Hades, the Urban Legend

Chapter 512: Too Weak

Chapter 512: Chapter 512: Too Weak

Yang Chen indeed didn't expect it to be that particular deity. According to what Yang Chen knew, besides the twelve Olympian gods, there were countless other deities. However, with the passage of history, almost all these deities had gradually disappeared, except for the twelve Olympian gods. Some, like the previous Hades, found their long lives boring and chose to self-exile rather than reincarnate.

"The two brothers born of Nyx, the goddess of night, known as the 'Twin Gods' – Thanatos, the god of death, and Hypnos, the god of sleep. These two deities, even if you haven't personally dealt with them, Lord Hades, you should be very familiar with. Their artifacts, although not comparable to the original 'Helmet of Invisibility' owned by the first Hades, are definitely not ordinary," Sauron said solemnly.

Yang Chen pondered for a moment and said, "The Sword of Death, huh? It's said that the sword can directly absorb a person's soul with even the slightest contact with any part of their body, even a single hair. In current mythological stories, Thanatos is depicted as cutting off a lock of a person's hair while they sleep, taking their soul. This is relatively accurate. However, I've never seen the sword myself. As far as I know, Thanatos disappeared nearly a thousand years ago like most other deities. Why would the sword appear now?"

Sauron explained, "This matter is indeed very sudden. The sword's current ownership actually belongs to the French Directorate-General for External Security. However, the French side has not disclosed its origin, merely stating that they are looking for a suitable home for the sword through this meeting. The French side does not have strong enough special forces, and in the field of international special combat capabilities, they lack significant competitiveness. So, if it weren't for them possessing the 'Sword of Death' as leverage, they wouldn't be able to gather so many elite organizations and representatives in Paris."

"I thought so. How could the French security agency, with its limited influence, manage to gather the whole world here? Even if Apollo and God's Domain are causing havoc worldwide, it's not up to the French to take the lead in killing Apollo," Yang Chen laughed. "Before I came to Paris, the representatives from Yanhuang Iron Brigade mentioned the meeting but didn't talk about the Sword of Death. They probably didn't want me to compete for it. They are really thoughtful, afraid I would directly take the artifact."

"Very likely. After all, Lord Hades, you now reside in China, and any action you take could increase the pressure on the Yanhuang Iron Brigade," Sauron said.

Yang Chen thought for a moment and said, "I'm not particularly interested in the sword, but if it is genuine, I'd like to see it in person even if I don't compete for it."

"Why not just take the sword back, Lord Hades?" Sauron asked, puzzled. "That weapon originally belonged to the god of death. Returning the weapon to you, who is now Hades, is perfectly fitting. Although we don't yet know if it's genuine, since so many organizations are gathered here, it's surely not baseless. If dealing with minor obstacles is a hassle, I can have Sea Eagle swiftly handle the lesser ones."

"You wouldn't understand. The artifact isn't of much use to me anymore," Yang Chen waved his hand, indicating his lack of interest. After all, he had almost fully mastered the divine power of the Olympian gods in manipulating spatial laws. What could still challenge and excite him was the profound world he had yet to comprehend after reaching the innate state through the ninth level of the "Genesis Scripture of Past Thoughts" titled 'Rebirth.'

Additionally, in Yang Chen's mind, he recalled the mysterious figure who had torn through space and snatched the divine power from the Holy Grail during their struggle for it. If this Sword of Death were genuine, would that person appear again? Although Yang Chen wasn't as obsessed as Ares in retrieving the divine stone, he still felt the sting of being played.

"Sauron, where is the meeting being held tomorrow night?" Yang Chen asked, looking at the distant boats, appearing nonchalant.

"It's at Le Havre, on the super yacht Louis XVI docked at the port. Boarding begins at nine, and the yacht will then sail to an uninhabited island, a secret training base for the French military," Sauron replied.

"Le Havre? Isn't that by the English Channel? That's about two and a half hours from here," Yang Chen frowned.

Sauron nodded, "Yes, Lord Hades. But it makes sense, considering the gathering involves various special individuals from around the world. There's a risk of conflicts over the Sword of Death or other matters. Hosting the meeting in Paris or any major city would pose significant security challenges."

Yang Chen shrugged, "Perhaps. I'll check it out tomorrow night. I assume you are also on the invite list?"

Sauron said, "Yes, but if you attend, I will gladly relinquish my seat to you."

"No need for that. You handle the meeting as you see fit. I'll wander around and find you. Do your job and don't shift your attention to me. And there's no need to mention me to other organizations," Yang Chen said disinterestedly.

Sauron seemed resigned to Yang Chen's attitude, sighing, "Lord Hades, you have indeed changed a lot since you returned to China."

Yang Chen chuckled, "Change is good. A stable life with occasional trouble is fine. The passionate days get tiresome. I think you've felt the same way for a while now."

Sauron's chiselled face rarely showed emotion, but he allowed a small smile, nodding.

Yang Chen shook his head, "Sauron, your smile is still as ugly as ever, that hasn't changed."

Meanwhile, in the northwest of Paris, at the port of Le Havre, the silver-white Louis XVI super yacht, standing fifty to sixty meters high and as long as two and a half football fields, quietly docked. A red carpet stretched from the yacht's entrance down to the pier, lined with fresh flowers. Local residents were unaware that this yacht was not welcoming the usual tourists but rather a special group living outside the public eye.

At this moment, Deputy Director Depney, in casual clothes, accompanied by Deputy Director Fordesa and several other officials from the Seventh Bureau of Security, descended the steps after inspecting the yacht.

Depney glanced back at the luxurious yacht and asked, "Has the Sword of Death been transported to the base island?"

"Yes, our counter-espionage unit is guarding it, escorted by a destroyer to the base and under strict protection," Fordesa replied solemnly.

Depney nodded, "Good. There can't be any mistakes. As long as we have the Sword of Death, the outcome of this meeting's negotiations will be in our favor."

Fordesa frowned with a complicated expression. After hesitating, he asked, "Director, when did our bureau acquire that sword? Why haven't I heard about it before?"

Depney sneered, "Who do you think you are? Do you think being a deputy director entitles you to know everything about our Seventh Bureau of Security? Fordesa, just do your job. Tomorrow night's conference, I will be handling operations from our temporary base in Le Havre. You'll be in charge on the island. Make sure there are no mistakes!"

Fordesa was taken aback, "Director, you're not going to the island?"

"Of course not! If I were going to the island to oversee the conference, what would I need you for as deputy director? I'll be retiring in a few years. This kind of experience in hosting such a conference isn't an everyday opportunity. What, you don't want the chance?" Depney asked coldly.

Fordesa quickly shook his head, "Understood, sir. Thank you for the opportunity!"

Depney's expression softened slightly. With a few subordinates, he left.

Once Depney and his group had walked away, a chubby man named Burton, who had been following Fordesa, approached, whispering angrily, "Deputy Director, the director's decision is clearly because he's afraid of the members of the international organizations on the island. He's pushing you into the spotlight. If there's any conflict, you'll be in danger. Plus, the heavy responsibility of guarding the Sword of Death is on your shoulders. This is too much. How can he do this to you?"

Fordesa glared at Burton, "Shut up. We cannot speak ill of the director behind his back."

Burton suppressed his anger and nodded.

Fordesa turned to look at the blue sea. "Although the director says that with the Sword of Death, we can take the lead in this conference, I still believe that we shouldn't be organizing this event. Just because we have the artifact doesn't mean we have the strength to protect it. It would be better to let Britain, with their 'Excalibur,' and the U.S., with their 'Blue Storm,' handle it while we assist."

"Because compared to them, we are indeed too weak," Burton said bitterly, looking up.

Fordesa closed his eyes, "Regardless of whether this decision is right or wrong, since the conference is happening tomorrow night, we must handle it as best we can. Although the elite from various countries are powerful, their mutual distrust will keep them from acting rashly. If we manage this well, we can definitely benefit. I just hope that during the discussions on dealing with God's Domain, the Sword of Death will bring us enough advantage."

Fordesa murmured to himself, his gray-blue eyes gazing at the distant horizon, lost in thought.

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