Greetings, Mister Principal

Chapter 184: A Crow’s Feast (2)

Chapter 184: A Crow’s Feast (2)

Morale Support: Scherzo

Patreon: /ScherzoTranslations



Joestar felt a tsunami rushing through his mind. He personally verified the laws of heredity through calculations, which conflicted with the millennia-old history of his family that he had always upheld.

What is bloodline, and what are bloodline factors? If everyone can control their own power through bloodline factors, then what is the significance of the existence of pure-blooded families?

What’s the point of everything he has done???

A massive wave surged in his Mind Lake. This wasn’t just a simple feedback from the world: it was a cognitive frenzy that shook his entire Mind Lake.

Veins bulged on Joestar’s hand and forehead, and magic flowed against the current in his body.

The magical foundation of pure-blooded families comes from their own bloodline power. One could say that their magical foundation is their bloodline. At this moment, the mystery of the bloodline was deciphered, meaning that the pride of the Joestar family is no longer secret.

The laws of the world that Joestar had always known vanished in an instant.

As a radical, Joestar had always been proud of his bloodline. But now, inside this banquet hall, he personally witnessed the principles of heredity. If the initial examples with peas and moon owls were just animal examples, the revelation of the secrets of the Albione family was a solid punch.

A punch right into the face of the pure-blooded families.

Once proud, mighty, and mysterious, the pure-blooded families now turned chaotic, dirty, and despicable.

Joestar suddenly thought of his three wives, his two younger brothers, and those sons of his who were similar to him.

Have they betrayed me too?

His will that had been as precarious as a candle in the wind collapsed at the touch, and the entire tower collapsed.

Magic surged from his blood, reaching his limbs, and finally, his head.


The magical force that seemed tangible exploded from Joestar’s body. All the blood vessels on the surface of his skin boiled simultaneously, and his exquisite and beautiful robe was instantly stained with dark-red blood.


The magical force that went against the current destroyed all the muscle tissue in Joestar’s body in an instant. At the same time, it detonated his Mind Lake. The once quiet and peaceful sanctuary was now like a ruin hit directly by a meteor, scorched and desolate.

Having lost all strength, Joestar stiffly fell forward, emitting a muffled sound.

The banquet hall fell into a silent shock. The series of changes had already left people stunned.

Lord Lockfield put down his wine glass, stood up, preparing to check on Joestar’s condition.

However, what happened next was beyond his expectations.


Another low groan came from another corner of the banquet hall. Another pure-blooded mage couldn’t accept the analysis of his bloodline and experienced a cognitive collapse.

Using Joestar’s cognitive collapse as a trigger, the shockwave spread like ripples in all directions.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

This was a scene that even Lockfield had never seen before. One after another, mages experienced cognitive collapses, their magic flow reversed, and they exploded from within. Like blooming flowers, blood splattered in all directions.

And these weren’t just some uninformed low-level mages; they were the heads of pure-blooded families with histories spanning hundreds or even thousands of years, almost all of them being mid-level mages!

For others, Joestar’s cognitive collapse represented the defeat of the radicals within the pure-blooded families. It further catalyzed the cognitive collapse of other radical factions.

So, one stone stirred a thousand ripples. Other families following Joestar were also influenced by the last straw, and their cognition fell into chaos, then collapsed.

If it was one or two people, Lord Lockfield could still use his strength to stabilize the flow of their magic, with a chance to suppress the magic’s reverse flow caused by cognitive breakdown. However, with so many people simultaneously breaking down, Lockfield wouldn’t risk helping them. Even if a legendary mage were present, they would be powerless in the current situation.

The sound of blood splattering merged into a passionate and broad symphony for a short time, reaching its climax and then a diminuendo into a smorzando.

The women even forgot to scream, just staring blankly at everything happening.

The young ones, seeing their fathers explode one after another, couldn’t do anything. Their minds went blank, and the world changed suddenly.

At this moment, even William and George couldn’t hold on any longer.

A series of cognitive collapses caused chaos in the magic in this hall. Although they could forcefully suppress the magic’s reverse flow in their bodies, the external disturbances were too strong.


Before William could finish speaking, a low explosion was heard. Blood splattered from the back of his head, and he swelled slightly. The next moment, red blood gushed, covering his entire body.

“I won… I won… Hahaha… Ugh!”

George’s maniacal laughter abruptly stopped. He stared in disbelief at his swollen hands.

Immediately, blood gushed from George’s fingertips.


The influence in cognition affected the body. George’s robe was instantly filled with his own blood as he stood there like a statue.

The pure-blood family’s elegy finally came to an end.

The once festive banquet hall was now covered in blood, silent and tragic.

Lord Lockfield looked around, counting the number of mages who had a cognitive collapse.

Excluding William and George, all the mages were radicals from pure-blooded families, totaling ten people. This was the number of individuals who completely broke down, causing their magic to reverse and explode. There were even more cases of cognitive collapse among the two daughters of the Albione family and young pure-blooded mages.

As for the remaining pure-blooded families, to compensate for their bloodline deficiencies and for survival, they should gladly accept the requirements of the Magic Association, abandoning some traditional practices that should have been discarded long ago.

After this incident, the pure-blooded faction was practically dead.

The power of the bloodline would eventually be deciphered under the theory of bloodline factors. The powers that the pure-blooded families had been proud of would become a boon for the common people and to the public.

Lord Lockfield sighed softly. He hadn’t expected things to evolve to this extent. Twelve mid-level mages experiencing cognitive collapse, even the former Lord Isaris Eberthon wouldn’t have been able to accomplish such a feat.

Thinking of this, Lord Lockfield looked at the initiator of all this, Reiner Ian Gray.

Although the cognitive collapses weren’t entirely Reiner’s responsibility, from today onwards, the name Reiner Ian Gray would likely gain a few more titles, including some with a bloody connotation, in addition to being a rising star in the Magic Association.

“The Magic Association’s goal of unifying the pure-blood faction, which they haven’t accomplished in a hundred years, has unexpectedly been achieved by this guy with just a thesis. Whether as an opponent or as a colleague, it’s terrifying.”

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