Hades, the Urban Legend

Chapter 494: Night Blindness

Chapter 494: Chapter 494: Night Blindness

As Goodman's pitiful scream echoed, everyone turned to look in his direction simultaneously.

The next moment, they saw Goodman curled up on the ground, clutching his head. His phone had fallen to the floor, and in the dim light, they could see he was leaning against a large black object.

At Goodman's feet lay a black-clad guard they had seen before, motionless.

Slightly startled, Lin Ruoxi frowned and said with mild disapproval, "Goodman, that person is dead."

"Ah..." Goodman slowly lifted his head and cautiously looked over. He swallowed and realized that the guard who had scared him half to death was indeed lifeless.

"What is going on?" Goodman blinked in confusion. He was certain this guard was not the same one who had died under Yang Chen's foot earlier, but he couldn't understand why this one was also dead.

Yang Chen walked up, grabbed Goodman's shoulder, pulled him up from the ground, and patted him twice, laughing, "Good job, Goodman. You found our car so quickly."

"Wow, that's great! Now we can go back to the hotel immediately," Alice beamed with happiness, clinging to Stern's arm. She eagerly ran to the Bentley, opened the door without hesitation, and got in with Stern.

Only then did Goodman realize that the black object he had been leaning against was indeed the Bentley they had been looking for.

With no time to ponder the situation, Goodman was shoved into the car by Yang Chen, ending up sitting next to Stern and Alice.

As he gathered his thoughts, Goodman shouted, "Director Yang! I'm not 'Goodman'! I'm not!"

"Got it, got it. I won't call you 'Goodman' anymore, Goodman," Yang Chen chuckled and shut the car door.

Lin Ruoxi, about to get in, was left outside the door, puzzled. "What do you mean?"

"Darling, you don't need to sit there. Sit next to me. I'll drive, and you can sit in the front passenger seat," Yang Chen winked. "Goodman's too annoying; you don't want to suffer the whole way, do you?"

Before Lin Ruoxi could respond, Yang Chen opened the passenger door and pulled her in.

Yang Chen quickly got in himself, started the car, and turned on the headlights. Suddenly, the warehouse was lit up significantly.

The warehouse was as large as ten basketball courts. Along the sides were dozens of steel storage doors, some open and filled with miscellaneous items, others tightly locked.

The warehouse seemed old and in disrepair, with holes in many places on the roof. It just so happened that tonight there was no starlight or moonlight, which was why it was pitch black.

"What's that?!"

As soon as the headlights came on, Goodman and the others saw three or four more bodies of black-clad guards lying not far from the car.

"Dead kidnappers, Mr. Goodman, are you scared again?" Alice giggled.

Goodman quickly composed himself and coughed twice, "No, no, Miss Alice, you've misunderstood. I'm just a bit surprised that suddenly these people are all dead. Has someone come to rescue us?"

Stern's handsome face showed a strange expression. "Mr. Goodman, didn't Mr. Yang just say that these people are all dead? Didn't you hear?"

"Could it have been Director Yang?" Goodman thought carefully. Yang Chen had indeed mentioned that everyone here was dead, but how could he have known?

Suddenly, Goodman exclaimed, "Could it have been Director Yang who killed them?"

"Who else could it be? We don't have guns, except for the one in Director Yang's hand," Stern, now sitting in the car with the lights on, casually poured wine for Alice from a half-finished bottle, both siblings enjoying themselves leisurely.

Goodman stared blankly at them, his mind filled with the image of Yang Chen's playful demeanor earlier. He was stunned.

Lin Ruoxi, sitting in the front seat, naturally noticed the bodies on the ground as well. However, having known Yang Chen for a while and having seen dead bodies before, she wasn't particularly frightened. Instead, she pondered for a moment and hesitantly asked, "When you fired randomly into the darkness earlier, were you actually aiming at them?"

Yang Chen, who was fastening his seatbelt, smiled at her question, "It doesn't matter whether I aimed or not. As long as they're dead, it's good enough."

"Where are we going now?" Lin Ruoxi asked.

"Back to Paris, of course."

"Do you even know where we are and how to get back?" Lin Ruoxi asked skeptically.

Yang Chen nodded confidently, "We should be near the town of Romilly, southeast of Paris, by the Seine River. It's about a two-hour drive to the city center. We'll still have time for a sumptuous dinner in Paris."

With that, Yang Chen shifted the gear and floored the accelerator. The car roared and sped towards the large iron gate of the warehouse.

"Are you crazy?! What are you doing?!" Even Lin Ruoxi, usually composed, couldn't take it anymore. Yang Chen intended to drive straight through the distant iron gate!

"Don't worry, just sit tight," Yang Chen laughed, suddenly extending his left hand, which held the rifle, out of the window, and fired a burst of bullets at the edge of the iron gate.

Sparks flew, and an electrical box-like object near the gate exploded, triggering a chain reaction and causing a massive explosion near the gate!

With a thunderous roar, flames erupted, and the iron gate was blown to pieces!

In the midst of this fiery chaos, the Bentley shot through the blasted gate like a black lightning bolt.

Due to the speed of the car, the resulting powerful airflow prevented the flames from sticking to the car. The passengers felt only a momentary heat before things returned to normal.

Lin Ruoxi felt as if she were in a Hollywood action movie, the female lead by the male protagonist's side, surviving near-death situations through a series of thrilling explosions. The life-or-death experience left her body slightly rigid and speechless.

"Madman, madman..." Goodman, in the backseat, was at a loss for words to describe his impression of Yang Chen.

Stern and Alice, however, were excitedly cheering, clearly finding the whole experience thrilling and cool.

After the Bentley burst out of the warehouse, it reached a flat area where Yang Chen immediately hit the brakes, bringing the car to a sudden stop.

Lin Ruoxi looked out the car window and saw, just as Yang Chen had described, a wide river not far from the warehouse, undoubtedly the famous Seine River. Beyond the vast woodland, she could see the city lights. Whether this was indeed the town of Romilly as Yang Chen mentioned, she couldn't be sure.

Just as Lin Ruoxi was wondering why Yang Chen had stopped the car, she saw him about to open the door and get out.

"Yang Chen! What are you doing?!" Lin Ruoxi's heart raced. She didn't understand why he would stop now. Shouldn't they be hurrying back to Paris to avoid being discovered?

Yang Chen patted the back of his head, then leaned back into the car and smiled at Lin Ruoxi, "Sorry, I almost forgot. I need to report to you first. Don't worry, darling. There are still some poor souls kidnapped in that warehouse. I'll be the good guy and make sure they can go home too."

Lin Ruoxi's eyes widened. She wished she hadn't heard Yang Chen's "report."

After speaking, Yang Chen got out of the car again, walked to the back, and stood there with the rifle in one hand and his phone in the other, dialing a number.

"What... what is he doing?!" Goodman was terrified. He had thought they were about to leave this terrible place, but now that they had just left the warehouse, the car stopped again!

"Mr. Goodman, it seems you have night blindness. Mr. Yang is making a phone call," Alice said with a giggle.

"At a time like this?! Making a phone call?!" Goodman nearly screamed.

Stern scratched his ear and yawned, "He probably had an urgent call to make, considering he couldn't get a signal in the warehouse."

At that moment, two jeeps with blinding headlights roared out of the darkness on either side of the warehouse, their engines growling as they sped straight towards Yang Chen!

"It's over! Their accomplices are here!" Goodman, like a deflated balloon, slumped back into his seat, feeling hopeless again.

Just then, Yang Chen calmly finished his call and tucked his phone away. Without even flinching, he raised his rifle and took aim at the approaching jeeps. As the jeeps got closer, Yang Chen's expression remained unperturbed. With precise movements, he opened fire.

The sound of gunfire echoed through the night as bullets struck the jeeps, causing one to swerve and crash into a tree, while the other came to a screeching halt. The drivers were either incapacitated or too terrified to continue their assault.

Inside the Bentley, Stern and Alice watched with a mixture of awe and excitement. Lin Ruoxi, still in shock, couldn't help but feel a strange mix of fear and admiration for Yang Chen's fearlessness and skill.

Yang Chen lowered his rifle and casually walked back to the Bentley, a satisfied smile on his face. He opened the driver's door, got in, and looked at Lin Ruoxi. "See? No problem. Now, let's get back to Paris."

Lin Ruoxi, unable to find the words, just nodded. Yang Chen started the car again, and they sped off into the night, leaving the chaos behind.

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