Greatest Legacy of the Magus Universe

Chapter 274 Retreat

Chapter 274 Retreat

All types of flying magical beasts from wind falcons, thunder eagles, dark crows, and even rot vultures came flying down at the location where Adam and the Magi of the Roy Family were engaged in a brutal bloodbath.

Adam raised his head and glanced at the flying beasts headed his way and couldn't help but curse aloud, "Damn it!"

He and the Magi around him already had their hands full with the enemies in front of them. Now, if they had to divert their attention to these flying beasts as well, there would be heavy casualties.

Moreover, they couldn't afford to lose anyone at the moment. While they were holding off the enemies from attacking the gates again, the rest of the Magi in the city had divided into two, each with their own objectives.

One half was repairing the walls, the other half was taking care of all the enemies that had already entered the city and wreaking havoc.

Realizing the precarious situation they were in, Adam gritted his teeth and prepared to launch Magic Missiles at the incoming flying beasts.

But right at that moment, a deafening screech of a magical beast was heard, followed by the earsplitting sound of lightning.


In the dark of the night, blue lightning streaked across the sky above the battlefield. When the lightning resided, the flying beasts that were about to attack Adam and the rest fell to the ground, their bodies emitting plumes of smoke.

And then...

All that remained above was a majestic black griffin flapping its wings and looking down on everyone. Atop this griffin sat Edward wielding a spear that was cackling with lighting.

"Fatty!" Adam's eyes lit up in pleasant surprise.

Edward lowered his head and glanced at his friend. He then solemnly stated, "Leave the skies to me."

"Heh," Adam grinned. "That's my boy."

With that said, he focused his full attention on the battle in front of him. Meanwhile, Edward and Aquila rose to a higher altitude and prepared to face off against the flying beasts that were advancing from the direction of the Murky Mountains.

He gently patted Aquila's head, "You ready?"

The black griffin screeched in acknowledgment, excitement and deep fighting intent gleaming in his eyes.

"Good!" Edward smiled. "Let's show them what we got."

Aquila was a griffin with a natural disposition toward the element of lightning. Moreover, being Edward's bonded familiar, he wasn't affected in the least when the former used his lightning magic.

If anything, the griffin was boosted with the help of Edward's lightning mana.

"Here they come," Edward solemnly stated as he squinted his eyes, gazing at the small, flying dots that were slowly enlarging in his vision. He brandished his spear and coated it with blue lightning.

His eyes flashed with killing intent as he pointed the spear at his enemy. "Kill!"

Meanwhile, Adam and the Magi of the Roy Family were slowly getting overwhelmed by their enemies. The fact that they could even last this long was a testament to their strength.

Close to an hour had passed by since they had begun their battle, however, there had been no casualties till now. Although, all of them were grievously injured.

Adam screamed, "How much longer?!"

He had had his gravity spell activated for the entirety of the duration of this battle. Because of that, his mana had been depleting at an alarming rate. He wouldn't be able to hold on for much longer if this continued.

Although he was confident that he could escape from there all by himself, he didn't want to abandon the Magi who had risked their lives and fought by his side. He couldn't find it in himself to do it.

The Magi stationed atop the walls screamed one after the other.

"We're almost done!"

"It won't take much longer."

Much longer?! Adam screamed inwardly. How much is that?! Are you crazy?! Be specific!

He glanced around and saw that the Magi were already at the end of the rope. They had already stopped casting magic spells at one point and were relying solely on their magic combat techniques to preserve whatever little mana they had.

No, this won't do! The youth thought in alarm.

He hurriedly scanned the battlefield, looking for ways to get out of this predicament. Suddenly, he recalled something that he had earlier looked over in his moment of rage.

Damn it! I'm so foolish. Why didn't I think of that from the get-go?

The next moment, he hurriedly instructed. "You guys, retreat!"

"What about you?" Elton screamed as he hacked down the ferocious beasts with his sword.

"I have a plan," Adam solemnly stated. "Retreat as soon as I cast the smokescreen. But before that, buy me time to cast the spell."

The Magi of the Roy Family glanced at each other and then nodded, choosing to trust Adam. The next moment, as the other Magi protected the youth, he hurriedly weaved hand signs one after another.

His speed was so great that his hands appeared to be a shadowy blur. The following moment, half a dozen large magic circles appeared on the ground around him, and from them, a dense cloud materialized.

Rank 1 Spell: Fog!

The thick mist concealed everything around the youth. Following that, the Magi of the Roy Family did as told and hurriedly retreated before scaling the wall.

Atop the wall, Elton glanced at the battlefield below in apprehension. Everything was covered in that thick, gray smokescreen. Only the silhouettes of the enemies could be seen.

"What is he up to?" He muttered nervously, sharing the sentiment of everybody who was standing on the wall.

The next moment, something arose from within the mist, causing everyone to be greatly alarmed. It was a figure drenched in blood standing atop an earthen platform that seemed to be levitating with the help of spectral Magus Hands.

"Magus Adam!" The Magi of the allied forces breathed a sigh of relief. Suddenly, the fog on the battlefield receded, and what they were greeted by the next moment left them flabbergasted.

The battlefield directly in front of the city gates was unexpectedly covered in grease. The enemy was having great difficulty even balancing themselves and standing straight, much less coming closer to the city walls.

Seeing such a scene, the Magi above the walls had a general idea of what Adam was attempting to do. Hence, they all glanced at him with bated breaths.

Adam stood above the floating, earthen platform, his black cape gently fluttering in the wind. He waved his arms and hurled dozens of vials containing orange liquid at the enemies below.

With his arms spread wide, he glanced at the vials slowly falling on the battlefield. His lips parted and he coldly muttered, "Burn."

The next moment, the night sky suddenly lit up in a spectacular fashion.


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