Hades, the Urban Legend

Chapter 523: The Real Show Begins

Chapter 523: Chapter 523: The Real Show Begins

The appearance of this oddly dressed woman immediately caught the attention of many in the dance hall. It wasn't because she was particularly beautiful, but her outfit was indeed eye-catching.

A Black man, whose affiliation was unclear, whistled loudly and jeered, "Miss, are you here to keep us company? I'm interested in that look. How much?"

Instantly, the crowd erupted in laughter.

The woman ignored the jeers and the curious stares. She slowly scanned the Jaguar mercenaries lying on the ground, then glanced at Sloth, who was panting heavily.

For some reason, Sloth was already kneeling, bowing his head to the woman, and speaking in an indigenous language that others couldn't understand.

After listening, the woman nodded and walked over to the four Blue Storm members.

"Are you their leader? What a fitting head for such rabble. I wonder where this wild woman came from. Are you trying to stand up for them?" Millie, the female sonic ability user, sneered.

The woman didn't respond. Instead, she crouched down and gently placed a hand on Rhino's shattered shoulder.

Despite his intense pain, Rhino nodded in gratitude as the woman touched him.

The four Blue Storm members were unsure of the woman's origins and, seeing that she didn't respond, decided to ignore her.

"It looks like they're just licking their wounds. Not interested in playing anymore. Let's go take a bath instead of wasting time here," the tall Alan said indifferently.

"I agree. Let's go, guys," the man in sunglasses mocked the people on the ground, then led the way to leave.

However, before they could walk out the door, Rhino suddenly shouted, "Stop!"

The four were stunned and turned around, shocked to see that Rhino, who had been clutching his shoulder and could barely speak, was now standing. He appeared uninjured and was glaring at them with burning anger.

"How is it possible? His shoulder and arm bones should be shattered," the man in sunglasses muttered, pushing up his glasses.

Before they could figure out how Rhino had recovered so quickly, the other three fallen Jaguar mercenaries also stood up!

The onlookers noticed that this strange woman had placed her hand on the injured areas of each mercenary.

After helping the four mercenaries to their feet, the woman walked back to Sloth and placed her right hand on his injured spot.

This time, the Blue Storm members clearly saw a faint milky-white glow surrounding the woman's hand, though it was very faint.

A few seconds later, Sloth stretched his arms, his pained expression gone. After bowing to the woman in thanks, he glared at the Blue Storm members and said, "You will pay for your arrogance!"

Tall Alan squinted at the strange woman and said, "Although I don't know who you are to them, it seems like you have some sort of 'witchcraft' in your hands. However, even if you can make them recover quickly, it doesn't mean their strength can compare to ours."

"What's the point of talking? Let's take down this woman first!" The man in sunglasses, being impatient, didn't want to waste time. Despite his short and lean stature, he moved incredibly fast, and in an instant, he was right in front of the woman.

His hand, capable of shattering bones on contact, was about to touch the woman's frail shoulder.


Suddenly, arcs of electric light burst forth in front of the woman out of nowhere!

Blue-violet currents formed a powerful shield, and the moment the man's hand was about to touch the woman, it was paralyzed and penetrated by the electric current!

From the side, it was clear that the electric sparks were quite intense and blindingly bright. If the Blue Storm agent hadn't had an extraordinary constitution, a regular human would have been electrocuted to death on the spot!

Even so, the man in sunglasses let out a scream and staggered back, his hand charred black as if it had been roasted. The spectators, who were initially enjoying the show, were stunned by this scene, and their perception of the seemingly delicate woman changed completely.

What kind of power was this?! A lightning ability user? But she can also heal?!

Her healing speed was far superior to the Holy Light power of the Church!

Sitting at the bar, Yun Miao Shitai was also shocked. She turned to Yang Chen and saw his expressionless face. She asked, "Do you know that woman?"

Yang Chen shrugged, "No, I don't."

"Then how did you know she was unusual?" Yun Miao Shitai asked curiously.

Yang Chen replied, "Although I don't have much of a conflict with the Jaguar people, I did a lot of missions in the Amazon rainforest back then, and some training was done there too. I have some understanding of the composition and strength of the Jaguars."

As Yun Miao Shitai listened quietly, the Blue Storm members once again faced off against the five Jaguars and the woman.

This time, however, the Blue Storm members found themselves at an impasse. They couldn't advance, nor could they retreat without losing face. They had no idea how to deal with the mysterious woman.

"Jaguar is a mercenary group with a long history. In fact, they took shape back when Europeans first landed in the Americas. Back then, they were a guerrilla force formed by indigenous people, including the still-existing Native Americans, to resist foreign invaders.

"Unfortunately, although the Jaguars excelled in jungle warfare, they couldn't withstand the onslaught of Europeans armed with guns and cannons. In the end, they had to retreat to small, hidden strongholds. Over the centuries, they evolved from an anti-invader organization into a mercenary group.

Almost all members of the Jaguar group come from indigenous tribes of the Americas and some poor American countries. Despite not being wealthy, these people possess excellent physical qualities, many of them being descendants of escaped African slaves. You must understand that the slaves who survived the journey from Africa to the Americas had exceptional physical resilience. Those who managed to escape the plantations were the elite among them. It can be said that their descendants almost inherently possess the strongest physical genes.

If you were to rate which mercenary organization has the best physical qualities in the world, the Jaguar group would undoubtedly be number one.

Yun Miao nodded, indicating her understanding but questioned, "These people are indeed strong, but they were easily taken down by the Blue Storm people just now. It seems they don't live up to their reputation. Could the key problem be that woman?"

Yang Chen took the opportunity to order another whiskey, took a sip, and said, "That woman is a shaman."

"What?!" Yun Miao wondered if she had misheard.

"The Jaguars' mercenaries have strong physiques, rich combat experience, and skilled firearm usage, but these alone aren't enough to make them one of the world's top mercenary groups. Their strength lies in having a profession inherited from Indian civilization, the shaman."

Yang Chen squinted his eyes and said, "Shamans can be considered the wizards of indigenous tribes, but they are not mere charlatans. These shamans, who have truly inherited from Indian civilization, are responsible for rituals and divination and possess some incredible abilities. For instance, the rapid healing you just saw is a shamanic medical technique, and using electricity to form a shield to protect themselves and burn their opponents is a shaman's ability to harness the power of natural elements. The female shaman you saw just now only used electricity. In fact, shamans can also use wind, water, and fire. I learned about this after witnessing a Jaguar battle scene once."

Yun Miao was momentarily dazed and said, "The way you describe it, it sounds so mystical. Isn't it just like a multi-talented superhuman?"

"Haha," Yang Chen laughed, "Master Yun, you can't put it that way. A shaman's power comes from their faith, while a superhuman's power comes from themselves. You may not believe that faith can grant power, but don't the Holy Knights of the Church and the Crusaders rely on their faith in the God of Light to gain the strength to confront the Dark Council?

You find the shaman's healing and elemental powers mystical, but don't foreigners also find the martial arts and internal energy of the Flame Yellow Iron Brigade in Yan Xia mystical? Even ordinary people in Yan Xia wouldn't believe there are still people who can perform feats like walking on walls nowadays."

Yun Miao frowned, acknowledging Yang Chen's point. Indeed, it is not surprising that different civilizations in the world have different abilities. Things always seem incredible until you witness them, but many things exist even if you haven't discovered them yet.

"Look, Master Yun, the real show is about to start," Yang Chen said with a mischievous smile, pointing at the two groups of people.

Yun Miao looked over and found herself unable to look away.

The five Jaguar mercenaries were now engaged in fierce combat with the four Blue Storm superhumans. The mercenaries, in a flanking formation, were attacking ferociously using military combat techniques.

Strangely, this time the four superhumans were unable to easily repel the five mercenaries. It seemed their abilities had lost their effectiveness.

The tall Allen, who was adept at using his aura, tried to use compressed air to launch high-pressure blasts and send his bald opponent, Rhino, flying. However, no matter how he manipulated the high-pressure air, Rhino would only pause momentarily before immediately pouncing back to grapple with him.

Milly, the soundwave woman, was even more helpless. She kept trying to use sonic waves to stimulate her opponent's brain, but it seemed to have no effect. Her opponent grew increasingly frenzied, managing to claw a bloody scratch across Milly's face.

The man in sunglasses was also in a dire situation. Although he was originally much faster than the mercenaries, the five of them now matched his speed and exhibited immense, unrelenting strength. Every time the man in sunglasses tried to shatter their bones with shockwaves, he frustratingly discovered that their physical strength had instantly multiplied, rendering the shockwaves insufficient to break their bones.

Behind the chaotic battle, the female shaman stood quietly, occasionally drawing strange, transparent red symbols in the air as if she were a leisurely painter. Each time she completed a symbol, it would attach to the fighting mercenaries and then quickly disappear.

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