie me up. Otherwise, it's just suicide..."

Yang Chen shrugged, "I only said bungee jumping. I didn't say you'd be tied to a rope. You agreed to perform, so no backing out. Jump."

Goodman opened his mouth to protest, but Yang Chen had already kicked him in the abdomen.

"Ah—" The scream tore through the air, only to be swallowed by the wind.

The man's white, naked body fell from the top of the Eiffel Tower, hitting, twisting, breaking, deforming, and scraping against the metal structure.

Blood splattered on the tower, quickly dried by the wind.

Yang Chen didn't watch what became of Goodman. If he weren't in such a foul mood, he wouldn't have bothered with this torturous killing.

This act of brutality made Yang Chen feel uncomfortable too, with a throbbing headache being proof. But he didn't regret it. He had warned Goodman, who chose betrayal, so falling naked from the Eiffel Tower was the perfect farewell.

By morning, Parisians would discover the horribly mutilated corpse. The police wouldn't investigate too deeply; once they found links to him, they'd abandon the case.

The French police and security bureau were now under Fodesa's control. As for who would replace Goodman as the director of Yu Lei International in Europe, Yang Chen didn't care. Lin Ruoxi would figure it out.

Thinking of Lin Ruoxi made Yang Chen's headache even worse, and any slight pleasure he had from killing Goodman vanished immediately. After standing in the cold wind for a while, he returned to his hotel room like a shadow in the night. As soon as he entered, he noticed his phone on the bedside table vibrating.

It was already early morning in France, but it was still around noon in China, so Yang Chen wasn't surprised to receive a call. Checking the caller ID, he saw it was Mo Qianni. He had just spent a night with her and Rose before coming to France, so perhaps she missed him already?

Thinking about the other women waiting for him back in China, Yang Chen felt his worries lighten. After all, he had to stay strong for the women who cared for him. Lin Ruoxi being cold to him was just another challenge, one he was confident he could overcome.

"Little Qianqian, calling me in the middle of the night in France? You must really miss me," Yang Chen joked as he answered the phone.

Normally, Mo Qianni, with her sharp tongue and soft heart, wouldn't call him just to chat. She was always busy with work, and it was usually Yang Chen who made the effort to contact her.

There was a brief silence on the other end, making Yang Chen wonder if something was wrong. Maybe she had something difficult to say? But the next moment, Yang Chen was stunned.

"It's me, I'm Ni Zi's mother," a familiar woman's voice came through.

Yang Chen nearly dropped his phone. Mother-in-law?! Wasn't this Ma Guifang, whom he had met in Sichuan? One of his mother-in-laws?!

No matter how bold and brash he was outside, Yang Chen always felt a bit nervous around his women's family members. Feeling guilty, he became even more apprehensive.

"Hehe, so it's Mom. Why are you using Qianni's phone? Qianni should have gotten you your own phone," Yang Chen said, but then he realized something was off. Ma Guifang was supposed to be in Sichuan. How did she get Qianni's phone? Did Mo Qianni go back home these past few days?

He quickly asked, "Mom, did Qianni go back home?"

Ma Guifang laughed warmly. "No, that girl is always so busy. I've been feeling a bit unwell lately, so I took the train to Zhonghai. Getting old means you have to rely on your children for help."

Yang Chen's concern deepened. "Mom, are you okay? Did you see a doctor? How serious is it?"

Ma Guifang's voice remained gentle. "It's nothing too serious, just some aches and pains that come with age. But Qianni insisted I come here so she could take better care of me. She's been very filial, but I didn't want to trouble her too much."

Yang Chen felt a wave of relief, mixed with guilt for not being around to help. "I'm glad you're here, Mom. I wish I was there to help. Please take care of yourself and let Qianni take care of you. If there's anything you need, just let me know."

Ma Guifang chuckled softly. "Thank you, Yang Chen. You've always been so thoughtful. But there's something else I wanted to discuss with you."

Yang Chen's heart skipped a beat, wondering what could be so important. "What is it, Mom?"

Ma Guifang hesitated for a moment before continuing. "I know you and Qianni have a special relationship. She's very happy with you, but I worry about her. I want to make sure she'll always be taken care of, especially with your complicated life."

Yang Chen felt a pang of guilt and responsibility. "I understand, Mom. I promise I'll always take care of Qianni and make sure she's happy and safe. You have my word."

Ma Guifang sighed softly. "That's all I needed to hear, Yang Chen. Thank you. Take care of yourself over there and come back soon. We all miss you."

"I miss you all too, Mom. I'll be back as soon as I can," Yang Chen replied, feeling a renewed sense of determination to handle everything waiting for him back home.

Although Ma Guifang was a village woman from the mountains, Yang Chen knew very well that his mother-in-law was undoubtedly a wise woman. Otherwise, she wouldn't have raised such a daughter like Mo Qianni. Although Mo Qianni rose to her position as a teenager thanks to the promotion by the old president of Yulei, before coming to Zhonghai, it was Ma Guifang who educated her.

At this moment, the words spoken by Ma Guifang seemed simple, but they actually revealed a lot of information. First, she mentioned her poor health and the fact that no one went to see her, so she had to come to Zhonghai to rely on her daughter despite her illness. This clearly showed her dissatisfaction with the younger generation's lack of concern for her. Second, Ma Guifang used the term "children" rather than "daughter," indicating that she already considered Yang Chen her son-in-law. However, since Yang Chen left Sichuan Province last time, he hadn't contacted her at all, let alone know where she was.

Understanding this, Yang Chen broke out in a cold sweat. His mother-in-law's gentle words had filled him with guilt, making him wish he could immediately fly back to Zhonghai to apologize.

"Mom, please don't say that. I know I was wrong. It's my own thoughtlessness. I'm abroad now, but I'll be back soon. When I return, I'll prepare a great meal and drinks to welcome you. But really, Qianni should have told me about your health. If I had known, I wouldn't have left the country and would've stayed in Zhonghai," Yang Chen said with a tone of deep regret, saying things he himself didn't believe.

Whether Ma Guifang believed him or not was unclear, but she seemed more comfortable with his tone. "You all have your work to do. How could I, an old woman, burden you? Yang Chen, I do miss you, so I asked Ni Zi to teach me how to call you. No need to worry about me; I just had some back problems recently, probably from farm work. Age is catching up with me, but it's nothing serious."

Yang Chen was stunned. "Qianni is with you?"

"Yes, do you want to talk to her? I'll pass the phone to her," Ma Guifang said.

"No, no," Yang Chen quickly denied. Switching the call now would clearly show he was prioritizing his wife over his mother-in-law, which would be inappropriate even if he intended to. "Mom, you're making it sound like I'm heartless. Although I miss Qianni, I'd still like to talk with you more."

Ma Guifang finally laughed, sounding very happy. "You're such a sweet talker. Don't think I don't know; there's nothing to talk about with an old woman like me. Alright, stop pretending. I'll hand the phone to Ni Zi, and you two can chat."

Yang Chen was embarrassed. Indeed, the older ones are wiser. She probably saw through his tricks long ago and just didn't expose him.

The phone was passed over, and he heard Mo Qianni's coquettish complaints, seemingly embarrassed by what Ma Guifang had said. Then she spoke to Yang Chen, "Your acting is too poor. My mom saw right through your insincerity."

"Sweetie, little Qianqian, you can't blame me. Mother-in-law has sharp eyes, seeing right through me even over the phone," Yang Chen said with a bitter smile.

Mo Qianni laughed, her mood seemingly lifted by Ma Guifang's presence in Zhonghai. "When are you coming back?"

Yang Chen smirked mischievously. "Why, do you miss your husband? Or are you finding it hard to sleep alone? Didn't you and Rose have fun playing together before? I remember you two seemed quite happy back then."

"You're going to get it!" Mo Qianni scolded softly. "My mom is in the kitchen. Lower your voice! And stop talking nonsense about playing girl-girl. If it weren't for you, why would Rose and I sleep together in the first place?"

"We're all family now. It's good to bond and sleep together, saves me the trouble of finding you both separately," Yang Chen shamelessly replied with a smile.

Mo Qianni didn't want to discuss this losing battle further. She snorted, "If you can't talk properly, forget it. I just wanted to know when you'll be back so I can plan how to handle things here. You're so unreliable. If my mom finds out and opposes us, I won't bother supporting you."

Yang Chen quickly realized, "Qianni, are you saying Mom will stay in Zhonghai permanently?"

"So what? Is that a problem?" Mo Qianni's voice instantly turned a bit sharp. She had always wanted her mother to enjoy her later years in the city. Taking care of her mother had been a priority for Mo Qianni, and now that Ma Guifang had finally come to Zhonghai for her back treatment, Mo Qianni wouldn't let her return to a lonely life.

Understanding that Mo Qianni had misunderstood his intentions, Yang Chen smiled helplessly, "Silly girl, didn't you hear me say 'our mom'? I meant 'our', not 'your'. Why would I not want Mom to stay with us?"

Mo Qianni's tone softened. "I'm sensitive about this. Sorry. But we really need to think things through. We can't always be together, and you have so many women around you. Sooner or later, my mom will notice something. I'm worried she won't be able to accept it."

No parents would happily accept their daughter being another man's mistress. Well, maybe not that old man An Zaihuan, but that's another story.

"This isn't something we can sort out over the phone. We'll talk it through carefully when I get back. We'll be honest where we need to, explain what needs explaining, and hide what we can. And don't just focus on work. Yulei won't collapse without you. Spend more time with our mom. Didn't you hear her complain about how busy you always are?" Yang Chen advised.

Mo Qianni obediently agreed, taking his words to heart, though whether she could follow through was another matter.

After exchanging a few more words of longing and love, they hung up.

In the darkness, Yang Chen sighed. With Lin Ruoxi's situation in a deadlock and no progress in sight, returning to Zhonghai meant dealing with Tang Wan and Cai Yan's issues, as well as Ma Guifang and Mo Qianni. To make matters worse, Mo Qianni's current residence was Rose's place, and they were neighbors! How was he going to handle this?

Just as Yang Chen decided to stop overthinking and lay down to sleep, he frowned and looked towards the balcony.

"Is that you?"

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