Greatest Legacy of the Magus Universe

Chapter 180 Cowardly

Chapter 180 Cowardly

A group of eight orcs approached the battlefield where Edward and the rest were fighting the Dark Magi. These orcs seemed to be in their youths and all of them had strength equivalent to Neural Stage Magi!

The one leading this group was a young orc with a light green skin complexion. The sides of his head were shaved and he sported a mohawk that was tied into a braided ponytail. He wore red and white face paint that made him appear very intimidating.

He looked at the group and instructed, "We'll observe the situation first. If there are no dangers, we'll kill anyone in our paths and head straight for the House of Cards."

"Ohh!" The orcs nodded solemnly.

Except for one, a tall and lanky fellow. He glanced at the group leader and scoffed, "Kurdan, since when did you become such a coward? Danger or not, we should plow through anything and anyone standing in our way."

"Watch your mouth, Gorgo." A female orc glared at the lanky one. "If it wasn't for Kurdan's lead, most of us would have already died in this place. Don't question his judgment!"

Gorgo simply made a face at this female orc, but he knew she was right. So he didn't argue further. However, Kurdan's way of doing things didn't sit well with him.

Orcs were brave and mighty warriors. Since when did they have to act like rats? According to him, they should meet every difficulty head-on. This is what he was taught since childhood.

So now why did he have to do something that went against everything he was taught?

Why did the Chief decide to make Kurdan, who according to him was just a coward, the leader of this group?

He didn't understand.

Seeing the complicated look on Gorgo's face, Kurdan patted his shoulder and spoke solemnly, "I know that my decisions may not seem the best, but everything I do is so that all of us can fulfill the objective given to us by our Chief. Don't forget, the mission comes first."

Thinking of what their Chief had said to them before they departed, Gorgo began to calm down. He deeply looked at Kurdan and then nodded. "Fine, whatever."

Kurdan didn't take it to heart, instead, he just smiled.

Gorgo was the youngest member of their group, but he was already a Neural Stage Magus. Out of every one of them, this youth had the most potential and would most likely grow up to become the next Chief.

However, his only shortcoming was that he was too brash and hot-headed.

"Just bear with me for as long as the secret plane is opened." Kurdan glanced at the rest of the members. "It may seem cowardly, but please trust me."

"Of course, we trust you!"

"Why else do you think we're following you?"

"Kurdan, no need to explain yourself."

"We understand!"

The orcs chimed in one after another. Hearing them, Kurdan felt gratified. Then, he started to remind them again about the rules of the House of Cards.

"Alright, then. Once we enter the pyramid, we will be separated once again. So make sure—"

But he suddenly stopped what he was about to say when he sensed someone approaching them from the distance. It was only one person but the feeling that they were giving him was tyrannical!

"Everyone, halt!" He raised his hands and instructed.

As everyone stopped in their tracks, Kurdan stepped forward and stood in front of the group, an extremely grim expression marring his face and a trace of apprehension flashing across his eyes.

"What is it, Kurdan?"

"Why did we stop all of a sudden?"

Kurdan's eyes narrowed and he replied, "Someone's coming."

Although none of the orcs could see anyone in front of them, they chose to trust Kurdan. After all, he was someone who was praised for his sensory abilities even by the Chief.

Deep within the forest, the group of eight orcs stood still as they anticipated the arrival of their opponents. At the same time, they couldn't help but wonder just who it could be to make even their leader turn so serious.

Suddenly, a gust of wind blew, bringing along with it the dried leaves that had fallen to the ground. And a moment later, a hooded figure appeared out of nowhere like a specter!

"Oho!" The figure's voice carried with it a trace of surprise. "I was wondering who it was. So it's you guys. I've never seen an orc before. I must say, you guys look quite menacing up front. So scary~"

The orcs: "…"

They were dumbfounded. From the way Kurdan was acting, they thought they would come across a difficult group to deal with.

But it turned out to be just one stupid guy.

One of the orcs looked at Kurdan and asked dubiously, "Is… is that it?"

Kurdan still had a solemn expression on his face as he gazed at the hooded figure. "Don't take him lightly. He's a dangerous individual!"

"Oh?" The figure turned his head to look at Kurdan. "You're quite the perceptive one. It is indeed as you say. I'm crazy strong. Kekeke!"

The orcs, no matter how hard they tried, couldn't take this newcomer seriously. From the way he spoke to the way he carried himself, just what about him was dangerous?

Gorgo who was already at his wit's end, couldn't take it anymore. He glanced at Kurdan and sneered, "He's just one guy! Why must you be so cowardly—"

"Ahem!" The hooded figure interrupted him. "You guys, it will be best if you turn around and take a different route to the pyramid."

"You!!" Gorgo was livid. "Who the hell do you think you are?! You know what? I've had enough of this shit."

The next moment, he dashed toward the hooded figure in a fit of anger.

"Gorgo, no!"

Kurdan reached out to him, but it was already too late. Gorgo was the fastest Magi in their group, so by the time Kurdan had called out to him, he was already a few meters away from the hooded figure.

Gorgo bandished his twin daggers as he aimed for the newcomer's neck. "Stupid trash, you think too highly of yourself! How dare you look down on me?!"

However, the next moment, his eyes widened.

The hooded figure suddenly disappeared from his spot, and when he reappeared again he was already in front of the young orc.

All Gorgo could see was a flying knee enlarging in his vision. And he was utterly helpless against it.


Gorgo flew backward like a lifeless ragdoll, blood spurting out of his mouth and nose. He landed at the feet of the orcs, completely unconscious.

The orcs were stunned! They first glanced at Gorgo and then at the figure whose hood had come down due to the sudden movement he had just made.

It was a human Magus in his late teenage years. He had long raven hair tied into a ponytail, moreover, he also sported a stubble.

His facial features were plain except for his abyss-like eyes and the deep scar that ran diagonally across his face.

The youth looked at the group of orcs and smirked.

"That was my final warning. The next person that takes a step forward…


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