Greetings, Mister Principal

Chapter 217: Percival’s Memories

Chapter 217: Percival’s Memories

Morale Support: Scherzo

Patreon: /ScherzoTranslations

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If you asked who Percival worshiped, there would be many answers. The high-level mages, the legendary mages, and the sages who developed magic to its current level: All of these are the objects of Percival’s worship.

However, if you mention whom Percival envies, Sirius Odman’s name would likely be the first to come up.

Yes, Percival was envious of Sirius. Immensely envious.

When he first enrolled, Percival was trying to maintain good relationships with his classmates in order to become their leader, just like he had at his previous magic school. It was then that Sirius appeared.

In the very first class, Sirius stumped the professor with a question and instantly became famous.

After that, Sirius’s outstanding magical talent drew almost everyone’s attention, while Percival’s efforts to maintain relationships through petty tricks were hardly noticed. The whole world revolved around Sirius alone.

Initially, if he could have stayed away from Sirius, Percival wouldn’t have minded much. But by coincidence, he and Sirius were assigned to the same mentor. More importantly, Percival met Lisa.

The girl was so captivating that Percival knew at first sight that he was in love.

But what Percival didn’t expect was that Lisa would turn a blind eye to his gentleness and affection. She had fallen for that blockhead, Sirius, who only understood magic!

Percival felt as if his life was shrouded in a dark fog, and that fog was Sirius Odman!

However, who could have predicted that in the second year at school, Sirius’s thesis research encountered huge problems. He suddenly fell silent, and even his mentor, Bodoro, who had been optimistic about him, stopped paying attention. Until graduation, Sirius never made another splash.

Taking advantage of the discord between Lisa and Sirius, Percival wooed her with tender care, finally winning her over. After graduation, they got married. Percival stayed at the school as an assistant teacher, and Lisa became a full-time housewife.

What Percival didn’t expect was that Sirius did not leave the school. He often appeared on campus, explaining his thesis to people. Although most thought he was a madman, Percival did not think so.

Sirius was a true genius. Percival knew that, but Sirius had gone astray. If he found his way back on track, the achievements he could accomplish would be unparalleled.

One day, after finishing a class and preparing to return to his office to organize the materials, Percival suddenly saw a familiar figure.

It was Sirius, sneaking into the school again.

Percival noticed that some school guards had also spotted Sirius. He followed them and saw Sirius being taken away by the guards while talking to a female student. Percival sighed and commanded the guards. “Leave him to me.”

The guards saluted Percival and then let go of Sirius.

“Are you done yet?”

Percival asked Sirius, but Sirius didn’t seem to focus on him.

“Why are you here… How…”

Sirius kept muttering to himself, ignoring Percival.

“Sirius, I’m only speaking to you because of Lisa. If you can abandon your so-called imaginary numbers, at least…”

Before Percival could finish, Sirius punched him.


Percival, who had transferred to the elemental system, had already advanced to the third level. A magical barrier instantly formed in front of him. Sirius’s fist hit the transparent wall and he hit with such force that blood seeped from his hand.

“You… you took Lisa from me…”

Sirius’s face was twisted with fury, and he glared at Percival, his eyes bloodshot.


Percival looked at Sirius. Due to his obsession with his thesis, Sirius’s magical skills hadn’t improved much since their early days. He was still at the first level, and he had become emaciated from long-term mental and physical exhaustion. At this moment, Percival finally could look down on Sirius.

“You abandoned Lisa for your insignificant thesis and research. Look at me. You were the focus of everyone’s attention, and I was just a nobody. But now, our positions have completely reversed. I am a winner in life, and you are nothing but a failure.”

Percival, driven by years of jealousy, became somewhat hysterical as he screamed. “Sirius, HAHA, I never thought you’d see this day. Obsessed with meaningless things, you ultimately ruined your future.”

“But it’s correct. Both the derivation process and the final conclusion are correct.” Sirius murmured to himself. Suddenly, he raised his head and looked at Percival. “What’s more important for you?”

His seemingly ambiguous question stunned Percival.

In Sirius’s eyes, Percival saw his former self. Once upon a time, Percival had also argued passionately with others over a magical problem, stayed up all night pondering a spell model, and devoted himself to finding an answer.

But later, Percival realized that all of this was meaningless. Even without such deep study, he could still learn magic and advance. With connections and means, he could continue to rise in the school and the Magic Association. Switching from the law system to the element system was because elemental magic was more practical and easier to master than the difficult to apply laws.

Sirius’s question was vague yet clear.

To Percival, what was more important?

Love? His career? Money? Fame?

Or was it the pursuit of truth?

Without a doubt, Sirius had chosen the latter, while Percival had abandoned the pursuit of truth for everything else.

A loud noise exploded in his mind as Percival swung his arm.


With a loud crash, Sirius was sent flying and slammed heavily into the wall. He spat out a mouthful of repugnant blood, coughing incessantly.


Percival realized what he had done. He wanted to check on Sirius’s condition, but his feet felt like they were filled with heavy lead, unable to move.

Sirius slowly got up. Without words, without looking at Percival, he supported himself against the wall, slowly walking away.

“What I did was right…”

Percival muttered, staring blankly in the direction Sirius had left.

He had obtained everything he wanted.

But why was there a void in his heart that couldn’t be filled?

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