Greatest Legacy of the Magus Universe

Chapter 279 Dawn

Chapter 279 Dawn

Elton hurriedly ran atop the city walls, loudly sending out orders, "Use all the explosion potions you have! Use them now! Attack the enemy with everything you have. Magi, it's now or never!"

Sensing the gravity of the situation, the expressions of these Magi turned extremely serious. They glanced at the remaining enemies on the battlefield and began attacking them with everything in their arsenal.

At once, the ferocity of their attacks increased sharply. The battlefield was once again lit up with blinding lights as countless explosions occurred simultaneously on all five battlefields. The casualties amongst the enemy forces increased yet again.

Seeing such a gruesome scene, the enemy forces didn't wish for anything but to retreat. They had attacked tonight, hoping that the city would easily fall into their hands. However, they suffered one setback after another.

Moreover, it didn't help that the Rank 2 Magi of their army were nowhere near the battlefield. Their morale had hit an all-time low. In wars, morale greatly influenced an army's combat prowess.

Now that the enemy's morale had severely weakened, they were very likely to surrender or retreat. And that was exactly where the war was now headed.

Meanwhile, amidst this chaotic battlefield, Adam and Valerian stealthily made their way through the horde of enemies and reached the army's rear. They had only chosen to do so because Adam had confirmed that there were no Rank 2 Magi present on the battlefield.

Valeiran's topaz eyes flashed with excitement as he thought to himself, This is war? How fun! I must make my brother proud. Myuuu!!

The young dragon crouched low, his muscles coiling like springs. The next moment, Valerian sprang forth in the midst of the enemies with astonishing agility. He moved with a grace that seemed beyond supernatural.

Sometimes he would run between a troll's legs, other times he would bolt past an ogre's shoulders. The enemies weren't able to sense the young dragon's presence at all. All they felt was a sudden gust of wind and then nothing.

As Valerian ran with a broad grin on his furry face, he deftly dropped small vials of explosion potions from the earring. His movements were precise, weaving through the enemies with uncanny speed.

Just when a group of orcs had caught sight of him and were about to catch him, a series of explosions rang out behind him in a straight line.


The enemy forces were already defending against explosions from the front, but now all of a sudden, explosions were going off in the rear as well.

To say that they were shocked would be a major understatement.

Valerian left confusion and havoc in his wake as he ran past the enemies. His actions were not random, however. He seemed to have a purpose, a plan.

The little guy dropped the potions strategically to disrupt enemy formations. Each explosion sent enemies flying. Of course, most of them were already dead by the time they hit the ground.

Despite the danger around him, Valerian showed no fear. If anything, he was greatly enjoying it.

Myuuu! Explosions are fun!

On the other side of the battlefield, Adam took a more brutish and direct approach compared to Valerian. Instead of going at it covertly, the youth charged through all the enemies with his fists alone.

With every swing of his fists, enemies were brutally injured and on the verge of death. Adam didn't forget to throw all the explosion potions behind him as he mauled through the army.


Another line of explosions rang out on the battlefield. However, this was going in the opposite direction of the first line of explosions. Now, the enemy forces were flanked between a layer of explosions from the front—that was caused by Magi on the city walls—and the back.

Moreover, these potions that Adam and Valerian were currently using were an enhanced version. The flames produced by these potions would last longer than the regular ones.

Meaning, the enemy forces were now trapped!

Just as Adam was ripping through the enemy's defenses and chucking one explosion potion after another, in the near distance, a young orc happened to witness this scene and was incomparably stunned.

However, it wasn't Adam's actions that were shocking but his appearance.

This human! The orc thought incredulously. Although he doesn't have that scar on his face… I'm sure this is the human that Gorgo had told us to keep an eye on!

At the onset of the war, Gorgo had already informed a large number of young orcs to be on the lookout for the human who had killed Kurdan and the others inside the secret plane. He had already distributed a sketch of Adam's face to the other orcs.

The orc looked at the battlefield and saw the number of people that were dying from the explosions. Seeing this, he nervously gulped. Damn it! This battle is as good as lost…

He glanced back at Adam, who was slowly approaching his location, and his body shuddered in terror.

No! I must escape from this place and inform Gorgo of this human's whereabouts.

The orc cast one last glance at his allies. Then, without hesitation, he turned around and escaped into the depths of the Murky Mountains.

Back on the city walls, the Magi standing there watched with shock and amazement at the two, large walls of flames that were slowly surrounding the enemies.

These walls of flames were a result of Adam and Valerian's actions as they went around the battlefield throwing explosion potions.

The enemies now had nowhere to go.

Seizing this opportunity, Elton raised his sword in the air and screamed at the top of his lungs, "My brave warriors! The time has come!"

Everyone looked at this middle-aged Magus from the Roy Family with great anticipation, their blood boiling with strong emotions.

Elton's lips curled up into a wide grin, his eyes flashing with deep fighting intent.

"For Stardale!"

With that said, he was the first one to jump off the wall and begin slaughtering the enemies.

"OHHH!!" The Magi jumped down one after the other as they began their assault. It was like the demon inside of them had awakened as they hacked through their enemies.

This had turned into a one-sided massacre!

The skies above the battlefield were clear. The battle there had already ended at some point. All the enemy flying beasts had been taken care of.

Now, all that remained were the Magi and their flying mounts that were being led by Edward and Aquila.

The blue-eyed youth glanced at the two walls of flames that were slowly closing in on each other, about to connect at any moment. Seeing this, he smirked. "Hehe, you madman."

Meanwhile, back inside the city, all the enemies had also been dealt with. Lisa stood proud and tall before the corpses of her enemies. She had single-handedly led all the Magi inside the city to protect the residents.

She turned her head and gazed at the horizon. The night sky was suddenly dyed a shade of orange as the twin moons slowly began to set. Meanwhile, on the other side, the sun was beginning to rise.

Seeing that, her lips parted and she muttered with a smile filled with relief,


Outside the walls, the vast majority of the enemies had been viciously exterminated by the Magi. Only a small portion managed to escape before the wall of flames had completely merged and surrounded them. But that didn't matter.

After a gruesome night of slaughter, through many ups and downs, the battle had finally come to an end.

But strangely enough, the battlefield was quiet, all the Magi searching for a certain person.

Suddenly, Elton's gaze landed on a figure in the distance, standing around countless corpses by the grand wall of flames.

This figure was wearing a black, tattered robe and a cape that fluttered in the wind behind him, making him look heroic. Moreover, he also wore a black pointy hat which further deepened the aura of gallantry emanating from him.

A gray cat could also be seen comfortably sitting on this young man's shoulder, leisurely licking its paw and looking around in a bored manner from time to time.

When Elton glanced at this youth, he was deeply moved and involuntarily cried tears of joy. The greatest reason for their victory tonight could be attributed to this person.

Despite their rocky, first encounter, he was proud to have fought shoulder to shoulder with this young man.

Adam could also see Elton looking at him from the distance. Their gazes met, and he nodded his head ever so slightly, a faint smile slowly forming on his lips.

Receiving the youth's acknowledgment, Elton couldn't control himself any longer. He clenched his fists tightly and took a deep breath before passionately roaring to the skies,

"Brave Magi of the Southern Federation…"

"The Battle of Stardale is won!!"


At once, the battlefield was filled with the sound of cheers and laughter. As the victorious Magi burst into celebration, Adam didn't join them.

He walked around the bloody battlefield, stepping over the heaps of corpses and the streams of blood.

The reason?

To collect souls.

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